- Explore Equipment API Documentation, now part of the V4 API architecture, delivers
seamless integration, enhanced performance, and reliability for all users. - The enhanced Equipment Tracking API offers improved documentation, including detailed
descriptions of requests, responses, data types, and example payloads to simplify
integration. These updates ensure clearer implementation and a smoother experience for
developers. - The Equipment Tracking API documentation includes all modules, such as Equipment, BLE
Beacons, Pairings, Categories, Locations, and Live Map, ensuring ease of integration with
comprehensive developer documentation.
Use this API to obtain a new access token. To understand how to refresh your token for continued access, refer to the refreshToken API documentation.
New API: Introduced the viewEvents API to provide enhanced functionality for subscribing to webhook events.
Response and Request Descriptions: Improved the request and response descriptions for all APIs under webhook module
400 Error Responses: Updated the response objects for 400 status codes across all APIs to provide more informative error messages.
API Descriptions: Enhanced the overall verbiage in the API descriptions for better clarity and understanding.