Webhook Events

Below is a structured list of webhook events, each with a short description. Click on each event to view the sample payload.


Triggered when an accident or crash is detected.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": false,
  "inputBit4": 0,
  "voiceCallActive": 0,
  "inputBit3": 0,
  "inputBit6": 0,
  "groupId": "559d6f4c-11bf-11ed-8895-27b5feb885d3",
  "inputBit5": 0,
  "standStillCrash": false,
  "deviceId": "3f14843e-14c7-11ed-9449-43d7d49f480d",
  "initialSpeed": 0,
  "crash": true,
  "networkService": 0,
  "finalSpeed": 0,
  "commStateConnected": 0,
  "messageType": "ACCIDENT_DETECTION",
  "messageIndex": "0",
  "dimentionFix": 0,
  "lastKnownLon": 77.611127,
  "inputBit0": 0,
  "vendorTypeId": 1,
  "inputBit2": 0,
  "id": "1c00d95d-3301-4272-b9f6-72a0224bbf9e",
  "inputBit1": 0,
  "fixStatuslastKnown": 0,
  "fixStatusHistoric": 0,
  "commStatusAvaliable": 0,
  "locationTime": 1662630309000,
  "odometer": 0,
  "offset": 0,
  "virtualTripEnd": false,
  "eventIndex": 0,
  "assetNo": "",
  "fixStatusCorrected": 0,
  "pushPopCrash": false,
  "insideHOO": true,
  "deviceSerial": "3339076777",
  "eventAliasId": "dc5c3f84-a601-11e5-96ee-22000ac501ss",
  "groupName": "Default Group",
  "spikeOnlyCrash": false,
  "bumpCrash": false,
  "lastKnownTime": 1662630015000,
  "jmsType": "",
  "lastKnownLat": 17.691376,
  "fixQuality": 0,
  "unitStatusBit0": 0,
  "vehicleName": "3339076777",
  "unitStatusBit2": 0,
  "deviceTypeId": 1,
  "unitStatusBit1": 0,
  "unitStatusBit3": 0,
  "storedLocation": false,
  "protocolVersionIdChange": true,
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  "fixStatusPredict": 0,
  "invalidFix": 0,
  "dataService": 0,
  "network3G": 0,
  "noOfAccums": 0,
  "privacyModeEnable": false,
  "customerId": 15047,
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  "vehicleId": "3f14843d-14c7-11ed-9449-2f5611afcf3f",
  "tripNumber": 0,
  "lastKnownFixQuality": 0,
  "spare": 0,
  "roaming": 0,
  "stateId": 0,
  "confidence": "max 75",
  "userName": "3339076777",
  "userId": "8a938091-8268-7d94-0182-6e50994400ba",
  "tripState": "ACTIVE",
  "messageTypeId": 0,
  "location": {
    "latitude": 34.73975,
    "longitude": -82.379671
  "batteryPercentage": 0,
  "commonState": 0,
  "currentState": 0,
  "potCrash": true,
  "messageEventTypeId": 0


Triggered when an impact event is detected by the accelerometer.

Example Payload
    "inputBit7": 0,
    "partialUpdate": false,
    "deviceAssociatedVIN": "5TDABCDEFMS028757",
    "inputBit4": 0,
    "voiceCallActive": 0,
    "inputBit3": 0,
    "inputBit6": 0,
    "groupId": "0bb4d54f-1111-2222-3333-894bb2a1244a",
    "inputBit5": 0,
    "accEventType": "IMPACT_EVENT",
    "deviceId": "7f1a77bc-1111-2222-3333-5b336d4503a3",
    "networkService": 0,
    "commStateConnected": 0,
    "dimentionFix": 0,
    "lastKnownLon": -83.6639652,
    "inputBit0": 0,
    "vendorTypeId": 1,
    "inputBit2": 0,
    "id": "2300dc05-1111-1111-1111-f4ae14828898",
    "inputBit1": 0,
    "fixStatuslastKnown": 0,
    "fixStatusHistoric": 0,
    "longitude": -83.6623985,
    "serialNumber": "90123451092",
    "commStatusAvaliable": 0,
    "locationTime": 1723833956000,
    "odometer": 512345,
    "offset": -240,
    "maxValue": 11601,
    "virtualTripEnd": false,
    "eventIndex": 0,
    "imei_meid": "2342432423423",
    "assetNo": "",
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    "processedTime": 1723833957428,
    "insideHOO": true,
    "deviceSerial": "90123451092",
    "groupName": "Atlanta",
    "lastKnownTime": 1723833934000,
    "lastKnownLat": 33.9341893,
    "fixQuality": 0,
    "unitStatusBit0": 0,
    "vehicleName": "ATL9 21 Toyota test",
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    "deviceTypeId": 1,
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    "storedLocation": false,
    "protocolVersionIdChange": false,
    "triggerValue": 5441,
    "latitude": 33.9303913,
    "unitStatus": 0,
    "fixStatusPredict": 0,
    "invalidFix": 0,
    "dataService": 0,
    "network3G": 0,
    "lastKnownAddress": "1299-1151, Austin Rd, Bethlehem, GA, 30680, USA",
    "noOfAccums": 0,
    "privacyModeEnable": false,
    "customerId": 7098,
    "fixStatus": 0,
    "vehicleId": "7f1a77bc-1111-1111-bb33-59d55b90cb8c",
    "tripNumber": 4546,
    "lastKnownFixQuality": 0,
    "spare": 0,
    "roaming": 0,
    "eventNumber": 0,
    "stateId": 0,
    "userName": "16-550-370 test",
    "userId": "8a9388a9-1111-2222-0182-8da1f0e4036d",
    "tripState": "ACTIVE",
    "messageTypeId": 10,
    "location": {
      "latitude": 33.9303913,
      "longitude": -83.6623985
    "batteryPercentage": 0,
    "commonState": 0,
    "currentState": 0,
    "messageEventTypeId": 0



Triggered when a hard turn is detected along the Y-axis.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": false,
  "inputBit4": 0,
  "voiceCallActive": 0,
  "inputBit3": 0,
  "inputBit6": 0,
  "inputBit5": 0,
  "accEventType": "HARD_TURN",
  "deviceId": "bcfe039f-dd18-11ec-87d5-93fad87f8855",
  "networkService": 0,
  "commStateConnected": 0,
  "messageType": "ACCELEROMETER_Y_AXIS",
  "messageIndex": "320131950",
  "dimentionFix": 0,
  "lastKnownLon": -82.0093379,
  "inputBit0": 0,
  "inputBit2": 0,
  "id": "1c00295b-4d00-4fb7-8599-81ee3d8a720e",
  "state": null,
  "inputBit1": 0,
  "commStatusAvaliable": 0,
  "locality": null,
  "eventIndex": 0,
  "assetNo": "",
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  "deviceSerial": "1112303428",
  "groupName": "Cleveland",
  "lastKnownTime": 1663781625000,
  "jmsType": "",
  "vehicleName": "RedHonda",
  "deviceTypeId": 1,
  "destinationQueues": null,
  "city": null,
  "triggerValue": 406,
  "latitude": 41.4678411,
  "unitStatus": 0,
  "invalidFix": 0,
  "dataService": 0,
  "noOfAccums": 0,
  "customerId": 1059,
  "beaconMacAddress": null,
  "tripNumber": 474,
  "spare": 0,
  "address": null,
  "roaming": 0,
  "messageEventType": null,
  "eventNumber": 0,
  "stateId": 0,
  "updateTime": null,
  "userId": "e9b4ce4f-8f31-11e8-8eb1-59678fe18a6f",
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  "currentState": 0,
  "deviceProtocolMessageId": null,
  "messageEventTypeId": 0,
  "zipCode": null,
  "country": null,
  "deviceAssociatedVIN": "2HGFC1F74GH637833",
  "beaconType": null,
  "groupId": "9858b964-8f35-11e8-ba61-5185a4cd8d87",
  "vendorTypeId": 1



Triggered when a vehicle's battery voltage returns to a normal range after a low voltage warning.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": false,
  "inputBit4": 0,
  "voiceCallActive": 0,
  "inputBit3": 0,
  "pidValueShort": null,
  "inputBit6": 0,
  "inputBit5": 0,
  "type": "OBD_EVENT_MESSAGE",
  "deviceId": "25a23993-3c1d-11ed-a595-bd9c2b11a258",
  "networkService": 0,
  "commStateConnected": 0,
  "messageIndex": "2199",
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  "lastKnownLon": 0,
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  "inputBit2": 0,
  "id": "1c00abe2-0d01-47ab-9a83-39e47d4de1ec",
  "state": null,
  "inputBit1": 0,
  "commStatusAvaliable": 0,
  "locality": null,
  "eventIndex": 0,
  "eventType": "ALARM_RESET",
  "assetNo": "",
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  "deviceSerial": "1121602950",
  "groupName": "Default Group",
  "pidValueByte": null,
  "lastKnownTime": null,
  "jmsType": "",
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  "city": null,
  "periodic": false,
  "latitude": 47.6438024,
  "unitStatus": 0,
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  "customerId": 1059,
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  "tripNumber": 247,
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  "address": null,
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  "messageEventType": null,
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  "userId": "8a938091-836a-255d-0183-701b75ef0047",
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  "country": null,
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  "groupId": "c337220c-8672-11e2-9b71-55cae3166848",
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  "pid": 65535,
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  "firmwareVersion": null,
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  "fixStatusHistoric": 0,
  "longitude": -122.1287005,
  "satellites": null,
  "locationTime": 1664017258000,
  "odometer": 1028,
  "offset": -420,
  "dataType": 6,
  "sensorUnitVal": null,
  "virtualTripEnd": false,
  "imei_meid": "112160295011216029",
  "insideHOO": true,
  "eventInfo": null,
  "timeOfFix": null,
  "sensorNames": null,
  "tripPolyline": null,
  "lastKnownLat": 0,
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  "protocolVersionIdChange": false,
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  "lastKnownAddress": null,
  "privacyModeEnable": false,
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  "vehicleId": "25a23992-3c1d-11ed-a595-9b58825a328a",
  "pidValueInt": null,
  "lastKnownFixQuality": 0,
  "pidValueFloat": 11.956,
  "userName": "1121602950",
  "tripState": "IGNITION_OFF",
  "messageTypeId": 7,
  "obdSpeed": null,
  "location": {
    "latitude": 47.6438024,
    "longitude": -122.1287005
  "commonState": 0,
  "carrierId": null,
  "pidValueString": null


Triggered when the camera button is pressed.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": false,
  "inputBit4": 0,
  "voiceCallActive": 0,
  "inputBit3": 0,
  "inputBit6": 0,
  "inputBit5": 0,
  "type": "Tamper",
  "deviceId": "3c5a8683-3fa2-11ec-95bd-e7f189acaa48",
  "networkService": 0,
  "commStateConnected": 0,
  "messageType": "CAM_BUTTON_PRESSED",
  "messageIndex": "0",
  "dimentionFix": 0,
  "lastKnownLon": -96.6493258,
  "inputBit0": 0,
  "inputBit2": 0,
  "id": "1c00f9ae-ab00-4f23-a5f1-0c578645f153",
  "state": "Texas",
  "inputBit1": 0,
  "commStatusAvaliable": 0,
  "locality": "West Campbell Road,2301,Garland,Spring Park",
  "eventIndex": 0,
  "assetNo": "",
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  "deviceSerial": "3232323232",
  "groupName": "Default Group",
  "lastKnownTime": 1664039413000,
  "jmsType": "",
  "vehicleName": "Thor Toyota Camry",
  "deviceTypeId": 11,
  "destinationQueues": null,
  "city": "Dallas County",
  "latitude": null,
  "unitStatus": 0,
  "invalidFix": 0,
  "dataService": 0,
  "noOfAccums": 0,
  "landmarkId": 0,
  "customerId": 1059,
  "beaconMacAddress": null,
  "tripNumber": 0,
  "spare": 0,
  "address": "2316 W Campbell Rd, Garland, TX 75044, USA",
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  "messageEventType": null,
  "stateId": 0,
  "updateTime": null,
  "cameraDetails": [
      "cameraId": 1,
      "fileType": "video",
      "fileId": 1664035286
      "cameraId": 2,
      "fileType": "video",
      "fileId": 1664035286
  "userId": null,
  "landmarkName": null,
  "batteryPercentage": 0,
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  "messageEventTypeId": 0,
  "zipCode": "75044",
  "country": "US",
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  "groupId": "c337220c-8672-11e2-9b71-55cae3166848",
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  "longitude": null,
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  "locationTime": 1664035286000,
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  "offset": 0,
  "virtualTripEnd": false,
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  "lastKnownLat": 32.8255259,
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  "obdSpeed": null,
  "location": {
    "latitude": 32.9752158,
    "longitude": -96.6657089
  "commonState": 0,
  "carrierId": null


Triggered when the camera button is pressed.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": false,
  "inputBit4": 0,
  "voiceCallActive": 0,
  "inputBit3": 0,
  "inputBit6": 0,
  "inputBit5": 0,
  "type": "Tamper",
  "deviceId": "3c5a8683-3fa2-11ec-95bd-e7f189acaa48",
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  "commStateConnected": 0,
  "messageType": "CAM_BUTTON_PRESSED",
  "messageIndex": "0",
  "dimentionFix": 0,
  "lastKnownLon": -96.6493258,
  "inputBit0": 0,
  "inputBit2": 0,
  "id": "1c00f9ae-ab00-4f23-a5f1-0c578645f153",
  "state": "Texas",
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  "commStatusAvaliable": 0,
  "locality": "West Campbell Road,2301,Garland,Spring Park",
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  "deviceSerial": "3232323232",
  "groupName": "Default Group",
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  "jmsType": "",
  "vehicleName": "Thor Toyota Camry",
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  "destinationQueues": null,
  "city": "Dallas County",
  "latitude": null,
  "unitStatus": 0,
  "invalidFix": 0,
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  "landmarkId": 0,
  "customerId": 1059,
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  "spare": 0,
  "address": "2316 W Campbell Rd, Garland, TX 75044, USA",
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  "stateId": 0,
  "updateTime": null,
  "cameraDetails": [
      "cameraId": 1,
      "fileType": "video",
      "fileId": 1664035286
      "cameraId": 2,
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      "fileId": 1664035286
  "userId": null,
  "landmarkName": null,
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    "latitude": 32.9752158,
    "longitude": -96.6657089
  "commonState": 0,
  "carrierId": null


Triggered when distracted driving behavior is detected by the camera.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": false,
  "inputBit4": 0,
  "voiceCallActive": 0,
  "inputBit3": 0,
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  "inputBit5": 0,
  "type": "DistractedDriving",
  "deviceId": "3c5a8683-3fa2-11ec-95bd-e7f189acaa48",
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  "messageType": "CAM_DISTRACTED_DRIVING",
  "messageIndex": "0",
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  "lastKnownLon": -96.6149642,
  "inputBit0": 0,
  "inputBit2": 0,
  "id": "1c005eb5-0000-4d29-b599-78dd1b45a327",
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  "groupName": "Default Group",
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  "jmsType": "",
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  "city": "Dallas County",
  "latitude": null,
  "unitStatus": 0,
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  "address": "1269 I-30 Frontage Rd, Mesquite, TX 75150, USA",
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  "messageEventType": null,
  "stateId": 0,
  "updateTime": null,
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      "fileType": "video",
      "fileId": 1663952852
      "cameraId": 2,
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      "fileId": 1663952852
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    "latitude": 32.8322576,
    "longitude": -96.6149642
  "commonState": 0,
  "carrierId": null


Triggered when the camera detects a driver eating or drinking while driving.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": false,
  "inputBit4": 0,
  "voiceCallActive": 0,
  "inputBit3": 0,
  "inputBit6": 0,
  "inputBit5": 0,
  "type": "Tamper",
  "deviceId": "3c5a8683-3fa2-11ec-95bd-e7f189acaa48",
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  "commStateConnected": 0,
  "messageType": "CAM_EATING_DRINKING",
  "messageIndex": "0",
  "dimentionFix": 0,
  "lastKnownLon": -96.6149642,
  "inputBit0": 0,
  "inputBit2": 0,
  "id": "1c005eb5-fe00-456f-b3eb-4bc5df45d8ac",
  "state": null,
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  "eventIndex": 0,
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  "deviceSerial": "3232323232",
  "groupName": "Default Group",
  "lastKnownTime": 1663952852000,
  "jmsType": "",
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Triggered when the camera detects an impact event.

Example Payload
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Triggered when the camera detects phone use while driving.

Example Payload
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Triggered when the camera detects smoking inside the vehicle.

Example Payload
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Triggered when the camera detects tampering, such as obstruction or removal attempts.

Example Payload
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Triggered when the camera detects that the driver is not wearing a seatbelt

Example Payload
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Triggered when the camera detects a violent left turn.

Example Payload
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    "latitude": 37.8734074,
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Triggered when the camera detects a violent right turn.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": false,
  "inputBit4": 0,
  "voiceCallActive": 0,
  "inputBit3": 0,
  "inputBit6": 0,
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Triggered when a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) related to charging concerns is detected.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
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  "voiceCallActive": 0,
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Triggered when

Example Payload
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Triggered when a vehicle's battery voltage drops to a critical level.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": false,
  "inputBit4": 0,
  "voiceCallActive": 0,
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Triggered when a device is disconnected.

Example Payload
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Triggered when a Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) is detected in the vehicle.

Example Payload
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Triggered when the engine running hours tracking starts

Example Payload
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  "roaming": 0,
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  "updateTime": 1663916021,
  "hdop": 34,
  "eventCode": 23,
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  "messageTypeId": 0,
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    "latitude": 39.7958738,
    "longitude": -104.864155
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  "commonState": -113,
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  "currentState": 34,
  "messageEventTypeId": 0


Triggered when the engine running hours tracking ends.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": true,
  "inputBit4": 0,
  "voiceCallActive": 0,
  "inputBit3": 0,
  "inputBit6": 0,
  "groupId": "c337220c-8672-11e2-9b71-55cae3166848",
  "inputBit5": 1,
  "deviceId": "cc34889e-3c23-11ed-8ba0-2b14e7e17f80",
  "networkService": 1,
  "commStateConnected": 1,
  "messageType": "ENGINE_HOURS_END",
  "messageIndex": "2267",
  "dimentionFix": 0,
  "lastKnownLon": -104.864155,
  "inputBit0": 0,
  "vendorTypeId": 2,
  "inputBit2": 0,
  "id": "1c00ca30-6800-4b05-9205-c6b0994d10ca",
  "inputBit1": 1,
  "fixStatuslastKnown": 0,
  "fixStatusHistoric": 0,
  "longitude": -104.864155,
  "satellites": 16,
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  "locationTime": 1663916021000,
  "odometer": 0,
  "offset": 0,
  "virtualTripEnd": false,
  "eventIndex": 115,
  "assetNo": "",
  "fixStatusCorrected": 0,
  "insideHOO": true,
  "deviceSerial": "4673259224",
  "groupName": "Default Group",
  "timeOfFix": 1663916020,
  "sensorNames": "",
  "lastKnownTime": 1663916021000,
  "jmsType": "",
  "lastKnownLat": 39.7958738,
  "fixQuality": 0,
  "unitStatusBit0": 0,
  "altitude": 159473,
  "vehicleName": "4673259224",
  "unitStatusBit2": 0,
  "deviceTypeId": 6,
  "unitStatusBit1": 0,
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  "protocolVersionIdChange": true,
  "latitude": 39.7958738,
  "accumulators": [
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  "dataService": 1,
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  "noOfAccums": 3,
  "privacyModeEnable": false,
  "customerId": 1059,
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  "updateTime": 1663916021,
  "hdop": 34,
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    "latitude": 39.7958738,
    "longitude": -104.864155
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  "commonState": -113,
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  "currentState": 34,
  "messageEventTypeId": 0


Triggered when a vehicle enters a designated geofenced area.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": false,
  "inputBit4": 0,
  "voiceCallActive": 0,
  "inputBit3": 0,
  "inputBit6": 0,
  "inputBit5": 0,
  "type": "GeoFenceMessageVO",
  "deviceId": "e4c97790-14c3-11ed-9449-7dd6059504b4",
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  "messageType": "ENTERED_GEOFENCE",
  "messageIndex": null,
  "dimentionFix": 0,
  "lastKnownLon": 0,
  "geoFenceType": null,
  "inputBit0": 0,
  "inputBit2": 0,
  "id": "1c00c3dc-4c01-4616-9111-d904544d8dcc",
  "state": null,
  "inputBit1": 0,
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  "eventIndex": 0,
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  "groupName": "Default Group",
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  "jmsType": "",
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  "deviceTypeId": 0,
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  "city": null,
  "latitude": null,
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  "address": "Zaheerabad, Telangana, India",
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  "updateTime": null,
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  "privacyModeEnable": false,
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  "obdSpeed": null,
  "location": {
    "latitude": 17.69014,
    "longitude": 77.581301
  "commonState": 0,
  "carrierId": null


Triggered when an event report message is generated by the device.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": false,
  "inputBit4": 0,
  "voiceCallActive": 0,
  "inputBit3": 0,
  "inputBit6": 0,
  "groupId": "c337220c-8672-11e2-9b71-55cae3166848",
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  "messageIndex": "2276",
  "dimentionFix": 0,
  "lastKnownLon": -104.864155,
  "inputBit0": 0,
  "vendorTypeId": 2,
  "inputBit2": 0,
  "id": "1c00caa5-9b00-4739-ae41-90e28d4d96d8",
  "inputBit1": 1,
  "fixStatuslastKnown": 0,
  "fixStatusHistoric": 0,
  "longitude": -104.864155,
  "satellites": 16,
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  "locationTime": 1663916021000,
  "odometer": 0,
  "offset": 0,
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  "eventIndex": 115,
  "assetNo": "",
  "fixStatusCorrected": 0,
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  "deviceSerial": "4673259224",
  "groupName": "Default Group",
  "timeOfFix": 1663916020,
  "sensorNames": "",
  "lastKnownTime": 1663916021000,
  "jmsType": "",
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  "fixQuality": 0,
  "unitStatusBit0": 0,
  "altitude": 159473,
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  "deviceTypeId": 6,
  "unitStatusBit1": 0,
  "unitStatusBit3": 0,
  "storedLocation": false,
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  "latitude": 39.7958738,
  "accumulators": [
  "speed": 0,
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  "dataService": 1,
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  "noOfAccums": 3,
  "privacyModeEnable": false,
  "customerId": 1059,
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  "vehicleId": "cc34889d-3c23-11ed-8ba0-9f41661aaa4d",
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  "updateTime": 1663916021,
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    "latitude": 39.7958738,
    "longitude": -104.864155
  "batteryPercentage": 0,
  "commonState": -113,
  "carrierId": 410,
  "currentState": 34,
  "messageEventTypeId": 0


Triggered when a temperature event is reported by the device.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": false,
  "inputBit4": 0,
  "voiceCallActive": 0,
  "inputBit3": 0,
  "inputBit6": 0,
  "groupId": "c337220c-8672-11e2-9b71-55cae3166848",
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  "deviceId": "cc34889e-3c23-11ed-8ba0-2b14e7e17f80",
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  "messageType": "TEMPERATURE_2",
  "messageIndex": "2276",
  "dimentionFix": 0,
  "lastKnownLon": -104.864155,
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  "id": "1c00caa5-9b00-4739-ae41-90e28d4d96d8",
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  "groupName": "Default Group",
  "eventInfo": {
    "sensorUnit": "CELSIUS",
    "sensorValue": 7672789
  "timeOfFix": 1663916020,
  "sensorNames": "",
  "lastKnownTime": 1663916021000,
  "jmsType": "",
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  "unitStatusBit1": 0,
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  "accumulators": [
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  "noOfAccums": 3,
  "privacyModeEnable": false,
  "customerId": 1059,
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  "updateTime": 1663916021,
  "hdop": 34,
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    "latitude": 39.7958738,
    "longitude": -104.864155
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  "commonState": -113,
  "carrierId": 410,
  "currentState": 34,
  "messageEventTypeId": 0


Triggered when excessive battery drain is detected.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": false,
  "inputBit4": 0,
  "voiceCallActive": 0,
  "inputBit3": 0,
  "pidValueShort": null,
  "inputBit6": 0,
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  "type": "OBD_EVENT_MESSAGE",
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  "messageIndex": "2511",
  "dimentionFix": 0,
  "lastKnownLon": 0,
  "inputBit0": 0,
  "inputBit2": 0,
  "id": "1c00fa30-7301-4081-832b-a4ccb14d93d8",
  "state": null,
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  "eventIndex": 0,
  "eventType": null,
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  "jmsType": "",
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  "city": null,
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  "country": null,
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  "eventInfo": null,
  "timeOfFix": null,
  "sensorNames": null,
  "tripPolyline": null,
  "lastKnownLat": 0,
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    "latitude": 39.9110336,
    "longitude": -104.9329782
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  "carrierId": null,
  "pidValueString": null


Triggered when excessive battery drain condition is reset.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": false,
  "inputBit4": 0,
  "voiceCallActive": 0,
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  "deviceId": "3a4d496b-3c35-11ed-8ba0-5d2c5a06eb3a",
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  "messageType": "EXCESSIVE_DRAIN_RESET",
  "messageIndex": "2493",
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  "inputBit2": 0,
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  "eventIndex": 0,
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  "jmsType": "",
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  "city": null,
  "periodic": false,
  "latitude": 39.9110908,
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  "country": null,
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  "sensorNames": null,
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    "latitude": 39.9110908,
    "longitude": -104.93293
  "commonState": 0,
  "carrierId": null,
  "pidValueString": null


Triggered when a vehicle exits a predefined geofence.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": false,
  "inputBit4": 0,
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  "type": "GeoFenceMessageVO",
  "deviceId": "e4c97790-14c3-11ed-9449-7dd6059504b4",
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  "messageType": "EXIT_GEOFENCE",
  "messageIndex": null,
  "dimentionFix": 0,
  "lastKnownLon": 0,
  "geoFenceType": null,
  "inputBit0": 0,
  "inputBit2": 0,
  "id": "1c00bf48-5d00-4990-bbce-5c71f14d0d84",
  "state": null,
  "inputBit1": 0,
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  "jmsType": "",
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  "city": null,
  "latitude": null,
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  "customerId": 15047,
  "beaconMacAddress": null,
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  "sensorValue": null,
  "spare": 0,
  "address": "Zaheerabad, Telangana, India",
  "roaming": 0,
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  "stateId": 0,
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  "userId": null,
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  "country": null,
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  "groupId": "559d6f4c-11bf-11ed-8895-27b5feb885d3",
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  "satellites": null,
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  "privacyModeEnable": false,
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  "userName": null,
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  "location": {
    "latitude": 17.380672,
    "longitude": 78.484538
  "commonState": 0,
  "carrierId": null


Triggered when the first extension event ends.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": true,
  "inputBit4": 0,
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  "inputBit3": 0,
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Triggered when the first extension event starts.

Example Payload
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Triggered when the second extension event ends.

Example Payload
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Triggered when the second extension event starts.

Example Payload
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Triggered when a firmware update occurs on the device.

Example Payload
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Triggered when a decrease in fuel level is detected.

Example Payload
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Triggered when an increase in fuel level is detected.

Example Payload
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Triggered when a vehicle enters a geofenced area.

Example Payload
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  "offset": 0,
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Triggered when a vehicle exits a geofenced area.

Example Payload
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  "messageType": "GEOFENCE",
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  "inputBit2": 0,
  "id": "1c00b4a1-fa01-4a85-85d5-203987a2dd7c",
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  "carrierId": null


Triggered when a vehicle has not entered a geofenced area within the expected timeframe.

Example Payload
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  "partialUpdate": false,
  "inputBit4": 0,
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  "city": null,
  "latitude": null,
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    "latitude": 17.380508,
    "longitude": 78.484021
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  "carrierId": null


Triggered when a vehicle has not exited a geofenced area within the expected timeframe.

Example Payload
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  "inputBit4": 0,
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  "city": null,
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    "latitude": 17.69057,
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Triggered when a GPS update is recorded for a vehicle.

Example Payload
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  "highEngineSpeed": null,
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    "latitude": 45.1583703,
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Triggered when a vehicle experiences a hard acceleration event.

Example Payload
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Triggered when a vehicle experiences a hard braking event.

Example Payload
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Triggered when a vehicle experiences an extreme hard braking event.

Example Payload
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  "inputBit2": 0,
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  "eventIndex": 0,
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  "carrierId": null


Triggered when a vehicle's tire pressure exceeds the recommended threshold.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": false,
  "inputBit4": 0,
  "voiceCallActive": 0,
  "inputBit3": 0,
  "inputBit6": 0,
  "groupId": "ba8a4244-d8e7-11eb-bc30-8f8842ad486a",
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  "messageIndex": "15",
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  "lastKnownLon": -122.1315405,
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  "messageEventTypeId": 0


Triggered when a vehicle stops idling after a period of inactivity.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
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  "messageEventTypeId": 24


Triggered when a vehicle is idling while the steamer is turned on.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": false,
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Triggered when a vehicle's battery voltage falls below the critical threshold.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
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  "voiceCallActive": 0,
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Triggered when a vehicle's battery voltage drops to a low level, indicating a potential issue.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": false,
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Triggered when the vehicle's fuel level drops below a predefined threshold.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
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Triggered when a mobile call is blocked while driving.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
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  "state": null,
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  "jmsType": "",
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Triggered when a mobile call ends while driving.

Example Payload
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Triggered when a mobile call is made while driving.

Example Payload
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Triggered when a mobile call is made using a headset while driving.

Example Payload
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Triggered when a mobile call is received while driving.

Example Payload
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Triggered when a mobile call is received using a headset while driving.

Example Payload
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Triggered when a drive-safe mode call ends.

Example Payload
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Triggered when the DriveSafe mode is activated.

Example Payload
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Triggered when the DriveSafe mode is deactivated.

Example Payload
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Triggered when an emergency number is dialed.

Example Payload
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Triggered when a missed call event is detected.

Example Payload
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Triggered when a navigation event is launched on a mobile device.

Example Payload
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Triggered when an SMS message is received on a mobile device.

Example Payload
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Triggered when an SMS message is sent from a mobile device.

Example Payload
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Triggered when a whitelisted application is launched on a mobile device.

Example Payload
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Triggered when a whitelisted phone call is made from a mobile device.

Example Payload
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Triggered when a whitelisted call is received on a mobile device.

Example Payload
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Triggered when a vehicle exits an over-speeding event.

Example Payload
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Triggered when a vehicle exceeds the speed limit for a defined duration.

Example Payload
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  "messageTypeId": 3,
  "location": {
    "latitude": 40.1159443,
    "longitude": -82.1139792
  "commonState": 0


Triggered when a device is paired with a vehicle or system.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
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  "groupId": "9d5962ad-11bf-11ed-a5d3-356110c9a0b7",
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  "imei_meid": null,
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  "lastKnownLat": 15.355929,
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  "unitStatusBit1": 0,
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    "latitude": 0,
    "longitude": 0
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  "carrierId": null


Triggered when a panic alert is activated.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": false,
  "inputBit4": 0,
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  "id": "1c00f2cb-f400-46c0-a4a9-4a18704e8b08",
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  "city": null,
  "latitude": null,
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  "customerId": 1059,
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  "stateId": 0,
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  "satellites": null,
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  "odometer": 47208,
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    "latitude": 32.9870648,
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  "carrierId": null


Triggered when pending Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) are detected.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": false,
  "inputBit4": 0,
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  "city": null,
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  "messageEventType": null,
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      "subType": "DTC_MESSAGE_RECORD_OBD",
      "dtcMessage": "0171"
      "dtcType": 0,
      "failureMode": 0,
      "subType": "DTC_MESSAGE_RECORD_OBD",
      "dtcMessage": "0299"
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    "latitude": 38.6210808,
    "longitude": -90.5249991
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  "carrierId": null


Triggered when a peripheral device connects to the system.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
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  "updateTime": null,
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    "latitude": 12.949739,
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Triggered when a peripheral device disconnects from the system.

Example Payload
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Triggered when the system registers a posted speed limit event for a specific location.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
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  "messageIndex": null,
  "minSpeedingDurationInSec": 0,
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    "latitude": 17.561108,
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  "carrierId": null


Triggered when the Power Take-Off (PTO) system is engaged or disengaged in a vehicle.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": false,
  "inputBit4": 0,
  "voiceCallActive": 0,
  "inputBit3": 0,
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  "inputBit5": 0,
  "cumulativePTOTimeDuration": 3998,
  "type": "POWER_TAKE_OFF",
  "deviceId": "e1fc3cd8-3cb3-11ed-8ba0-09e0379ae7b9",
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  "messageType": "POWER_TAKE_OFF",
  "messageIndex": "3070",
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  "lastKnownLon": -108.4128289,
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  "inputBit2": 0,
  "id": "1c009791-f500-4c5c-8820-f3daa34d290c",
  "state": null,
  "inputBit1": 0,
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  "currentPTOTimeDuration": 136,
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  "eventIndex": 0,
  "assetNo": "",
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  "groupName": "Default Group",
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  "satellites": null,
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  "odometer": 2244,
  "offset": -360,
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  "virtualTripEnd": false,
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  "eventInfo": null,
  "timeOfFix": null,
  "sensorNames": null,
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  "carrierId": null


Triggered when a pulse width duration event occurs, typically related to the measurement of signal duration in vehicle systems.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": false,
  "inputBit4": 0,
  "voiceCallActive": 0,
  "inputBit3": 0,
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  "type": "POWER_TAKE_OFF",
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  "inputBit2": 0,
  "id": "1c009791-f500-4c5c-8820-f3daa34d290c",
  "state": null,
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  "jmsType": "",
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  "deviceTypeId": 1,
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  "city": null,
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  "currentState": 0,
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  "messageEventTypeId": 0,
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  "carrierId": null


Triggered when a real-time disconnect event occurs, indicating a loss of connection or communication with the device.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
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  "inputBit2": 0,
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  "id": "1c0058a6-0500-40fe-93a7-2d0c238af238",
  "state": null,
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  "eventIndex": 0,
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  "deviceSerial": "1112505805",
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  "country": null,
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Triggered when a stop time event is recorded, indicating the duration a vehicle has been stationary.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": false,
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  "messageIndex": null,
  "dimentionFix": 0,
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  "inputBit2": 0,
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  "city": null,
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  "address": null,
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  "updateTime": null,
  "userId": "8a938091-835a-c304-0183-63f198760130",
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  "userName": "Locking User",
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    "latitude": 17.691376,
    "longitude": 77.611127
  "commonState": 0,
  "carrierId": null


Triggered when a temperature event is recorded for sensor 1.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": false,
  "inputBit4": 0,
  "voiceCallActive": 0,
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  "messageIndex": "2276",
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  "eventIndex": 115,
  "assetNo": "",
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  "deviceSerial": "4673259224",
  "groupName": "Default Group",
  "eventInfo": {
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  "sensorNames": "",
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  "jmsType": "",
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  "privacyModeEnable": false,
  "customerId": 1059,
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  "updateTime": 1663916021,
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  "commonState": -113,
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  "currentState": 34,
  "messageEventTypeId": 0


Triggered when a temperature event is recorded for sensor 2.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
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  "inputBit4": 0,
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  "messageIndex": "2276",
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  "sensorNames": "",
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  "commonState": -113,
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  "currentState": 34,
  "messageEventTypeId": 0


Triggered when a temperature event is recorded for sensor 3.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
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  "inputBit4": 0,
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  "groupName": "Default Group",
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    "sensorValue": 7672789
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  "sensorNames": "",
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  "jmsType": "",
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  "commonState": -113,
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  "currentState": 34,
  "messageEventTypeId": 0


Triggered when a temperature event is recorded for sensor 4.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": false,
  "inputBit4": 0,
  "voiceCallActive": 0,
  "inputBit3": 0,
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  "groupId": "c337220c-8672-11e2-9b71-55cae3166848",
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  "deviceId": "cc34889e-3c23-11ed-8ba0-2b14e7e17f80",
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Triggered when a temperature event is recorded for sensor 5.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": false,
  "inputBit4": 0,
  "voiceCallActive": 0,
  "inputBit3": 0,
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  "groupName": "Default Group",
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Triggered when a temperature event is recorded for sensor 6.

Example Payload
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  "currentState": 34,
  "messageEventTypeId": 0


Triggered when a temperature event is recorded for sensor 7.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
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  "inputBit4": 0,
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Triggered when a temperature event is recorded for sensor 8.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
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Triggered when a previously reported tire pressure issue has been resolved.

Example Payload
  "fixQuality": 0,
  "deviceTypeId": 1,
  "serialNumber": "2210401015",
  "locationTime": 1723023925000,
  "subTypes": "Low Pressure Resolved",
  "deviceSerial": "2210401015",
  "messageType": "LOW_TIRE_PRESSURE",
  "tirePressureType": 1,
  "vendorTypeId": 1,
  "location": {
    "latitude": "28.639597",
    "longitude": "-81.444089"
  "correlationId": 46,
  "tirePosition": "Right Rear Tire"


Triggered when a trip has ended.

Example Payload
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    "latitude": 37.0800743,
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Triggered when a trip has started.

Example Payload
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Unauthorized_Vehicle Usage

Triggered when unauthorized vehicle usage is detected.

Example Payload
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  "commonState": 0,
  "carrierId": null


Triggered when an unknown driver operates a vehicle.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": false,
  "inputBit4": 0,
  "voiceCallActive": 0,
  "inputBit3": 0,
  "inputBit6": 0,
  "inputBit5": 0,
  "tripDistanceUrl": null,
  "type": "TripDataMessageVO",
  "deviceId": "e4c97790-14c3-11ed-9449-7dd6059504b4",
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  "messageType": "UNKNOWN_DRIVER",
  "messageIndex": null,
  "dimentionFix": 0,
  "lastKnownLon": 0,
  "inputBit0": 0,
  "inputBit2": 0,
  "id": "1c007e94-6300-4d44-bd6e-3655a14d29a0",
  "state": null,
  "inputBit1": 0,
  "trackeeId": null,
  "commStatusAvaliable": 0,
  "locality": null,
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  "assetNo": null,
  "fixStatusCorrected": 0,
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  "groupName": "Default Group",
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  "lastKnownTime": null,
  "jmsType": "",
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  "tripDistance": 0,
  "tripId": null,
  "unitStatus": 0,
  "invalidFix": 0,
  "dataService": 0,
  "noOfAccums": 0,
  "customerId": 15047,
  "beaconMacAddress": null,
  "tripStartTime": null,
  "tripNumber": 0,
  "spare": 0,
  "address": null,
  "roaming": 0,
  "messageEventType": null,
  "stateId": 0,
  "updateTime": null,
  "userId": "8a938091-8268-7d94-0182-6e3aa04200b8",
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  "deviceProtocolMessageId": null,
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  "country": null,
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  "groupId": "559d6f4c-11bf-11ed-8895-27b5feb885d3",
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  "fixStatuslastKnown": 0,
  "fixStatusHistoric": 0,
  "longitude": null,
  "tripTime": 0,
  "satellites": null,
  "locationTime": 1663859937000,
  "odometer": 0,
  "offset": 0,
  "virtualTripEnd": false,
  "imei_meid": null,
  "insideHOO": true,
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  "sensorNames": null,
  "tripPolyline": null,
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  "unitStatusBit1": 0,
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  "accumulators": null,
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  "lastKnownAddress": null,
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  "stopTime": 0,
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  "obdSpeed": null,
  "location": {
    "latitude": 17.691914,
    "longitude": 77.577243
  "commonState": 0,
  "carrierId": null


Triggered when a device is unpaired from a vehicle.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": false,
  "inputBit4": 0,
  "voiceCallActive": 0,
  "inputBit3": 0,
  "inputBit6": 0,
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  "messageType": "UNPAIR_MESSAGE",
  "messageIndex": "1",
  "dimentionFix": 0,
  "lastKnownLon": -96.5939584,
  "inputBit0": 0,
  "inputBit2": 0,
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  "eventIndex": 0,
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  "deviceSerial": "8187654322",
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  "jmsType": "",
  "vehicleName": "Thor Toyota Camry",
  "deviceTypeId": 1,
  "destinationQueues": null,
  "city": null,
  "latitude": null,
  "unitStatus": 0,
  "invalidFix": 0,
  "dataService": 0,
  "noOfAccums": 0,
  "customerId": 1059,
  "beaconMacAddress": null,
  "tripNumber": 0,
  "spare": 0,
  "address": null,
  "roaming": 0,
  "messageEventType": null,
  "stateId": 0,
  "updateTime": null,
  "userId": null,
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  "zipCode": null,
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  "groupId": "c337220c-8672-11e2-9b71-55cae3166848",
  "vendorTypeId": 0,
  "firmwareVersion": null,
  "fixStatuslastKnown": 0,
  "fixStatusHistoric": 0,
  "longitude": null,
  "satellites": null,
  "locationTime": 1663778015000,
  "odometer": 0,
  "offset": 0,
  "virtualTripEnd": false,
  "imei_meid": null,
  "insideHOO": true,
  "timeOfFix": null,
  "sensorNames": null,
  "tripPolyline": null,
  "lastKnownLat": 32.8419577,
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  "unitStatusBit0": 0,
  "unitStatusBit2": 0,
  "unitStatusBit1": 0,
  "unitStatusBit3": 0,
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  "protocolVersionIdChange": false,
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  "accumulators": null,
  "fixStatusPredict": 0,
  "network3G": 0,
  "lastKnownAddress": "309-499, W I- 30, Garland, TX, 75043, USA",
  "privacyModeEnable": false,
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  "vehicleId": "71503b9a-34ae-11ec-aea1-bd1b8b868207",
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  "fullName": "Chris Cairns",
  "userName": "",
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  "location": {
    "latitude": 32.8419577,
    "longitude": -96.5939584
  "commonState": 0,
  "carrierId": null


Triggered when a vehicle enters reverse gear or performs a backup maneuver.

Example Payload
  "zipCode": "502220",
  "country": "IN",
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": false,
  "inputBit4": 0,
  "voiceCallActive": 0,
  "inputBit3": 0,
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  "groupId": "cad7b661-04e0-11e8-b805-39297e1612eb",
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  "deviceId": "87de83c0-2223-11ed-aeb0-876b6192c480",
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  "messageIndex": "0",
  "dimentionFix": 0,
  "lastKnownLon": -120.815968,
  "inputBit0": 0,
  "vendorTypeId": 1,
  "inputBit2": 0,
  "id": "1c00b2df-a000-4597-b0dd-126c344bdbd2",
  "state": "Telangana",
  "inputBit1": 0,
  "fixStatuslastKnown": 0,
  "fixStatusHistoric": 0,
  "commStatusAvaliable": 0,
  "locationTime": 1661316641000,
  "odometer": 0,
  "offset": 0,
  "locality": "Mumbai Highway,Kasimpur",
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  "eventIndex": 0,
  "assetNo": "",
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  "deviceSerial": "9909112909",
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  "eventTurnAngle": 0,
  "lastKnownTime": 1661314512000,
  "jmsType": "",
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  "deviceTypeId": 1,
  "unitStatusBit1": 0,
  "eventDistance": 0,
  "city": "Medak",
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  "storedLocation": false,
  "protocolVersionIdChange": true,
  "unitStatus": 0,
  "fixStatusPredict": 0,
  "invalidFix": 0,
  "dataService": 0,
  "network3G": 0,
  "lastKnownAddress": "2999 S Golden State Blvd, Turlock, CA 95380, USA",
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  "privacyModeEnable": false,
  "customerId": 6191,
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  "vehicleId": "87de83bf-2223-11ed-aeb0-a186da80643f",
  "tripNumber": 0,
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  "spare": 0,
  "address": "NH65, Kasimpur, Telangana 502220, India",
  "roaming": 0,
  "stateId": 0,
  "userName": "9909112909",
  "userId": "8a938091-8290-c7ac-0182-c5dfc8230436",
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    "latitude": 17.696502,
    "longitude": 77.565824
  "batteryPercentage": 0,
  "commonState": 0,
  "currentState": 0,
  "messageEventTypeId": 0


Triggered when...

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": false,
  "inputBit4": 0,
  "voiceCallActive": 0,
  "inputBit3": 0,
  "inputBit6": 0,
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  "commStateConnected": 0,
  "messageType": "VEHICLE_MIL_INFO",
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  "lastKnownLon": -90.5253357,
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  "groupName": "Azuga Northeast",
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  "jmsType": "",
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  "groupId": "bb443197-af0f-11ea-87f7-712f0c9121d3",
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  "sensorNames": null,
  "tripPolyline": null,
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    "latitude": 38.6210206,
    "longitude": -90.5250765
  "commonState": 0,
  "carrierId": null,
  "codeClearTime": 0


Triggered when a vehicle is not transmitting GPS tracking data.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": false,
  "highEngineSpeed": null,
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  "networkService": 0,
  "airFilterClog": false,
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  "messageType": "VEHICLE_NOT_TRACKING",
  "messageIndex": null,
  "dimentionFix": 0,
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  "breakDown": false,
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  "fixStatuslastKnown": 0,
  "fixStatusHistoric": 0,
  "longitude": null,
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    "latitude": 17.69191,
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  "commonState": 0,
  "carrierId": null


Triggered when a vehicle's VIN is updated in the system.

Example Payload
  "inputBit7": 0,
  "partialUpdate": false,
  "inputBit4": 0,
  "voiceCallActive": 0,
  "inputBit3": 0,
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