Create a Vehicle

This API allows you to add a vehicle and enter all its information to your account which helps you to track and manage the vehicle.

    "name": "test_azuga_vehicle",
    "groupId": "093444d0-4eb9-11ed-a399-8123e1b336b7",
    "deviceId": "21ab3834-5923-11ed-b541-d1dfb80b9db9",
    "maintenanceEnabled": "false",
    "make": "DODGE",
    "customMake": "",
    "model": "Ram",
    "customModel": "",
    "year": "2007",
    "customYear": "",
    "userName": "",
    "userId": "",
    "licensePlateNo": "45232",
    "costPerMile": "0.71",
    "fuelTankCapacity": "",
    "trackeeTagsAssociated": "",
    "trackeeTagsNames": "",
    "vin": "2HGFG11858H501000",
    "odometerReading": 391.073,
    "currentOdometerReading": 391.073,
    "assetno": "234234234324",
    "ownership": "Company",
    "vehicleTypeId": "12",
    "fuelTypeId": "6",
    "bgColor": "#8f6666",
    "color": "#000000",
    "initialEngineRuntime": 1522800,
    "engineRunTime": 1522800


Sample Request

API Response explanation

FieldDescriptionData Type
generatedAtInMillisTime at which the API returns the result. The time is in milliseconds.Long
dataDisplays the ID number to which the update has been performed.String
errorDisplays the corresponding error message which occurs during API compilation.List
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!