This API provides you with information about all active geofences present in your account.
Sample Request
API Response explanation
Field | Description | Data Type |
generatedAtInMillis | API request time in UTC milliseconds | Long |
data | Meta-data of the geofences(array of objects) | Object |
id | This field is for internal use. Refer to the field 'fenceId' for unique identifier of the geofence | String |
customerId | Unique identifier representing the customer | Long |
name | Name of the geofence | String |
type | Integer value representing the type of geofence 1 = Circular 2 = Polygon | Byte |
landmarkId | Unique identifier representing the landmark. | String |
lat | Latitude of the geofence/landmark | Double |
lon | Longitude of the geofence/landmark | Double |
address | Address of the geofence/landmark | String |
radiusUnit | Unit of the Geofence radius 1 = Meters 2 = Miles 3 = Kilometers | Integer |
geofenceRadius | Radius of the geofence(unit as per the radiusUnit). | Float |
landmarkRadius | Value of the Landmark radius based on the landmark unit | Float |
geoMarkType | Type of the fence 0 = Both 1 = Geofence 2 = Landmark | int |
alertNotification | Boolean value representing whether the notification is turned on True = Notification is ON False - Notification is OFF | Boolean |
radius | Radius of the geofence(in meters). | Float |
color | Hex code representing the color of the fence | String |
ccAddress | List of email address that are added as CC in email | String |
mode | This denotes the frequency of alert to be triggered 0 = Instant alert/notification. This enables the Email notification as well. 1 = Default, no selection 60 = A summary of alert/notification. This enables the Email notification as well. | Integer |
templateMsg | For Azuga internal use | String |
createdBy | Unique identifier of the user who created the geofence | String |
createdAt | Geofence creation time in UTC milliseconds | Date |
lastModifiedBy | Unique identifier of the user who updated the geofence last | String |
lastModifiedAt | Last modified time in UTC milliseconds | Date |
groups | Meta-data of the groups associated with the geofence | Set |
groupId | Unique identifier representing the group | String |
groupName | Name of the group | String |
trackees | Meta-data of the vehicles associated with the geofence | Set |
trackeeId | Unique identifier representing the vehicle | String |
trackeeName | Name of the vehicle | String |
geofenceId | For Azuga internal use | String |
ticketToken | For Azuga internal use | String |
truckStatus | For Azuga internal use | int |
createdBy | For Azuga internal use | String |
createdAt | For Azuga internal use | Date |
users | The users/drivers that need to notified userId: Unique identifier representing the user/driver fullName: Full name of the user/driver | Set |
assets | Meta-data of the assets associated with the geofence | Set |
category | Meta-data of the catagory associated with the geofence | FenceToCategoryMongoVO |
categoryId | Unique identifier representing the category | String |
categoryName | Name of the category | String |
geofenceTimeConfig | This field gives you information about whether the alert is set to trigger only during a specific interval of time. The key field day=1 implies that it is Sunday. Similarly, 2 for Monday and 3 for Tuesday and so on. | List |
day | The day for the geofence to trigger 1 = Sunday 2 = Monday 3 = Tuesday 4 = Wednesday 5 = Thursday 6 = Friday 7 = Saturday | Byte |
startTime | Start time in minutes for the geofence to track | Integer |
endTime | End time in minutes for the geofence to track | Integer |
dynamic | For Azuga internal use | Integer |
emailAdminGeo | The boolean value represents whether the email needs to be sent to the admin. True = send to admin False = donot send to admin | boolean |
emailDriverGeo | Boolean value represents whether the paired driver to be notified True = Notify paired driver False = Don't notify paired driver | boolean |
startLocationFlag | For Azuga internal use | boolean |
alertTypes | Array of values representing the alertType. Specifies the event (vehicle entry and/or exit) for which an alert needs to be sent BOTH = To track when the vehicle enters or exits the geofence IN= To track when the vehicle enters the geofence NOTOUT = To track when the vehicle is inside the geofence longer than a particular period OUT = To track when the vehicle exits the geofence is selected NOTIN = To track when the vehicle is outside the geofence longer than a particular period NULL = To track when the vehicle makes a stop at the geofence | Set |
customAlertHours | Time in hours to send the summary alert | int |
timeForSummary | Time in minutes to start the summary alert | String |
soundNotification | Boolean value represents the whether the sound notification is enabled or not. True = Enabled False = Disabled | boolean |
soundId | Unique identifier represents the notification tone in AFM app. 1 = alarm-frenzy.mp3 2 = answer-quickly.mp3 3 = may I have your attention.mp3 4 = pizzicato.mp3 5 = system fault.mp3 | Integer |
soundFileName | Name of the sound file Eg. alarm-frenzy.mp3 | String |
roles | Users with this role will be notified for all geofence alerts | Set |
alertStartAt | For Azuga internal use | Date |
alertEndAt | For Azuga internal use | Date |
alertStartTime | For Azuga internal use | String |
alertEndTime | For Azuga internal use | String |
landmarkName | Name of the landmark | String |
vehicleBasedAlert | boolean | |
groupAlertPref | boolean | |
radiusInMeters | Float | |
landmarkRadiusUnit | Unit of the Landmark radius 1 = Meters 2 = Miles 3 = Kilometers | Integer |
trackeeId | Comma-seperated unique identifiers of the vehicles which are associated with the geofence | String |
createdAtDate | Geofence created timestamp in mmm-dd-yyyy, hh:mm format | String |
geometry | Coordinates(minimum three) for creating a polygon Example: "geometry": "[[[-122.408977,37.774215],[-122.408457,37.772781],[-122.410195,37.772803],[-122.410935,37.773965]]]" | String |
notEntered | Time in minutes to trigger geofence event when the vehicle is outside the geofence longer than this period | Integer |
notExited | Time in minutes to trigger geofence event when the vehicle is inside the geofence longer than this period | Integer |
loc | Meta-data of the geofence structure(Polygon/Circular) | GeoLocation |
type | Type of fence - Polygon/Circular | String |
coordinates | Polygon coordinates to create a polygon structure. Minimum 3 coordinates are required for creating a polygon. Example: [ [ [ -122.408977, 37.774215 ], [ -122.408457, 37.772781 ], [ -122.410195, 37.772803 ], [ -122.410935, 37.773965 ], [ -122.408977, 37.774215 ] ] ] | Double[][][] |
deleted | Boolean value representing whether the fence is deleted or not. | Boolean |
nestStatus | For Azuga internal use | Integer |
notificationPriority | POPUP = Popup with any user acknowledgement POPUP_EVERYUSER = Popup with every user acknowledgment BANNER = Banner Notification | String |
mobileNotificationEnabled | The boolean value represents whether the mobile notification is enabled. True = Enabled False = Disabled | boolean |
webNotificationEnabled | Boolean value representing web notification is enabled. True = Enabled False = Disabled | boolean |
activationDate | Start time in UTC milliseconds to compute the historical data | Date |
inActivationDate | End time in UTC milliseconds to compute the historical data | Date |
vehiclesToProcess | Number of vehicles that needs to be processed | int |
historicalDataProcessed | The boolean value represents whether to compute historical data True = Compute historical data False = Don't compute historical data | boolean |
webNotificationPriority | Type of web notification POPUP = Popup with any user acknowledgement POPUP_EVERYUSER = Popup with every user acknowledgment BANNER = Banner Notification | String |
mobileNotificationPriority | Type of mobile notification POPUP = Popup with any user acknowledgement POPUP_EVERYUSER = Popup with every user acknowledgment BANNER = Banner Notification | String |
buzzerIntensity | For Azuga internal use | Integer |
fenceInNotTrackIgnitionOff | When the vehicle enters the geofence: True = Tracks only when the vehicle is moving False = Tracks when the vehicle is not moving as well | boolean |
fenceOutNotTrackIgnitionOff | When the vehicle exits the geofence: True = Tracks only when the vehicle is moving False = Tracks when the vehicle is not moving as well | boolean |
landmarkCategory | For Azuga internal use | LandmarkCategoriesDTO |
iconName | Name of the geofence icon | String |
groupName | For Azuga internal use | String |
groupId | For Azuga internal use | String |
contactfn | For Azuga internal use | String |
contactln | For Azuga internal use | String |
contactPhone | For Azuga internal use | String |
contactEmail | For Azuga internal use | String |
iconURL | For Azuga internal use | String |
bbLatTop | For Azuga internal use | Double |
bbLatBottom | For Azuga internal use | Double |
bbLongLeft | For Azuga internal use | Double |
bbLongRight | For Azuga internal use | Double |
coordinates | Polygon coordinates to create a polygon structure. Minimum 3 coordinates are required for creating a polygon. Example: [ [ [ -122.408977, 37.774215 ], [ -122.408457, 37.772781 ], [ -122.410195, 37.772803 ], [ -122.410935, 37.773965 ], [ -122.408977, 37.774215 ] ] ] | Double[][][] |
landmark | Boolean value representing whether the result is landmark/geofence. True = Landmark False = Geofence | boolean |
preValidated | For Azuga internal use | boolean |
fromSwitchPackage | For Azuga internal use | boolean |
fenceId | Unique identifier representing the fence | String |
error | Error description - if any | List |
recordsFiltered | Number of records that needs to be filtered | Integer |
offset | This denotes the ranking number of the first item on the page. | Integer |