View All Geofences

This API provides you with information about all active geofences present in your account.



Sample Request

API Response explanation

FieldDescriptionData Type
generatedAtInMillisAPI request time in UTC millisecondsLong
dataMeta-data of the geofences(array of objects)Object
idThis field is for internal use. Refer to the field 'fenceId' for unique identifier of the geofenceString
customerIdUnique identifier representing the customerLong
nameName of the geofenceString
typeInteger value representing the type of geofence
1 = Circular
2 = Polygon
landmarkIdUnique identifier representing the landmark.String
latLatitude of the geofence/landmarkDouble
lonLongitude of the geofence/landmarkDouble
addressAddress of the geofence/landmarkString
radiusUnitUnit of the Geofence radius
1 = Meters
2 = Miles
3 = Kilometers
geofenceRadiusRadius of the geofence(unit as per the radiusUnit).Float
landmarkRadiusValue of the Landmark radius based on the landmark unitFloat
geoMarkTypeType of the fence
0 = Both
1 = Geofence
2 = Landmark
alertNotificationBoolean value representing whether the notification is turned on

True = Notification is ON
False - Notification is OFF
radiusRadius of the geofence(in meters).Float
colorHex code representing the color of the fenceString
ccAddressList of email address that are added as CC in emailString
modeThis denotes the frequency of alert to be triggered

0 = Instant alert/notification. This enables the Email notification as well.
1 = Default, no selection
60 = A summary of alert/notification. This enables the Email notification as well.
templateMsgFor Azuga internal useString
createdByUnique identifier of the user who created the geofenceString
createdAtGeofence creation time in UTC millisecondsDate
lastModifiedByUnique identifier of the user who updated the geofence lastString
lastModifiedAtLast modified time in UTC millisecondsDate
groupsMeta-data of the groups associated with the geofenceSet
groupIdUnique identifier representing the groupString
groupNameName of the groupString
trackeesMeta-data of the vehicles associated with the geofenceSet
trackeeIdUnique identifier representing the vehicleString
trackeeNameName of the vehicleString
geofenceIdFor Azuga internal useString
ticketTokenFor Azuga internal useString
truckStatusFor Azuga internal useint
createdByFor Azuga internal useString
createdAtFor Azuga internal useDate
usersThe users/drivers that need to notified

userId: Unique identifier representing the user/driver
fullName: Full name of the user/driver
assetsMeta-data of the assets associated with the geofenceSet
categoryMeta-data of the catagory associated with the geofenceFenceToCategoryMongoVO
categoryIdUnique identifier representing the categoryString
categoryNameName of the categoryString
geofenceTimeConfig This field gives you information about whether the alert is set to trigger only during a specific interval of time. The key field day=1 implies that it is Sunday. Similarly, 2 for Monday and 3 for Tuesday and so on.List
dayThe day for the geofence to trigger

1 = Sunday
2 = Monday
3 = Tuesday
4 = Wednesday
5 = Thursday
6 = Friday
7 = Saturday
startTimeStart time in minutes for the geofence to trackInteger
endTimeEnd time in minutes for the geofence to trackInteger
dynamicFor Azuga internal useInteger
emailAdminGeoThe boolean value represents whether the email needs to be sent to the admin.

True = send to admin
False = donot send to admin
emailDriverGeoBoolean value represents whether the paired driver to be notified

True = Notify paired driver
False = Don't notify paired driver
startLocationFlagFor Azuga internal useboolean
alertTypesArray of values representing the alertType. Specifies the event (vehicle entry and/or exit) for which an alert needs to be sent

BOTH = To track when the vehicle enters or exits the geofence

IN= To track when the vehicle enters the geofence

NOTOUT = To track when the vehicle is inside the geofence longer than a particular period

OUT = To track when the vehicle exits the geofence is selected

NOTIN = To track when the vehicle is outside the geofence longer than a particular period

NULL = To track when the vehicle makes a stop at the geofence
customAlertHoursTime in hours to send the summary alertint
timeForSummaryTime in minutes to start the summary alertString
soundNotificationBoolean value represents the whether the sound notification is enabled or not.

True = Enabled
False = Disabled
soundIdUnique identifier represents the notification tone in AFM app.

1 = alarm-frenzy.mp3
2 = answer-quickly.mp3
3 = may I have your attention.mp3
4 = pizzicato.mp3
5 = system fault.mp3
soundFileNameName of the sound file
Eg. alarm-frenzy.mp3
rolesUsers with this role will be notified for all geofence alertsSet
alertStartAtFor Azuga internal useDate
alertEndAtFor Azuga internal useDate
alertStartTimeFor Azuga internal useString
alertEndTimeFor Azuga internal useString
landmarkNameName of the landmarkString
landmarkRadiusUnitUnit of the Landmark radius
1 = Meters
2 = Miles
3 = Kilometers
trackeeIdComma-seperated unique identifiers of the vehicles which are associated with the geofenceString
createdAtDateGeofence created timestamp in mmm-dd-yyyy, hh:mm formatString
geometryCoordinates(minimum three) for creating a polygon

"geometry": "[[[-122.408977,37.774215],[-122.408457,37.772781],[-122.410195,37.772803],[-122.410935,37.773965]]]"
notEnteredTime in minutes to trigger geofence event when the vehicle is outside the geofence longer than this periodInteger
notExitedTime in minutes to trigger geofence event when the vehicle is inside the geofence longer than this periodInteger
locMeta-data of the geofence structure(Polygon/Circular)GeoLocation
typeType of fence - Polygon/CircularString
coordinatesPolygon coordinates to create a polygon structure. Minimum 3 coordinates are required for creating a polygon.

deletedBoolean value representing whether the fence is deleted or not.Boolean
nestStatusFor Azuga internal useInteger
notificationPriorityPOPUP = Popup with any user acknowledgement
POPUP_EVERYUSER = Popup with every user acknowledgment
BANNER = Banner Notification
mobileNotificationEnabledThe boolean value represents whether the mobile notification is enabled.

True = Enabled
False = Disabled
webNotificationEnabledBoolean value representing web notification is enabled.

True = Enabled
False = Disabled
activationDateStart time in UTC milliseconds to compute the historical dataDate
inActivationDateEnd time in UTC milliseconds to compute the historical dataDate
vehiclesToProcessNumber of vehicles that needs to be processedint
historicalDataProcessedThe boolean value represents whether to compute historical data

True = Compute historical data
False = Don't compute historical data
webNotificationPriorityType of web notification

POPUP = Popup with any user acknowledgement
POPUP_EVERYUSER = Popup with every user acknowledgment
BANNER = Banner Notification
mobileNotificationPriorityType of mobile notification

POPUP = Popup with any user acknowledgement
POPUP_EVERYUSER = Popup with every user acknowledgment
BANNER = Banner Notification
buzzerIntensityFor Azuga internal useInteger
fenceInNotTrackIgnitionOffWhen the vehicle enters the geofence:

True = Tracks only when the vehicle is moving
False = Tracks when the vehicle is not moving as well
fenceOutNotTrackIgnitionOffWhen the vehicle exits the geofence:

True = Tracks only when the vehicle is moving
False = Tracks when the vehicle is not moving as well
landmarkCategoryFor Azuga internal useLandmarkCategoriesDTO
iconNameName of the geofence iconString
groupNameFor Azuga internal useString
groupIdFor Azuga internal useString
contactfnFor Azuga internal useString
contactlnFor Azuga internal useString
contactPhoneFor Azuga internal useString
contactEmailFor Azuga internal useString
iconURLFor Azuga internal useString
bbLatTopFor Azuga internal useDouble
bbLatBottomFor Azuga internal useDouble
bbLongLeftFor Azuga internal useDouble
bbLongRightFor Azuga internal useDouble
coordinatesPolygon coordinates to create a polygon structure. Minimum 3 coordinates are required for creating a polygon.

landmarkBoolean value representing whether the result is landmark/geofence.

True = Landmark
False = Geofence
preValidatedFor Azuga internal useboolean
fromSwitchPackageFor Azuga internal useboolean
fenceIdUnique identifier representing the fenceString
errorError description - if anyList
recordsFilteredNumber of records that needs to be filteredInteger
offsetThis denotes the ranking number of the first item on the page.Integer
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!