Valid Preferences - Document

This section of the document describes the valid preferences in Azuga and its associated informations. This document is useful for Preference related API calls.

Value Types

Value Type IDDescription
10JSON Object
11Array of objects


PreferenceIdPreference NameDisplay NameDescriptionValue Type IDValue Type Constraints
1limit.landmarkLandmarks QuotaDefault Landmarks Quota20-1000
2limit.geofenceGeofences QuotaDefault Geofence Quota20-1000
3limit.scheduleReportScheduled Reports QuotaDefault ScheduleReport Quota20-1000
4enable.device.timezoneUse Device TimeZoneHaving the preference enabled will show vehicles in the timezone they currently are in. Having the preference disabled will normalize vehicle timezones and show vehicles in the logged in user timezone..4Enabled;Disabled
5show.fuel.usedShow Fuel Used ColumnFlag used to show fuel used column on UI4Enabled;Disabled
7map.labels.cluster.enabledUse Map Clustersclustering for live map labels4Enabled;Disabled Asset NumberHaving the preference enabled will additionally show asset number column on Live Maps and Reports.4Enabled;Disabled group selectionHaving the preference enabled will list each group as a stand alone group. Having the preference disabled will list groups in relation with parent child hierarchies as enlisted during group creation..4Enabled;Disabled
10livemaps.layout.preferenceLive Maps LayoutLive Maps layout Preference4Vertical;Horizontal
11disable.eventsHidden EventsFlag used for disabling events110;55;136;56;57;58;185;106;100;142;141;47;45;46;137;44;124;121;120;116;62;180;82;83;170;171;114;172;89;97;96;206;95;205;178;162;158;160;161;175;159;179;163;176;127;108;196;40;48;28;119;157;81;80;49;22;177;93;35;144;143;168;68;113;125;126;169;146;145;148;147;50;51;42;17;41;198;11;53;167;37;13;2;1;98;7;26;36;27;99;21;123;111;112;197;184;6;24;23;102;134;202;69;118;117;122;39;110;183;25;70;85;77;76;75;84;139;94;65;109;38;43;201;166;5;3;4;66;103;59;128;129;131;132;130;88;87;199;164;135;64;133;187;186;138;181;86;61;71;72;73;15;16;78;203;79;204;165;63;34;200;107;149;150;151;152;153;154;155;156;54;9;174;8;101;67;74;182;104;105;52;60;33;140;173;92;91;90
13show.vehicle.direction.arrowShow Vehicle Direction ArrowEnabling the preference will indicate the vehicle direction with an arrow on Live Maps..4Enabled;Disabled
14report.max.thresholdReports QuotaFlag used for max report threshold21-50000
15user.language.preferenceLanguage SettingBased on user choice ,the portal will show up in the language of your choice.1en_US;es;fr;en_GB;ar additional group columnsFlag used to show group hierarchy in Reports4Enabled;Disabled
17show.maf.fuelconsumptionUse MAFEnabling this setting would calculate fuel consumed based on airflow reported by the device. Note: For diesel vehicles this would be recommended.
Disabling the preference would report the fuel consumed directly reported by the vehicle
19nearest.fleet.radiusNearest Vehicle Search RadiusNearest vehicles radius for manual selection30.01-3000.000
20whitelist.ipAddressAllowed IP AddressesRestrict users who have access to the Azuga web application based on IP address mentioned.1 Driver Name ColumnShows Driver name along with the vehicle name in all the reports.4Enabled;Disabled Breadcrumb play optionsDisplay breadcrumb play option based on the user preference4Enabled;Disabled
28polygon.fence.vertices.limitPolygon fence vertices limitField used to restrict number of vertices for a single polygon geofence23-10
34enable.paginationEnable PaginationHaving this preference enabled will load reports faster but with limited search/sort options. Having the preference disabled will have search/sort options on most of the columns but may take little more time to load reports.4Enabled;Disabled Stops weightageProductivity score weight factor for stops per day - default value is 0.730.000-999.000
36avg.miles.per.stop.weight.factorMiles per Stop weightageProductivity score weight factor for avg miles per stop - default value is 0.330.000-999.000 Jobs WeightageProductivity score weight factor for jobs per day - default value is 0.730.000-999.000
38avg.miles.per.job.weight.factorMiles per Job weightageProductivity score weight factor for average miles per job - default value is 0.230.000-999.000
39stops.per.job.weight.factorStops per Job weightageProductivity score weight factor for stops per day - default value is 0.130.000-999.000
40show.additional.driver.columnsShow additional driver informationPreference to show/hide additional fields in Driver Page4Enabled;Disabled
41show.additional.trackee.columnsShow additional vehicle informationPreference to show/hide additional fields in vehicles Page4Enabled;Disabled
43enable.smartsearch.for.landmarksEnable Smart Search for LandMarkHaving the preference enabled will auto prompt users with possible list of landmarks based on input search criteria. Having the preference disabled will search data based on actual user input.4Enabled;Disabled
44type.of.pairingType of Vehicle PairingPreference for enabling/disabling Vehicle Pairing on Mobile App1Manual;Bluetooth;Beacon;Beacon Button;QR Code;No Pairing Rewards As EmailEnabling the preference will send Driver Rewards as Email instead of push notifications to the mobile. This is recommended only if the driver does not have a smartphone.4Enabled;Disabled
46mapbox.revgeo.enableUse Mapbox for revgeocodingEnable MapBox reverse geocode4Enabled;Disabled
47map.refresh.timeMap Refresh TimeRefresh Time Preference21-59 Google Road API for Posted Speed LimitUse google roads api4Enabled;Disabled Landmarks On Map LoadShow Landmarks on Live Maps load4Enabled;Disabled
50currencyCurrencySet the currency you wish to use across the application, particularly for Driver Rewards1$;Rs;£;MXN;COP;IDR;MYR;PEN;BRL;CRC;SAR;AUD;CLP;EUR;OMR;KWD;QAR;AED;SGD;BND;ANG;ZAR
51dateDate FormatSet the date format you wish to use across the application.1MMM-dd-yyyy, hh:mm a;dd-MMM-yyyy, hh:mm a;MMM-dd-yyyy, HH:mm;dd-MMM-yyyy, HH:mm
52default.cost.per.distanceCost Per DistanceCost per distance30.000-999.000
53default.cost.per.distance.hybridCost Per Distance (hybrid)Cost per distance hybrid30.000-999.000
54default.dashboard.fuelCostFuel CostDefault fuel cost30.000-99999.000
59distanceDistance UnitSet the distance unit you wish to use across the application.1MILES;KM
60fuelFuel CostSet the fuel unit you wish to use across the application.1gallons;liters
61map.default.latlonMap Lat-LonDefault Map Location5
62speedSpeedSet the speed unit you wish to use across the application.1MPH;KPH
63speed.thresholdSpeed ThresholdSpeed Threshold For Distracted Driving PRO package210-200
64attachment.size.msgAttachment Size_MSGMaximum size for the attachments that can be sent.21-25
65driver.peer.chatDriver Peer ChatDriver is allowed to chat with other drivers or only admins4Enabled;Disabled
66network.policyNetwork PolicyAugary Network Policy1IMMEDIATE;WIFI_ONLY;WIFI_JUST_FOR_VIDEO
67video.trackingVideo TrackingAugary Video Tracking1ON;OFF
68follow.trackingFollow TrackingAugary Follow Tracking1OFF;DEVICE_ONLY;DEVICE_AND_UPLOAD
69speeding.trackingSpeeding TrackingAugary Speeding Tracking1OFF;DEVICE_ONLY;DEVICE_AND_UPLOAD
70trigger.thresholdTrigger ThresholdAugary Trigger Threshold1HIGHEST;VERY_HIGH;HIGH;MEDIUM;LOW;VERY_LOW;LOWEST;OFF
71video.qualityVideo QualityAugary Video Quality1HIGH;MEDIUM;LOW
72video.durationVideo DurationAugary Video Duration25-60
75log.levelLog LevelAzuga Mobile Logs11-Error;2-Warning;4-Info;8-Debug
76log.end.dateLog End DateAzuga Mobile Logs9
78breaks.allowedBreaks AllowedBreaks Allowed4Enabled;Disabled
80unpair.driver.on.trip.endUnpair driver on Trip EndUnpair driver on Trip End4Enabled;Disabled
81unpair.driver.on.beacon.countUnpair driver on beacons countUnpair driver on beacons count4Enabled;Disabled
82pass.throughPass ThroughDefines what type of data packets need to be communicated from the app11-UDP;2-TCP
83upload.mediumUpload MediumDefines how the data packets should be transferred from the app1Cellular;Wi-Fi only
84operating.hoursOperating HoursHours during which the app would operate under1
85keep.application.aliveKeep Application AliveA Type of activity that follows HOO4Enabled;Disabled
86auto.launch.applicationAuto Launch ApplicationA Type of activity that follows HOO4Enabled;Disabled
87auto.kill.applicationAuto Kill ApplicationA Type of activity that follows HOO4Enabled;Disabled
88ds.text.allowedAllow TextAFM Drive Safe Allow Texting4Enabled;Disabled
89ds.apps.allowedAllow APPSAFM Drive Safe Allow APPS1
90ds.allowed.numbersAllow NumbersAFM Drive Safe Allow Numbers1
91ds.nav.allowedAllow NavigationAFM Drive Safe Allow Navigation4Enabled;Disabled
92ds.speed.thresholdAllow Speed ThresholdAFM Drive Safe Allow Speed Threshold20-255
93ds.calls.hs.allowedAllow HeadsetAFM Drive Safe Allow Headset4Enabled;Disabled
94ds.reject.msgDefined MessageAFM Drive Safe Defined Message1100 Time Live MapReal Time data update on Live Maps4Enabled;Disabled
96cache.posted.speed.limitCache Posted Speed LimitCache Posted Speed Limit4Enabled;Disabled
97enable.idling.weightageEnabling Idling WeightageThis preference provides the flexibility to either include or exclude idling scores as part of Safety Scores. By default Idling scores are calculated as part of Safety Scores. Changes will reflect the next time score is calculated.4Enabled;Disabled
102show.posted.speed.on.speeeding.alertShow Posted Speeds on Speeding Alerts/ReportsShow Posted Speeds on Speeding Alerts4Enabled;Disabled
103enable.smalert.cloneSchedule Maintenance CloneClone SM alert to multiple Vehicles4Enabled;Disabled Carbonfootprint in dashboardShow Carbonfootprint in dashboard4Enabled;Disabled
105show.streetview.alert.emailShow Street View in AlertShow Streetview in alert email4Enabled;Disabled
108drive.time.goalDrive Time GoalDrive Time Goal for Dashboard21-1000
109distance.travelled.goalDistance Traveled GoalDistance Traveled Goal for Dashboard21-1000
110idling.time.goalIdling GoalIdling Goal for Dashboard21-1000
111speeding.goalSpeeding GoalSpeeding Goal for Dashboard21-1000
112hard.braking.goalHard Braking GoalHard Braking Goal for Dashboard21-1000
113sudden.acceleration.goalSudden Acceleration GoalSudden Acceleration Goal for Dashboard21-1000
114sms.service.providerSMS Service ProviderSMS Service Provider1Text Local
115logout.allowedLogout AllowedEnabling this preference will prevent users from logging out of the app4Enabled;Disabled
116distracted.driving.utilityPhone Usage UtilityPreference for enabling/disabling Phone Usage Utility4Enabled;Disabled
117enable.acceleration.weightageEnabling Acceleration WeightageThis preference provides the flexibility to either include or exclude Acceleration scores as part of Safety Scores. By default Acceleration scores are calculated as part of Safety Scores. Changes will reflect the next time score is calculated.4Enabled;Disabled
118map.label.nameMap label NamePreference for displaying live map label1{"Azuga Fleet":"trackeeName-Vehicle Name;firstName-Driver Name;groupName-Group Name;assetNo-Vehicle Asset Number","Azuga Assets":"trackeeName-Asset Name;groupName-Group Name;licensePlateNo-Asset License Plate Number;identification-Asset Identification"}
119live.maps.row.vehicle.statusLive Maps Row HighlightPreference for enabling/disabling Live Maps Row Highlight4Enabled;Disabled TripsPreference for enabling/disabling Plot Trips4Enabled;Disabled
122local.plot.trip.on.appLocal Plot Trip on AppPreference for enabling/disabling local plot trip on App4Enabled;Disabled
123shift.end.inspection.textShift End Inspection TextPreference for enabling/disabling shift end inspection175
124device.types.for.installationDevice Types for InstallationThis preference controls what types of devices are allowed to be installed from the AFM app11-OBD II Device;2-Asset Tracker;3-Asset Tracker and OBD II Device
125allow.multiple.job.startAllow Multiple Job StartsAllow Multiple Job Starts4Enabled;Disabled Group AlertsGroup Alerts at Vehicle Level vs Group Level4Enabled;Disabled
127enable.idling.count.weightageEnabling Idling Count WeightageConsider idling count score for driver score4Enabled;Disabled App Login TypeThis preference controls the type of login method allowed on the AFM app from drivers and users11-Email;2-PIN;4-Employee Id;5-SSO;6-Google SSO
129enable.distracted.driving.weightageEnable Phone Usage WeightageThis preference provides the flexibility to either include or exclude Phone Usage scores as part of Safety Scores. By default Acceleration scores are calculated as part of Safety Scores. Changes will reflect the next time score is calculated.4Enabled;Disabled
131temperature.reporting.rateTemperature Reporting RateThis preference defines the rate at which the temperature recordings are reported to the server20-99999
133tow.radiusTow RadiusThis preference controls the maximum radius of search while locating tow locations on the app21-20
134mileage.weightageMileage Weightage(%)The mileage weightage to be used when calculating scores for drivers.110;5;1
135enable.cornering.weightageEnabling Cornering WeightageThis preference provides the flexibility to either include or exclude Cornering scores as part of Safety Scores. By default Accelaration scores are calculated as part of Safety Scores. Changes will reflect the next time score is calculated.4Enabled;Disabled search radius for couponsSet search radius for coupons21-100 deals to showMaximum deals to show21-50 deal addressShow deal address1Last known address;Recommended Address recommended deal addressShow recommended deal address2
141trackee.supported.odo.showShow vehicle Supported odoShow vehicle Supported odo4Enabled;Disabled Scores per Day DrivenEnable to consider no of days driven in score computation.4Enabled;Disabled Scores per Day Driven valueWeightage for no of days driven preference value20-100
144enable.seatBelt.weightageEnabling Seat Belt WeightageThis preference provides the flexibility to either include or exclude SeatBelt scores as part of Safety Scores. By default Accelaration scores are calculated as part of Safety Scores. Changes will reflect the next time score is calculated.4Enabled;Disabled
146type.job.creation.allowedType of Job creation allowedBasic Jobs: These will have the ‘Name’ field in the Create Job screen and Workflow as mandatory in AFM.Advanced Jobs: These will have all the fields that are mandatory in the Create Job screen of Web App as mandatory in the Create Job screen in AFM1Basic;Advanced
148job.fetch.intervalNumber of days post Job start dateAdd a Preference for ‘Number of days post start date after which Jobs should be removed automatically’ under Mobile for Jobs Package21-90
149broadcast.afm.intentsBroadcast AFM IntentsAFM app on the driver login broadcasts information to the Elite Extra app within the same phone4Enabled;Disabled map or satellite1Map;Satellite
152show.weatherweathershow or hide weather4Enabled;Disabled
153reverse.geocode.optionReverseGeocode OptionReverseGeocode Option1Hybrid;Google;AzugaRGC;HereMap;Hybrid_HereMap
154show.asset.extension.on.reportShow Extension Name on ReportPreference to show/hide extension names on report4Enabled;Disabled IconDisplay dot or label on live maps1Simple with Labels;Simple with Icons;Legacy
156job.end.details.optionAllow Job End DetailsJob End Details4Enabled;Disabled
157trip.tags.applicableTrip Tags ApplicableSelect Trip Tags Applicable1951b19ae-152b-11e8-bb89-22000a269628:Evaluation;951b553f-152b-11e8-bb89-22000a269628:Completion;a8494d31-0e23-11e7-a74a-22000aeaa6da:Personal;a8494db1-0e23-11e7-a74a-22000aeaa6da:Business DataLive Data20-99
159show.hours.preferenceShow Hours value in timeThis Preference is used to show time in the format of hh:mm:ss4Enabled;Disabled
160trackme.max.durationMaximum TrackMe DurationThis preference defines the maximum amount of time a TrackMe link can be kept alive at any point in time.230-14400 Map Event Short ViewLive Map Event Short View2Enabled;Disabled
162engine.hoursEngine CycleEngine Hours1
163extension.oneExtension 1Asset Extension 11
164extension.twoExtension 2Asset Extension 21
165smarter.scheduled.reportsSmarter Scheduled ReportsThis preference controls if the Send To Group Admin is allowed for scheduled reports.4Enabled;Disabled
166pair.reminder.notificationPair Reminder NotificationControl sending pair reminder notification4Enabled;Disabled
167livemap.modeLiveMap ModeLiveMap Mode - Full or Lite1FULL;LITE PIN login digitsThis preference controls the pin number of digits14;5;6 label size change option on Live mapShow label size change option on Live map4Enabled;Disabled Data restrictionIf Disabled - should show all vehicle irrespective of lastcontact time, otherwise default days restriction - 74Enabled;Disabled aggregated Scheduled ReportSend aggregated Scheduled Report4Enabled;Disabled Report Run FrequencyExtended Report Run Frequency4Enabled;Disabled
173driver.unpaired.alladmin.showShow Unpaired Drivers to ALL AdminsEnabling this preference will show unpaired drivers to all admins on the account across the app.4Enabled;Disabled Landmark Load LimitLiveMap Landmark Load Limit21-1000
175azuga.roi.evangelistsROI EvangelistsAzuga ROI Evangelists for ROI4Enabled;Disabled map through clustersMap clusters will automatically organize group nearby vehicles into a bubble on a map4Enabled;Disabled Stream DurationControls the allowed duration for live streaming21-600
178tags.limit.quotaTags quota limitMaximum number of tags allowed per customer20-7000
179show.driver.summaryDriver SummaryEnable Driver Summary Report4Enabled;Disabled
180tags.allowed.per.objectNumber of tags allowed per objectNumber of tags allowed per object21-5
185report.vehiclename.showShow Vehicle Name on Driver Score ReportVehicle Name on Driver Score Report4Enabled;Disabled
186show.traffic.on.mapAlways show Traffic on MapsUse this preference to auto load traffic on maps across the application4Enabled;Disabled
188coach.via.emailCoach via emailThis preference allows users to receive the driver coaching videos on their email id.4Enabled;Disabled
190show.last.known.locationShow last Known LocationEnabling this preference will display the last known location if the current location is unavailable due to a bad GPS point received from the device.4Enabled;Disabled
191show.safetyCam.adShow SafetyCam Adto show safetyCam upsell advertisement4Enabled;Disabled
192show.odometer.preferenceShow OdometerShow odometer on live map4Enabled;Disabled MW new flowEnable MW new flow4Enabled;Disabled
194pair.when.only.single.vehiclePair only when single vehicle detected via BluetoothThis preference controls if Bluetooth pairing should be delayed until only one vehicle is detected while scanning4Enabled;Disabled audio reminderThis preference controls if the mobile app should beep if it detects vehicle movement without an active Bluetooth pairing on the driver’s phone, until pairing is established between the vehicle-driver4Enabled;Disabled audio reminderThis preference controls if the mobile app should beep if it detects vehicle movement without an active login on the driver’s phone, until an active login session is established on his/her phone4Enabled;Disabled
197safetycam.autoconnectSafety cam auto connectAuto connect safety cam to device4Enabled;Disabled
198enable.all.groups.access.for.driverShow All Vehicles While PairingShow All Vehicles While Pairing for driver4Enabled;Disabled
199customer.sso.pref.modeCustomer SSO Pref modeThis SSO Mode for a customer will define the way preference for SSO will act for that customer.1Stringent;Flexible
200track.trip.with.beaconTrack Trips only with BeaconTrack SSE drivers only when beacon is detected4Enabled;Disabled New Email TemplatesUse new templates for sending all types of email communications to customers4Enabled;Disabled
202map.overlaysMap OverlaysUse this preference to control the overlay seen on maps across the application. The options available as of today are temperature and precipitation.4Enabled;Disabled
203show.device.tracking.countShow Device Tracking CountShow Device Tracking Count4Enabled;Disabled
204enable.livemapservice.sync.callLiveMap Sync ReverseGeocodeThis preference will enable sync reverse geocode from livemap data service to show address on livemap4Enabled;Disabled
206enable.oldweb.switch.backFleet 1.0 AccessThis preference will be used for swithcing back to webv1 from webv24Enabled;Disabled
207allowed.multiple.alertsAllowed Multiple AlertsNo of alerts of same type allowed per vehicle21-5
209password.validation.policyPassword Validation Policyenable password change enforcement and validation10{"minChar":{"enable":true,"value":8},"maxChar":{"enable":true,"value":12},"specialChar":{"enable":true,
{"enable":true,"value":1}} last Live address within acceptable timeThis preference allows users see last address if found within x time.4Enabled;Disabled
212coach.assignment.frequencyCoach assignment frequencyThis preference allows users to change the assignment frequency per score category.11{"safe":{"allowedValues":[{"value":"0","display":"No Assignment"},{"value":"1","display":"Weekly"},{"value":"2","display":"Bi-Weekly"},{"value":"3","display":"Monthly"}],"selectedValue":"3","type":"select"},"risky":{"allowedValues":[{"value":"0","display":"No Assignment"},{"value":"1","display":"Weekly"},{"value":"2","display":"Bi-Weekly"},{"value":"3","display":"Monthly"}],"selectedValue":"1","type":"select"},"watchlist":{"allowedValues":[{"value":"0","display":"No Assignment"},{"value":"1","display":"Weekly"},{"value":"2","display":"Bi-Weekly"},{"value":"3","display":"Monthly"}],"selectedValue":"2","type":"select"}}
213coach.assignment.overdueCoach assignment overdueThis preference allows users to change the assignment overdue in weeks.21-4 Score VisibilityTo control companyWide or group comparison10;1;2 launch reminder notificationThis would control if the users should be sent a notification asking them to launch the app4Enabled;Disabled
216show.livemaps.refresh.optionShow Live Maps Refresh Optionsenable show live maps refresh options4Enabled;Disabled Audio on Video PlayersTo mute audio on video players4Enabled;Disabled
218login.password.selection.optionPassword Selection Optionenable password selection option10{"setHardCode":{"enable":true},"setAtFirstLogin":{"enable":false}}
219max.session.inactive.timeSession Max Idle TimeThis Preference decides the inactivity time on Fleet Web app after which the user should get logged out11{"allowedValues":[{"value":"300","display":"5 Minutes"},{"value":"600","display":"10 Minutes"},{"value":"900","display":"15 Minutes"},{"value":"1800","display":"30 Minutes"},{"value":"3600","display":"1 Hour"},{"value":"7200","display":"2 Hour"},{"value":"10800","display":"3 Hour"},{"value":"-1","display":"Never Log Out"}],"selectedValue":"3600","type":"select"}
220bluetooth.techBluetooth TechnologyPref to Control Bluetooth profile to be used for pairing10;1;2
221google.address.type.enableGoogle Address TypeThis preference allows users to enable the address type check for google response4Enabled;Disabled
222livemap.firesbase.enabledEnable Firebase for Live MapsPref to Control whether Firebase should be used to display the data on Live Maps on AFM4Enabled;Disabled
223enable.livedata.mongo.flowLive Data MongoThis preference allows users to enable the live page mongo4Enabled;Disabled
224display.score.decimalvalueDisplay Score Decimal valueDisplay Score decimal value till n places10;1;2;3;4 Impact event feedbackControls if feedback should be collected from drivers in case an impact event is detected and suspected to be an accident4Enabled;Disabled
226beacon.pairing.modeBeacon Pairing ModeIf the Pair on beacon button press is selected, that means the pairing would rely just on the button press event. If the button is not pressed, no pairing will happen irrespective of the device discovery and the no. of devices discovered whereas another one will seek for the button press only if mul1Pair on Beacon button press only;Beacon button press if multiple occupants
227override.last.button.pressOverride Last button pressIf this preference is checked, then the button pressed last would override the button pressed previously. If this is not checked, then whoever presses the button first for a trip would remain paired with the vehicle till the end of the trip.4Enabled;Disabled Versions AllowedWeb-app Versions Allowed1Classic Fleet;Fleet 2.0;Both
230login.type.allowedLogin Type AllowedThis preference controls the type of login methods allowed for the users of the account1Email;PIN;Employee Id;SSO;Google SSO
231anonymous.driver.identity.enabledEnable Anonymous Driver IdentityThis preference controls hiding the peer drivers identity while comparing score4Enabled;Disabled
232coach.activation.modeCoach Driver Activation modePreference for enabling the Coach driver in DD portal (Coach package is mandatory for all)1AFM Logged In;Valid Email Address;None
233show.associated.packages.columnShow associated package namePreference to show/hide associated packages in Driver Page4Enabled;Disabled
235coach.reassignment.enabledAzuga Coach ReassignmentPreference for enabling the coach course reassignment once courses are exhausted in the given category4Enabled;Disabled
236live.feed.option.settings.valueLive Feed Setting IntervalLive Feed Setting Interval2 Event(s) For SafetyCamThis preference allows MSU/SU to add/remove the dynamic events for customer having safetycam package.110;55;136;56;57;58;185;106;100;142;141;47;45;46;137;44;124;121;120;116;62;180;82;83;170;171;114;172;89;97;96;206;95;205;178;162;158;160;161;175;159;179;163;176;127;108;196;40;48;28;119;157;81;80;49;22;177;93;35;144;143;168;68;113;125;126;169;146;145;148;147;50;51;42;17;41;198;11;53;167;37;13;2;1;98;7;26;36;27;99;21;123;111;112;197;184;6;24;23;102;134;202;69;118;117;122;39;110;183;25;70;85;77;76;75;84;139;94;65;109;38;43;201;166;5;3;4;66;103;59;128;129;131;132;130;88;87;199;164;135;64;133;187;186;138;181;86;61;71;72;73;15;16;78;203;79;204;165;63;34;200;107;149;150;151;152;153;154;155;156;54;9;174;8;101;67;74;182;104;105;52;60;33;140;173;92;91;90 Event(s) For SurfsightAdd-on Dynamic Event(s) For Surfsight110;55;136;56;57;58;185;106;100;142;141;47;45;46;137;44;124;121;120;116;62;180;82;83;170;171;114;172;89;97;96;206;95;205;178;162;158;160;161;175;159;179;163;176;127;108;196;40;48;28;119;157;81;80;49;22;177;93;35;144;143;168;68;113;125;126;169;146;145;148;147;50;51;42;17;41;198;11;53;167;37;13;2;1;98;7;26;36;27;99;21;123;111;112;197;184;6;24;23;102;134;202;69;118;117;122;39;110;183;25;70;85;77;76;75;84;139;94;65;109;38;43;201;166;5;3;4;66;103;59;128;129;131;132;130;88;87;199;164;135;64;133;187;186;138;181;86;61;71;72;73;15;16;78;203;79;204;165;63;34;200;107;149;150;151;152;153;154;155;156;54;9;174;8;101;67;74;182;104;105;52;60;33;140;173;92;91;90
239display.usernameDisplay the Username fieldUser Defined Username4Enabled;Disabled
240enable.firestore.datasourceEnable Firestore DatasourcePreference to change the datasource from Firebase to Firestore DB for v2 livemaps4Enabled;Disabled
241enable.admin.webhook.publishEnable Admin WebhookAdmin Action publish to Webhook4Enabled;Disabled
242fetch.groups.geofence.listFetch Groups on geofenceFetch Groups on geofence list4Enabled;Disabled