This API allows you to retrieve and view a selected vehicle's detailed information. Warning : Make sure that you are setting the method to GET. The same endpoint is used for deleting a vehicle using DELETE method. The deletion of the vehicle is an irreversible action.
Sample Request
API Response glossary
Field | Description | Data Type |
customerId | Unique Identifier of the customer. | Long |
deviceId | Identifier of the OBD device plugged into the vehicle | String |
device | Object representing the meta data of the device. Refer to the Device section to get the description details of each field | Object |
userId | ID of the driver who is going to be paired with the vehicle | String |
userName | The name of the user linked to the vehicle | String |
serialNum | The serial number of the OBD device. | String |
imei | IMEI number of the device attached to the vehicle | String |
groupId | Unique Identifier of the vehicle’s linked group. | String |
locationStoreId | Unique identifier representing the location received from device | String |
user | Object representing the meta-data of the user(driver) associated with the vehicle | Object |
trackeeType | Object representing the meta data of the vehicle | Object |
trackeeTypeId | Unique identifier representing the type of the vehicle. The following values are valid: 1- Car, 2- Truck, 3- School Bus, 4- Coach Bus, 5-Limousine, 6- Van, 7- Car(Sedan), 8- Car(Hatchback), 9- Car(LUV), 10- Car(MUV), 11-Car(SUV) | Short |
iconName | The vehicle icon name assigned to the vehicle by the admin. | Short |
iconUrl | For Azuga internal use | String |
vehicleIcon | The corresponding vehicle icon image which appears according to the selected icon. | VehicleIcon |
fuelTankCapacity | Maximum capacity of the fuel tank in Gallons or Litres. | Double |
safetyCam | SafetyCam device connected to the associated vehicle. | String |
vendorId | Unique identifier to identify the vendor of the associated vehicle. | Integer |
maintenanceEnabled | Azuga Maintenance support provided to the associated vehicle. The return value are: True- Azuga Maintenance package is enabled for the associated vehicle. False - Azuga Maintenance package is disabled for the associated vehicle. | Boolean |
isShared | Boolean value to identify whether the associated vehicle is being shared by other user. | Boolean |
staticPairing | Boolean representing whether the static pairing is enabled for the vehicle | Boolean |
sharedUsers | For Azuga internal use | Set |
extensionLite | For Azuga internal use | AssetExtensionLite |
extension1Name | For Azuga internal use | String |
extension2Name | For Azuga internal use | String |
address | For Azuga internal use | String |
vehicleSupportedOdoValue | Odometer value from the vehicle | Double |
time | For Azuga internal use | Timestamp |
lat | For Azuga internal use | Double |
lon | For Azuga internal use | Double |
deletedAt | For Azuga internal use | Timestamp |
trackeeTagsAssociated | Unique identifier representing the vehicle tags associated with the registered vehicle | String |
trackeeTagsNames | For Azuga internal use | String |
driverFirstName | For Azuga internal use | String |
driverEmailId | For Azuga internal use | String |
driverLastName | For Azuga internal use | String |
groupName | Name of the group(s) associated with the vehicle | String |
make | Make of the vehicle | String |
model | Model of the vehicle | String |
year | Year in which the vehicle was manufactured in. | Integer |
vehicleWeight | For Azuga internal use | Integer |
odo_support | Azuga Odometer detection support provided to the associated vehicle. (Boolean return value True- Azuga Odometer detection package is enabled for the associated vehicle. The vehicle supports odometer data. False - Azuga Odometer detection package is disabled for the associated vehicle. The vehicle doesn't support odometer data.) | Boolean |
odometerTime | The time at which the odometer reading updated last in UTC milliseconds | Timestamp |
odoChoice | Azuga Odometer detection support provided to the associated vehicle. (Boolean return value True- Azuga Odometer detection package is enabled for the associated vehicle. The vehicle supports odometer data. False - Azuga Odometer detection package is disabled for the associated vehicle. The vehicle doesn't support odometer data.) | Boolean |
odometerTimeStr | For Azuga internal use | String |
lastContactDate | For Azuga internal use | Timestamp |
seatbelt_support | Azuga Seatbelt detection support provided to the associated vehicle. (Boolean return value True- Azuga Seatbelt detection package is enabled for the associated vehicle. The vehicle supports Seatbelt data. False- Azuga Seatbelt detection package is disabled for the associated vehicle. The vehicle doesn't support Seatbelt data.) | Boolean |
identification | For Azuga internal use | String |
odometerReading | Odometer reading of the vehicle | Double |
name | User defined name assigned to the vehicle. | String |
vin | Vehice Identification Number | String |
licensePlateNo | License plate number of the vehicle | String |
createdBy | The name of the user who created the vehicle in Azuga. | String |
createdAt | Time at which the vehicle is created in UTC milliseconds | Timestamp |
lastModifiedBy | The unique identifier of the user who was updated the vehicle details last | String |
lastModifiedAt | Time at which the vehicle is last modified in UTC milliseconds | Timestamp |
deleted | Boolean representing the status of the vehicle | Boolean |
costPerMile | Operating cost per mile of the vehicle | Double |
phoneNumber | For Azuga internal use | String |
assetno | Asset number of the vehicle | String |
ownership | Ownership type of the vehicle | String |
newMake | For Azuga internal use | Boolean |
lastTripEndTime | For Azuga internal use | Timestamp |
lastTripStartTime | For Azuga internal use | Timestamp |
color | Hex code of the icon color associated with the vehicle | String |
bgColor | Hex code of the background color of the icon associated with the vehicle | String |
currentOdometerReading | Current odometer reading of the vehicle | Double |
iconAvailable | Boolean representing the availability of the icon | Boolean |
privacyMode | For Azuga internal use | Boolean |
trackingIsScheduled | For Azuga internal use | Boolean |
hrsOfOperation | For Azuga internal use | List |
vehicleType | Object representing the type of the vehicle | Object |
fuelType | Object representing the type of fuel | FuelType |
fuelCardNumber | Fuel Card number linked to the associated vehicle. | String |
trackeeTagHistoryRecords | For Azuga internal use | List |
trackeeDetails | Object representing the meta-data of the vehicle | Object |
trackeeId | Unique identifier representing the vehicle | String |
firstAidKit | Boolean representing whether the vehicle is equipped with first-aid Kit. This is bases on the selection done from the Azuga portal against 'First Aid Kit' section | Boolean |
createdBy | Unique identifier representing the user who created the vehicle. | String |
createdAt | Created time of the vehicle in UTC milliseconds | Boolean |
lastModifiedBy | Unique identifier representing the user who modified the vehicle details last | String |
deleted | Boolean representing the active status of the vehicle 0 = Active 1 = Deleted | Boolean |
trackeeTypeName | Type of the vehicle. The list of vehicle types that can be recognized by the OBD device are: Car Truck, School Bus Coach Bus Limousine Van Car(Sedan) Car(Hatchback) Car [Life Utility Vehicle (LUV)] Car [Multi utility vehicle(MUV)] Car[Sport utility vehicle (SUV)] Bus Pickup/Light Trucks Sprinter Hearse | String |
version | For Azuga internal use | long |
initialEngineRuntime | The initial time duration of the engine with the ignition mode ON. | Integer |
engineRunTime | The time duration of the engine with ignition mode ON. | Integer |
odo | For Azuga internal use | String |
nearestlandMark | For Azuga internal use | Object |
distance | For Azuga internal use | Double |
rechedTime | For Azuga internal use | Double |
vehicleTypeId | Unique Identifier assigned to the vehicle type. The codes are listed from 1-15 are according to the types of vehicles. The Azuga codes to identify them are: 1- Car 2- Truck, 3- School Bus 4- Coach Bus 5-Limousine 6- Van 7- Car(Sedan) 8- Car(Hatchback) 9- Car [Life Utility Vehicle (LUV)] 10- Car [Multi utility vehicle(MUV)] 11-Car[Sport utility vehicle (SUV)] 12-Bus 13-Pickup/Light Trucks 14-Sprinter 15-Hearse | int |
fuelTypeId | Unique identifier representing the type of the fuel used. The Azuga codes to identify different types of fuel used are: 1-Gasoline 2-Diesel 3-Propane 4-Hybrid 5-LPG 6-CNG 7-LNG 8-Electric 9-Others | int |
userFirstName | For Azuga internal use | String |
userLastName | For Azuga internal use | String |
fuelTypeName | The fuel type used by the vehicle. The list of fuel types that can be recognized by the OBD device are: Gasoline Diesel Propane Hybrid LPG CNG LNG Electric Others | String |
vehicleTypeName | Type of the vehicle. The list of vehicle types that can be recognized by the OBD device are: Car Truck, School Bus Coach Bus Limousine Van Car(Sedan) Car(Hatchback) Car [Life Utility Vehicle (LUV)] Car [Multi utility vehicle(MUV)] Car[Sport utility vehicle (SUV)] Bus Pickup/Light Trucks Sprinter Hearse | String |
vehicleDeviceOdoReading | Last odometer reading recorded by the OBD device. | String |
vehicleDeviceCurrentodoReading | Current odometer reading recorded by the OBD device. | Double |
trackeeDetails | Object representing the details of the vehicle | Object |
trackeeDetailsTrackeeId | For Azuga internal use | String |
registrationDate | For Azuga internal use | String |
insuranceDate | For Azuga internal use | String |
emissionDate | For Azuga internal use | String |
serviceDueDate | For Azuga internal use | String |
roadTaxDate | For Azuga internal use | String |
permitDate | For Azuga internal use | String |
fireExtinguisherDate | For Azuga internal use | String |
firstAidKit | Boolean value representing whether the vehicle is equipped with firstAidKit. | Boolean |
rtsiDocs | For Azuga internal use | Boolean |
rtsiDocsDate | For Azuga internal use | String |
safetyTags | For Azuga internal use | Boolean |
safetyTagsDate | For Azuga internal use | String |
others | For Azuga internal use | String |
trackeeDetailsCreatedBy | For Azuga internal use | String |
trackeeDetailsCreatedAt | For Azuga internal use | Timestamp |
trackeeDetailsDeleted | For Azuga internal use | Boolean |
pairingTypeId | Unique identifier representing the pairing type 0 Web 1 Bluetooth 2 Beacon 3 NoPairing 4 E-Logs 5 Bluetooth 6 Beacon Button 7 QR Code | Integer |
pairingType | Name of the pairing type | String |
tollDevice | For Azuga internal use | String |
wex | For Azuga internal use | String |
lastMileageChange | For Azuga internal use | String |
tagType | For Azuga internal use | String |
lastServiceDate | For Azuga internal use | Date |
nextServiceDate | For Azuga internal use | Date |
deletedTrackee | For Azuga internal use | boolean |
primaryApplication | For Azuga internal use | String |
secondaryApplication | For Azuga internal use | String |
load | For Azuga internal use | String |
vehicleLoad | For Azuga internal use | String |
architectureType | For Azuga internal use | String |
location | For Azuga internal use | String |
district | For Azuga internal use | String |
state | For Azuga internal use | String |
country | For Azuga internal use | String |
vehicleTags | Name of the vehicle tags given to the associated vehicle. | String |
vehicleTagsAssociated | For Azuga internal use | Object |
vehicleTagsNames | For Azuga internal use | Object |
tripExists | For Azuga internal use | Boolean |
iconIdString | For Azuga internal use | String |
deviceName | Designated name of the OBD device. | String |
vehicleId | Unique identifier assigned to the associated vehicle. | String |