View Single Vehicle

This API allows you to retrieve and view a selected vehicle's detailed information. Warning : Make sure that you are setting the method to GET. The same endpoint is used for deleting a vehicle using DELETE method. The deletion of the vehicle is an irreversible action.


Sample Request

API Response glossary

FieldDescriptionData Type
customerIdUnique Identifier of the customer.Long
deviceIdIdentifier of the OBD device plugged into the vehicleString
deviceObject representing the meta data of the device. Refer to the Device section to get the description details of each fieldObject
userIdID of the driver who is going to be paired with the vehicleString
userNameThe name of the user linked to the vehicleString
serialNumThe serial number of the OBD device.String
imeiIMEI number of the device attached to the vehicleString
groupIdUnique Identifier of the vehicle’s linked group.String
locationStoreIdUnique identifier representing the location received from deviceString
userObject representing the meta-data of the user(driver) associated with the vehicleObject
trackeeTypeObject representing the meta data of the vehicleObject
trackeeTypeIdUnique identifier representing the type of the vehicle. The following values are valid: 1- Car, 2- Truck, 3- School Bus, 4- Coach Bus, 5-Limousine, 6- Van, 7- Car(Sedan), 8- Car(Hatchback), 9- Car(LUV), 10- Car(MUV), 11-Car(SUV)Short
iconNameThe vehicle icon name assigned to the vehicle by the admin.Short
iconUrlFor Azuga internal useString
vehicleIconThe corresponding vehicle icon image which appears according to the selected icon.VehicleIcon
fuelTankCapacityMaximum capacity of the fuel tank in Gallons or Litres.Double
safetyCamSafetyCam device connected to the associated vehicle.String
vendorIdUnique identifier to identify the vendor of the associated vehicle.Integer
maintenanceEnabledAzuga Maintenance support provided to the associated vehicle.
The return value are:
True- Azuga Maintenance package is
enabled for the associated vehicle.
False - Azuga Maintenance package is
disabled for the associated vehicle.
isSharedBoolean value to identify whether the associated vehicle is being shared by other user.Boolean
staticPairingBoolean representing whether the static pairing is enabled for the vehicleBoolean
sharedUsersFor Azuga internal useSet
extensionLiteFor Azuga internal useAssetExtensionLite
extension1NameFor Azuga internal useString
extension2NameFor Azuga internal useString
addressFor Azuga internal useString
vehicleSupportedOdoValueOdometer value from the vehicleDouble
timeFor Azuga internal useTimestamp
latFor Azuga internal useDouble
lonFor Azuga internal useDouble
deletedAtFor Azuga internal useTimestamp
trackeeTagsAssociatedUnique identifier representing the vehicle tags associated with the registered vehicleString
trackeeTagsNamesFor Azuga internal useString
driverFirstNameFor Azuga internal useString
driverEmailIdFor Azuga internal useString
driverLastNameFor Azuga internal useString
groupNameName of the group(s) associated with the vehicleString
makeMake of the vehicleString
modelModel of the vehicleString
yearYear in which the vehicle was manufactured in.Integer
vehicleWeightFor Azuga internal useInteger
odo_supportAzuga Odometer detection support provided to the associated vehicle.
(Boolean return value
True- Azuga Odometer detection package is enabled for the associated vehicle. The vehicle supports odometer data.
False - Azuga Odometer detection package is disabled for the associated vehicle. The vehicle doesn't support odometer data.)
odometerTimeThe time at which the odometer reading updated last in UTC millisecondsTimestamp
odoChoiceAzuga Odometer detection support provided to the associated vehicle.
(Boolean return value
True- Azuga Odometer detection package is enabled for the associated vehicle. The vehicle supports odometer data.
False - Azuga Odometer detection package is disabled for the associated vehicle. The vehicle doesn't support odometer data.)
odometerTimeStrFor Azuga internal useString
lastContactDateFor Azuga internal useTimestamp
seatbelt_supportAzuga Seatbelt detection support provided to the associated vehicle.
(Boolean return value
True- Azuga Seatbelt detection package is enabled for the associated vehicle. The vehicle supports Seatbelt data.
False- Azuga Seatbelt detection package is disabled for the associated vehicle. The vehicle doesn't support Seatbelt data.)
identificationFor Azuga internal useString
odometerReadingOdometer reading of the vehicleDouble
nameUser defined name assigned to the vehicle.String
vinVehice Identification NumberString
licensePlateNoLicense plate number of the vehicleString
createdByThe name of the user who created the vehicle in Azuga.String
createdAtTime at which the vehicle is created in UTC millisecondsTimestamp
lastModifiedByThe unique identifier of the user who was updated the vehicle details lastString
lastModifiedAtTime at which the vehicle is last modified in UTC millisecondsTimestamp
deletedBoolean representing the status of the vehicleBoolean
costPerMileOperating cost per mile of the vehicleDouble
phoneNumberFor Azuga internal useString
assetnoAsset number of the vehicleString
ownershipOwnership type of the vehicleString
newMakeFor Azuga internal useBoolean
lastTripEndTimeFor Azuga internal useTimestamp
lastTripStartTimeFor Azuga internal useTimestamp
colorHex code of the icon color associated with the vehicleString
bgColorHex code of the background color of the icon associated with the vehicleString
currentOdometerReadingCurrent odometer reading of the vehicleDouble
iconAvailableBoolean representing the availability of the iconBoolean
privacyModeFor Azuga internal useBoolean
trackingIsScheduledFor Azuga internal useBoolean
hrsOfOperationFor Azuga internal useList
vehicleTypeObject representing the type of the vehicleObject
fuelTypeObject representing the type of fuelFuelType
fuelCardNumberFuel Card number linked to the associated vehicle.String
trackeeTagHistoryRecordsFor Azuga internal useList
trackeeDetailsObject representing the meta-data of the vehicleObject
trackeeIdUnique identifier representing the vehicleString
firstAidKitBoolean representing whether the vehicle is equipped with first-aid Kit. This is bases on the selection done from the Azuga portal against 'First Aid Kit' sectionBoolean
createdByUnique identifier representing the user who created the vehicle.String
createdAtCreated time of the vehicle in UTC millisecondsBoolean
lastModifiedByUnique identifier representing the user who modified the vehicle details lastString
deletedBoolean representing the active status of the vehicle

0 = Active
1 = Deleted
trackeeTypeNameType of the vehicle. The list of vehicle types that can be recognized by the OBD device are:

School Bus
Coach Bus
Car [Life Utility Vehicle (LUV)]
Car [Multi utility vehicle(MUV)]
Car[Sport utility vehicle (SUV)]
Pickup/Light Trucks
versionFor Azuga internal uselong
initialEngineRuntimeThe initial time duration of the engine with the ignition mode ON.Integer
engineRunTimeThe time duration of the engine with ignition mode ON.Integer
odoFor Azuga internal useString
nearestlandMarkFor Azuga internal useObject
distanceFor Azuga internal useDouble
rechedTimeFor Azuga internal useDouble
vehicleTypeIdUnique Identifier assigned to the vehicle type.
The codes are listed from 1-15 are according to the types of vehicles. The Azuga codes to identify them are:
1- Car
2- Truck,
3- School Bus
4- Coach Bus
6- Van
7- Car(Sedan)
8- Car(Hatchback)
9- Car [Life Utility Vehicle (LUV)]
10- Car [Multi utility vehicle(MUV)]
11-Car[Sport utility vehicle (SUV)]
13-Pickup/Light Trucks
fuelTypeIdUnique identifier representing the type of the fuel used. The Azuga codes to identify different types of fuel used are:
userFirstNameFor Azuga internal useString
userLastNameFor Azuga internal useString
fuelTypeNameThe fuel type used by the vehicle. The list of fuel types that can be recognized by the OBD device are:

vehicleTypeNameType of the vehicle. The list of vehicle types that can be recognized by the OBD device are:

School Bus
Coach Bus
Car [Life Utility Vehicle (LUV)]
Car [Multi utility vehicle(MUV)]
Car[Sport utility vehicle (SUV)]
Pickup/Light Trucks
vehicleDeviceOdoReadingLast odometer reading recorded by the OBD device.String
vehicleDeviceCurrentodoReadingCurrent odometer reading recorded by the OBD device.Double
trackeeDetailsObject representing the details of the vehicleObject
trackeeDetailsTrackeeIdFor Azuga internal useString
registrationDateFor Azuga internal useString
insuranceDateFor Azuga internal useString
emissionDateFor Azuga internal useString
serviceDueDateFor Azuga internal useString
roadTaxDateFor Azuga internal useString
permitDateFor Azuga internal useString
fireExtinguisherDateFor Azuga internal useString
firstAidKitBoolean value representing whether the vehicle is equipped with firstAidKit.Boolean
rtsiDocsFor Azuga internal useBoolean
rtsiDocsDateFor Azuga internal useString
safetyTagsFor Azuga internal useBoolean
safetyTagsDateFor Azuga internal useString
othersFor Azuga internal useString
trackeeDetailsCreatedByFor Azuga internal useString
trackeeDetailsCreatedAtFor Azuga internal useTimestamp
trackeeDetailsDeletedFor Azuga internal useBoolean
pairingTypeIdUnique identifier representing the pairing type

0 Web
1 Bluetooth
2 Beacon
3 NoPairing
4 E-Logs
5 Bluetooth
6 Beacon Button
7 QR Code
pairingTypeName of the pairing typeString
tollDeviceFor Azuga internal useString
wexFor Azuga internal useString
lastMileageChangeFor Azuga internal useString
tagTypeFor Azuga internal useString
lastServiceDateFor Azuga internal useDate
nextServiceDateFor Azuga internal useDate
deletedTrackeeFor Azuga internal useboolean
primaryApplicationFor Azuga internal useString
secondaryApplicationFor Azuga internal useString
loadFor Azuga internal useString
vehicleLoadFor Azuga internal useString
architectureTypeFor Azuga internal useString
locationFor Azuga internal useString
districtFor Azuga internal useString
stateFor Azuga internal useString
countryFor Azuga internal useString
vehicleTagsName of the vehicle tags given to the associated vehicle.String
vehicleTagsAssociatedFor Azuga internal useObject
vehicleTagsNamesFor Azuga internal useObject
tripExistsFor Azuga internal useBoolean
iconIdStringFor Azuga internal useString
deviceNameDesignated name of the OBD device.String
vehicleIdUnique identifier assigned to the associated vehicle.String
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