Diagnostics Report

This API allows the user to view the Diagnostics Report of a vehicle.

    "index": 0,
    "size": 1,
    "filter": {
        "matchFilter": {
            "vehicleIds": [
    "startDate": "2022-08-06T18:30:00.000Z",
    "endDate": "2022-08-08T18:29:59.000Z",
    "reportFilter": "activity",
    "browserTimezone": "Asia/Calcutta"

API Response explanation

FieldDescriptionData Type
resultArray of elements related to the diagnostics and vehicleObject
addressAddress of the location where the event occurredString
codeDiagnostic codeString
descriptionDescription of the diagnostic codeString
latLatitude of the location where the event occurredDouble
lngLongitude of the location where the event occurredDouble
spnCodeSuspect Parameter Numbers(SPN) codeString
spnDescriptionDescription of the SPN codeString
fmiCodeFailure Mode Indicator(FMI) codeString
fmiDescriptionDescription of the FMI codeString
detailedDescriptionDetailed description of the codeString
vehicleName of the vehicleString
groupName of the groupString
groupIdUnique identifier representing the groupString
driverName of the driverString
driverIdUnique identifier representing the driverString
dateTimeEvent time in GMTTimestamp
dateTimeExportReportEvent time in local timezoneString
assetnoFor internal Azuga useString
firstNameFor internal Azuga useString
lastNameFor internal Azuga useString
parentGroupParent group of the group associated with the vehicleString
foreParentGroupFor internal Azuga useString
vehicleIdUnique identifier representing the vehicleString
dtcCountFor internal Azuga useBigInteger
dtcCountStringFor internal Azuga useString
makeMake of the vehicleString
modelModel of the vehicleString
yearYear of the vehicleInteger
protocolProtocol read by the deviceString
repairImportanceThe level indicates the importance of the repairString
severityLevelThe level indicates the severity of the issueString
symptomsField describes the symptoms found in the vehicleList
possibleCausesThis field describes the possible causes for the DTC event to triggerList
timezoneTimezone of the vehicleString
pagesInformation related to results page and pagination.
1. First: Boolean Value denoting whether the first page has successfully added the results
2. totalElements: Total number of Vehicle ID elements.
3. elementsFetched: Number of search results fetched that match the filters
4. pageNumber: Number of pages required to display the entire result set.
preferencesPreferences set by the user to generate the breadcrumbs report.Object
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!