This API allows you to view the details of the event videos generated for your account between a specified timeframe. You are allowed to filter the result by adding vehicleId or userId(driverId) & event type in the request body. The body parameters vehicleId or userId(driverId) is a mandatory parameter. Each page will have 50 records each by default.
Sample Request
"selectAll": false,
"vehiclesIds": "b9832540-8b65-11ec-91dd-0d84087e6e9b,7735a26d-e554-11ec-9366-7dccafc455d7,d396c620-94c3-11ec-b997-83862b04203f,cce7a04c-59e4-11ec-90ce-5995d834178a",
"endTime": "2023-02-20 11:59:59 PM",
"startTime": "2023-02-14 12:00:00 AM",
"page": 1,
"userIds": "",
"onlyRisky": false,
"onlyTagged": true,
"events": "obstruction",
"requestedVideoId": "01c7d599-bb52-11ee-9eea-0f399c55811e"
"eventVideoIdInString": "5380BCC84ECFA337852AFD5031B3F323"
API Response explanation
Field | Description | Data Type |
generatedAtInMillis | API generation timestamp in UTC | Long |
data | Object representing the meta data of the event videos | Object |
eventVideoId | Unique identifier representing the event | String |
customerId | Unique identifier representing the customer - For internal use | long |
locationStoreId | Unique identifier representing the event | String |
lat | Latitude of the location | Double |
lon | Longitude of the location | Double |
obdSpeed | For internal Azuga use | Integer |
obdMaxSpeed | For internal Azuga use | Integer |
obdAverageSpeed | For internal Azuga use | Integer |
address | Address of the event location | String |
eventType | Name of the event type | String |
deviceId | Unique identifier representing the device | String |
deviceTimezone | Timezone of the device | String |
devicetzUpdatedAt | Timezone updated timestamp in UTC milliseconds | Date |
serialNum | Serial number of the device | String |
vehicleId | Unique identifier representing the vehicle - For internal Azuga use | String |
vehicleName | Name of the vehicle | String |
userId | Unique identifier representing the driver - For internal Azuga use | String |
firstName | First name of the driver | String |
lastName | Last name of the driver | String |
groupId | Unique identifier representing the group | String |
groupname | Name of the group | String |
parentGroupId | Parent group of the child group. For internal Azuga use | String |
parentGroupname | Parent group name of the child group. For internal Azuga use | String |
foreparentGroupId | Fore parent group of the child group. For internal Azuga use | String |
foreparentGroupName | Fore parent group name of the child group. For internal Azuga use | String |
dashcamType | For internal Azuga use | String[] |
eventTime | Event time in UTC milliseconds | Date |
eventEndTime | For internal Azuga use | Date |
createdAt | For internal Azuga use | Date |
tripDistance | For internal Azuga use | Double |
fixQuality | For internal Azuga use | Integer |
vendorId | Unique identifier representing the vendor - For internal Azuga use | Integer |
lensId | For internal Azuga use | Integer |
requestedVideo | Object representing the metadata of the requested video | Object |
requestedVideoName | Name of the requested video | String |
userId | Unique identifier representing the driver | String |
firstName | First name of the driver | String |
lastName | Last name of the driver | String |
requestedVideoId | Unique identifier representing the requested video. This id can be used to filter the data using the body parameter - 'requestedVideoId' in successive requests | String |
badge | For internal Azuga use | EventVideoBadge[] |
videoLinkAvailable | For internal Azuga use | Boolean |
badgeAccurate | For internal Azuga use | Boolean |
updatedAt | For internal Azuga use | Date |
comments | For internal Azuga use | String |
categoryNames | For internal Azuga use | String |
status | The current status of the requested video. This filed is applicable only for video type is requested video. The valid inputs are 1 - Request submitted by the user, 2 - Request sent to the AI Camera, 3 - Camera is offline, 4 - Camera confirms video is not available, 5 - Camera confirms video is available, 6 - At least one video retrieved, 7 - All Videos retrieved | Integer |
videoLinks | Object representing the video link information | List<List> |
videoIndex | Index of the video 1 = Road facing 2 = Driver facing | Integer |
videoName | Name of the video; Road/Driver facing. | String |
videoLink | URL of the video | String |
thumbnailLink | URL of the thumbnail | String |
speed | Initial speed of the vehicle in Kph | Integer |
maxSpeed | Final speed of the vehicle in Kph | Integer |
displayTimeZone | Timezone of the vehicle | String |
offset | Difference of time in milliseconds from UTC timezone | Integer |
confirmedRisky | For internal Azuga use | boolean |
deleted | For internal Azuga use | boolean |
deletedAt | For internal Azuga use | Date |
eventVideoIdInString | Unique identifier representing the event video. This id can be used to filter the data using the body parameter - 'eventVideoIdInString' in successive requests | String |