Trips report

This API allows the user to generate a detailed report on the trips taken by your fleet within the time period that is requested for.

    "index": 0,
    "desc": true,
    "sortField": "tsTimeVehicleTimezone",
    "filter": {
        "orFilter": {
            "vehicleId": [
        "matchFilter": {},
        "notEqualFilter": {
            "teTime": null
    "startDate": "2022-08-29T18:30:00.000Z",
    "endDate": "2022-09-05T18:29:59.345Z",
    "reportGroupByFilter": "listing",
    "reportFilter": "trips_Default",
    "browserTimezone": "America/Chicago",
    "size": 100

API Response explanation

FieldDescriptionData Type
generatedAtInMillisTime at which the API returns the result. The time is in millisecondsLong
idUnique identifier representing the trip recordString
groupNameName of the groupString
groupIdUnique identifier representing the groupString
vehicleIdUnique identifier representing the vehicleString
fullNameFull name of the driverString
tsTimeTrip start time in UTC timezoneString
tsTimeVehicleTimezoneTrip start time in vehicle timezoneString
customerIdUnique identifier representing the customerLong
deviceIdUnique identifier representing the deviceString
fuelTypeIdUnique identifier representing the fuel

1 = Gasoline
2 = Diesel
3 = Propane
4 = Hybrid
teTimeTrip end time in UTC timezoneString
tsAddressTrip start address of the vehicleString
teAddressTrip end address of the vehicleString
tsLocationStoreIdFor internal Azuga useString
teLocationStoreIdFor internal Azuga useString
tripEndPointLocation coordinates of the trip end location
x = Latitude
y = Longitude
coordinatesLocation coordinates of the trip end location in [lat,lon] formatArray of strings
typeType of the coordinate of trip end locationString
tripStartPointLocation coordinates of the trip start location
x = Latitude
y = Longitude
coordinatesLocation coordinates of the trip start location in [lat,lon] formatArray of strings
typeType of the coordinate of trip start locationString
vehicleName of the vehicleString
vehicleTagIdListArray of tags associated with the vehicleList
tripNumberNumber of trips taken by the deviceInteger
assetnoAsset number of the vehicleString
tripDistanceDistance covered in the trip in kmsDouble
maxSpeedMaximum speed(in Kms) attained by the vehicle for the tripInteger
averageSpeedAverage speed(in Kms) attained by the vehicle for the tripInteger
fuelConsumedFuel consumed during this tripDouble
overSpeedDurationOverspeed duration in secondsString
overSpeedingEventNumber of over speeding eventsInteger
costPerMileCost per mile for the tripDouble
consumedAirFor Azuga internal useDouble
tripTimeTrip time during the trip in secondsString
overNightStopTimeOver night stop time during the trip in secondslong
idleTimeIdling time during the trip in secondsString
idleTimeStrIdling time during the trip in hh:mm:ss formatString
seatBeltComplianceFor Azuga internal useint
lastTimezoneLast timezone of the vehicle during the tripZoneId
tzUpdatedAtLast timezone updated timestampLocalDateTime
createDateTimeTrip record registered timestamp in Azuga serverLocalDateTime
hardcoreBrakingCountCount of number of hardcore braking eventsShort
hardBreakingCountsCount of number of hard braking eventsInteger
hardAccelerationCountsCount of number of hard acceleration eventsInteger
reverseCountFor Azuga internal useInteger
startWithReverseFor Azuga internal useboolean
startWithReverseStrFor Azuga internal useString
collisionDetectionCountCount of number of collision events detected in a tripInteger
idlingCountCount of number of idling events detected in a tripInteger
reverseCountStrCount of number of reverse events detected in a trip in string formatString
collisionDetectionCountStrCount of number of collision events detected in a trip in string formatString
postedSpeedingEventsCount of number of posted speeding eventsInteger
postedSpeedingDurationPosted speeding duration in secondsString
driverSeatBeltPercentageSeatbelt percentage of the driver during the tripInteger
tripStartDateTrip start date in device's timezoneString
trackeeTypeIdUnique identifier representing the vehicle type. The following values are valid:

1- Car, 2- Truck, 3- School Bus, 4- Coach Bus, 5-Limousine, 6- Van, 7- Car(Sedan), 8- Car(Hatchback), 9- Car(LUV), 10- Car(MUV), 11-Car(SUV)
licensePlateNoLicense plate number of the vehicleString
imeiIMEI number of the SIM associated with the deviceString
initialOdometerSetInitial odometer set for the vehiclebyte
deviceTypeIdUnique identifier representing the device type

1 = Datalogger
6 = Asset Tracker
11 = SafetyCam
seatBeltSupportBoolean value representing whether the vehicle supports seatbelt data

True = Supports seatbelt data
False = Doesn't supports seatbelt data
odoSupportBoolean value representing whether the vehicle supports odometer data

True = Supports odometer data
False = Doesn't supports odometer data
ioxSupportDeviceFor Azuga internal useboolean
pairingTypeIdFor Azuga internal useint
firmwareVersionFirmware version of the deviceString
simNumberSim number of the SIM associated with the deviceString
corneringEventCountCount of number of cornering eventsInteger
nearestLandmarkTypeName of the nearest landmark typeString
driverScoreMeta-data of the driver scoreDouble
speedingScoreSpeeding score of the driver for the trip day(based on slot field)

Highest Score : 100
brakingScoreBraking score of the driver for the trip day(based on slot field)

Highest Score : 100
accelerationScoreAcceleration score of the driver for the trip day(based on slot field)

Highest Score : 100
idlingScoreIdling score of the driver for the trip day(based on slot field)

Highest Score : 100
slotThe date for which the driver score is calculatedString
scoreAggregated final score of the driver for the slotInteger
driverSeatBeltPercentagePercentage of time seatbelt worn by the driverInteger
corneringScoreCornering score of the driver for the trip day(based on slot field)

Highest Score : 100
distractedDrivingScoreDistracted driving score of the driver for the trip day(based on slot field)

Highest Score : 100
seatBeltScoreSeatbelt score of the driver for the trip day(based on slot field)

Highest Score : 100
scoreFor Azuga internal useDouble
vinVehicle identification number(VIN) of the vehicleDouble
vinListFor Azuga internal useList
encodedPolylineFor Azuga internal useString
nextTripStartTimeNext trip time in UTC timezoneString
errorDisplays the corresponding error message which occurs during API compilation.List
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!