Create a Reminder

This API allows the user to create a maintenance reminder in your account

    "alertName": "Standard Maintenance Alert 1",
    "cc": "[email protected]",
    "emailAdmin": true,
    "emailDriver": true,
    "ruleSets": [
            "name": "Engine/Drive Belt Replacement",
            "baseTimeStr": "01-25-2023 12:00AM",
            "operationType": 0,
            "ruleConditions": [
                    "enable": true,
                    "baseValue": "0",
                    "conditionType": 2,
                    "requiredValue": "600"
                    "baseValue": "0",
                    "conditionType": 0,
                    "requiredValue": "8046",
                    "enable": true
                    "baseValue": "01-25-2023 12:00AM",
                    "conditionType": 1,
                    "requiredValue": "90",
                    "enable": true
    "alertReminders": [
            "days": 7,
            "miles": 500,
            "engineHours": 100,
            "thresholdExceed": false,
            "followup": false,
            "followupDays": 7,
            "alertsSentCount": 0,
            "lastAlertSent": null
    "alertTimeConfigs": null,
    "alertType": {
        "alertTypeId": 11
    "groups": [],
    "mode": 1,
    "muted": false,
    "parameters": [],
    "users": [
            "userId": "13be0f82-ef6f-11e6-bcd0-d91fc69a96d6"
            "userId": "16cc29b8-6291-11ea-ab86-3133e925bbcd"
    "alertToTrackeeMapping": [
            "vehicleId": "8ae8f060-e02b-11ec-b6c5-776e17fde1e0"

API Response explanation

FieldDescriptionData Type
generatedAtInMillisEvent performed timestamp in UTC millisecondsString
dataObject representing the meta-data of the maintenance reminder
alertIdUnique identifier representing the alertString
customerIdUnique identifier representing the customerLong
alertTypeObject representing the meta data of the alert typeAlertTypeVO
alertTypeIdUnique identifier representing the alert typeint
nameName of the alertString
descriptionDescription of the alertString
tableNameFor Azuga internal useString
batchMessageTemplateKeyFor Azuga internal useString
messageTemplateKeyFor Azuga internal useString
createdAtFor Azuga internal useTimestamp
deletedAtFor Azuga internal useTimestamp
deletedFor Azuga internal useboolean
eventTypeIdFor Azuga internal useInteger
propertyKeyFor Azuga internal useString
alertSubjectKeyFor Azuga internal useString
dataSourceFor Azuga internal useString
messageTemplateFor Azuga internal useString
packageIdFor Azuga internal useint
ccEmail addresses added in CCString
modeFrequency of the alert email.
1 - Indicates that the alert is triggered instantly
2 - Indicates that the alert is triggered as a summary alert.
messageTemplateFor Azuga internal useString
alertNameName of the maintenance reminder alertString
createdAtCreated time of the maintenance reminder alert in UTC millisecondsTimestamp
createdByUnique identifier of the user who created the maintenance reminder alert.String
modifiedByUnique identifier of the user who modified the maintenance reminder alert last.String
parametersFor Azuga internal useList
groupsFor Azuga internal useSet
usersObject representing the meta data of the usersSet
alertToUserIdMappingForMailIdFor Azuga internal useString
userIdUnique identifier of the userString
createdByUnique identifier of the user who created the userString
createdAtCreated time of the user in UTC millisecondsTimestamp
modifiedByUnique identifier of the user who modified the user lastString
modifiedAtModified time of the user in UTC millisecondsTimestamp
deletedBoolean representing the active state of the user
True = Not Active
False = Active
deletedAtDeleted time of the user in UTC millisecondsTimestamp
deletedBoolean representing the active state of the reminder alert
True = Not Active
False = Active
mutedBoolean representing the mute state of the alert
True = Alert muted
False = Alert isn't muted
ruleSetsObject representing the meta data of the rule conditionSet
ruleSetIdUnique identifier representing the rule setString
nameName of the maintenanceString
operationTypeFor Internal Azuga useInteger
baseTimeLast service date in UTC millisecondsTimestamp
baseTimeStrLast service date of the vehicle in MM-dd-yyyy hh:mmXM format.String
ruleConditionsObject representing the meta data of the rule conditionsSet
ruleConditionIdUnique identifier of the rule conditionString
nameFor Internal Azuga useString
baseValueLast updated time in GMTString
requiredValueValue of the service maintenance based on the type of serviceString
conditionTypeUnique identifier representing the condition type.

0 - Mileage in KMs
1 - Time interval in number of days
2 - Engine Run time in hrs
reminderFiredFor Azuga internal useboolean
alertFiredFor Azuga internal useboolean
createdAtCreated time of the service reminder in UTC millisecondsTimestamp
enableBoolean representing the active state of the rule condition
True = Active
False = Not Active
overdueStatusOverdue status of the maintenance reminder
1 = Upcoming
2 = Overdue
vehicleIdThe unique identifier of the vehicle for which the reminder is configuredString
vehicleNameName of the vehicle for which the reminder is configuredString
alertIdUnique identifier of the maintenance reminderString
alertNameName of the maintenance reminderString
deletedDeleted state of the rule set
True = Deleted
False = Not Deleted
deletedAtDeleted time in UTC millisecondsTimestamp
milesDrivenMiles driven by the vehicleDouble
engineRunTimeEngine run time of the vehicleLong
odoSupportedMilesDrivenThe odometer data from the vehicle in KmsDouble
alertRemindersObject representing the meta data of the alert reminderSet
alertReminderIdUnique identifier representing the alert reminderString
daysThe reminder alert to be triggered before this day from the scheduled service time.Long
milesThe reminder alert to be triggered before this mile from the scheduled next service mileageDouble
engineHoursThe reminder alert to be triggered before this hour from the scheduled next engine run timeLong
thresholdExceedFor Azuga internal useBoolean
createdAtCreated time of the reminder in UTC millisecondsTimestamp
updatedAtUpdated time of the reminder in UTC millisecondsTimestamp
followupFor Azuga internal useboolean
followupDaysFor Azuga internal useint
alertsSentCountFor Azuga internal useint
lastAlertSentFor Azuga internal useTimestamp
deletedDeleted state of the alert reminder
True = Deleted
False = Not Deleted
deletedAtDeleted time of the alert reminder in UTC millisecondsTimestamp
vehiclesObject representing the vehicle detailsSet
alertIdFor Internal Azuga useString
vehicleIdUnique identifier representing the vehicleString
createdAtCreated time of the vehicle in UTC millisecondsTimestamp
nameName of the vehicleString
alertToTrackeeMappingIdFor Internal Azuga usebyte[]
assetSensorsFor Internal Azuga useSet
defaultAlertFor Internal Azuga useboolean
groupAlertFor Internal Azuga useboolean
alertTimeConfigsFor Internal Azuga useSet
alertToDeviceMappingFor Internal Azuga useSet
smsNotificationFor Internal Azuga useboolean
emailNotificationFor Internal Azuga useboolean
webNotificationFor Internal Azuga useboolean
mobileNotificationFor Internal Azuga useboolean
soundNotificationFor Internal Azuga useboolean
soundIdFor Internal Azuga useInteger
emailAdminBoolean representing whether the email is triggering to the admin
True = Reminder email is sending to admin
False = Reminder email isn't sending to admin
emailDriverBoolean representing whether the email is triggering to the driver
True = Reminder email is sending to driver
False = Reminder email isn't sending to driver
reportFilterFor Internal Azuga useString
roleIdsFor Internal Azuga useString
roleIdNamesFor Internal Azuga useString
alertToAssetSensorMappingFor Internal Azuga useSet
customAlertHoursFor Internal Azuga useInteger
timeForSummaryFor Internal Azuga useString
startTimeForSummaryFor Internal Azuga useString
buzzerIntensityFor Internal Azuga useInteger
errorError description - if anyList
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!