This API allows you get the details of an alert configured in your account using the alert’s unique identifier created in your account.
Warning: Make sure that you are setting the method to GET. The same endpoint is used for deleting an alert using DELETE method. The deletion of the alert is an irreversible action.
API Response glossary
Field | Description | Data Type |
alertId | Unique identifier representing the alert | String |
customerId | Unique identifier representing the customer | Long |
alertTypeId | Unique identifier representing the type of the alert | int |
name | Name of the alert type | String |
description | Brief description of the alert type | String |
tableName | Name of the table from DB | String |
batchMessageTemplateKey | For Azuga Internal use | String |
messageTemplateKey | For Azuga Internal use | String |
createdAt | Created time of alert type in UTC milliseconds | Timestamp |
deletedAt | Deleted time of alert type | Timestamp |
deleted | Boolean value representing the alertType deletion(True=Deleted, False= Not Deleted) | boolean |
eventTypeId | Unique identifier representing the event type | Integer |
propertyKey | For Azuga Internal use | String |
alertSubjectKey | For Azuga Internal use | String |
dataSource | For Azuga Internal use | String |
messageTemplate | For Azuga Internal use | String |
packageId | For Azuga Internal use | int |
cc | Email IDs configured in CC for the alert | String |
mode | Frequency of the alert email. 1 - Indicates that the alert is triggered instaly 2 - Indicates that the alert is triggered as a summary alert. | Integer |
messageTemplate | For Azuga Internal use | String |
alertName | Name of the alert | String |
createdAt | Alert creation time in UTC milliseconds | Timestamp |
createdBy | Unique identifier of the user who created the alert | String |
modifiedBy | Unique identifier of the user who updated the alert last | String |
alertKeyValueMappingId | Unique identifier for mapping between the alert and the alertKey value | String |
alertId | Unique identifier representing the alert | String |
alertKey | Property of the alert | String |
value | Corresponding value of the alertKey | String |
formattedValue | For Azuga internal use | String |
alertToGroupMappingId | Unique identifier for mapping between the alert and the group. | String |
groupId | Unique identifier representing the group | String |
customerId | Customer Id of the group | Long |
createdBy | The unique identifier of the user who created the group | String |
createdAt | Creation time of the group in UTC miliseconds | Timestamp |
modifiedBy | The unique identifier of the user who modified the group last | String |
modifiedAt | Last modified time of the group in UTC milliseconds | Timestamp |
deleted | Boolean value representing the group deletion(True=Deleted, False= Not Deleted) | boolean |
deletedAt | Deletion time of the group | Timestamp |
groupName | Name of the group | String |
alertToUserIdMappingForMailId | Unique identifier representing the mapping between alert with the user for email | String |
userId | Unique identifier representing the user | String |
createdBy | Unique identifier of the user who created the this user | String |
createdAt | Creation time of the user in UTC milliseconds | Timestamp |
modifiedBy | Unique identifier of the user who modified the user details last | String |
modifiedAt | Last modified time of the user in UTC milliseconds | Timestamp |
deleted | Boolean value representing the user deletion(True=Deleted, False= Not Deleted) | boolean |
deletedAt | Deleted time of the user | Timestamp |
deleted | Boolean value representing the alert deletion(True=Deleted, False= Not Deleted) | boolean |
muted | Boolean value representing whether the alert is muted of not(True=Muted, False= Not Muted) | boolean |
ruleSets | For Azuga internal use | Set |
alertReminders | For Azuga internal use | Set |
alertId | Unique identifier representing the alert | String |
vehicleId | Unique identifier representing the vehicle | String |
createdAt | Creation time of the vehicles in UTC milliseconds | Timestamp |
name | Name of the vehicle | String |
alertToTrackeeMappingId | Unique identifier representing the mapping between the alert and vehicle | byte[] |
assetSensors | For Azuga internal use | Set |
defaultAlert | For Azuga internal use | boolean |
groupAlert | Boolean value representing whether the alert is a group alert or not True = It is a group alert False = It is not a group alert | boolean |
alertTimeConfigs | This field give you information about whether the alert is set to trigger only during specific interval of time. The key field day=1 implies that it is Sunday. Similarly, 2 for Monday and 3 for Tuesday and so on. { "customerId": 2175, "day": 3, "startTime": 0, "endTime": 1435, "createdAt": 1517233798000, "deletedAt": null, "deleted": 0, "id": "YGtzJoZxQAGVZU34aq4EYg==" }, { "customerId": 2175, "day": 4, "startTime": 0, "endTime": 1435, "createdAt": 1517233798000, "deletedAt": null, "deleted": 0, "id": "t2x8Ia9NTTi0vyr0IACRaw==" } } | Set |
alertToDeviceMapping | For Azuga Internal use | Set |
smsNotification | Boolean value representing the alert is configured to provide smsNotification | boolean |
emailNotification | Boolean value representing the alert is configured to provide emailNotification | boolean |
webNotification | Boolean value representing the alert is configured to provide web notification(Banner) | boolean |
mobileNotification | Boolean value representing the alert is configured to provide mobile(AFM) notification | boolean |
soundNotification | Boolean value representing the alert is configured to notify with sound. | boolean |
soundId | The unique id representing the sound notifiers | Integer |
emailAdmin | Boolean value representing the alert is configured to email alerts to admin or not | boolean |
emailDriver | Boolean value representing the alert is configured to email alerts to drivers or not | boolean |
reportFilter | For Azuga internal use | String |
roleIds | Unique identifier of the role which is configured in ‘Group Admin with Role’ under send email section | String |
roleIdNames | Name of the roles which is configured in ‘Group Admin with Role’ under send email section | String |
alertToAssetSensorMapping | For Azuga internal use | Set |
customAlertHours | The time in hours to send the alert summary 0 = Trigger the alert instantly 1 = Trigger the alert every 1 hour | Integer |
timeForSummary | For Azuga internal use | String |
startTimeForSummary | Start time for summary alert. This is depended on the value of mode. | String |
buzzerIntensity | Intensity of the buzzer 53 - High 37 - Medium 21 - Low 5 - Off | Integer |
error | The description of the error | List |