This API allows you to create an alert. Different types of alerts can be created using this API however there should be one alert for one vehicle. The alertTypeId is a unique identifier of the alert type and the alert differs depending on the value in the field. Speeding, Idling, Hard Braking, Low Battery, Check Engine Light On & Unauthorized Usage are a few of them.
"users": "38060371-32e1-11ea-a828-f3e17395af6",
"cc": "[email protected]",
"emailNotification": true,
"webNotification": true,
"mobileNotification": false,
"soundNotification": false,
"muted": false,
"roleIds": null,
"emailAdmin": true,
"emailDriver": false,
"alertTypeData": {
"IDLETIME": "10"
"alertName": "Test Idling",
"alertTypeId": "3",
"buzzerIntensity": "21",
"groups": "fa814208-9694-11e6-bffa-0deb932e59c",
"groupAlert": true,
"alertTimeConfigs": [
"day": 1,
"startTime": 0,
"endTime": 1435
API Response Glossary
Field | Description | Data Type |
generatedAtInMillis | Event performed timestamp in UTC milliseconds | Long |
alertId | Unique identifier representing the alert | String |
customerId | Unique identifier representing the customer | Long |
alertType | Object representing the meta data of the alert type | AlertTypeVO |
alertTypeId | Unique identifier representing the type of the alert | int |
name | Name of the alert type | String |
description | Brief description of the alert type | String |
tableName | For Azuga Internal use | String |
batchMessageTemplateKey | For Azuga Internal use | String |
messageTemplateKey | For Azuga Internal use | String |
createdAt | Created time of alert type in UTC milliseconds | Timestamp |
deletedAt | Deleted time of alert type | Timestamp |
deleted | Boolean value representing the alertType deletion(True=Deleted, False= Not Deleted) | boolean |
eventTypeId | Unique identifier representing the event type | Integer |
propertyKey | For Azuga Internal use | String |
alertSubjectKey | For Azuga Internal use | String |
dataSource | For Azuga Internal use | String |
messageTemplate | For Azuga Internal use | String |
packageId | For Azuga Internal use | int |
cc | Email IDs configured in CC for the alert | String |
mode | Frequency of the alert email. 1 - Indicates that the alert is triggered instantly 2 - Indicates that the alert is triggered as a summary alert. | Integer |
messageTemplate | For Azuga Internal use | String |
alertName | Name of the alert | Timestamp |
createdAt | Alert creation time in UTC milliseconds | Timestamp |
createdBy | Unique identifier of the user who created the alert | String |
modifiedBy | Unique identifier of the user who updated the alert last | String |
alertKeyValueMappingId | Unique identifier for mapping between the alert and the alertKey value | String |
alertId | Unique identifier representing the alert | String |
alertKey | Property of the alert | String |
value | Corresponding value of the alertKey | String |
formattedValue | For Azuga Internal use | String |
groups | The comma-separated unique identifiers of group names that are associated with the alert. Vehicles under these groups are considered for the alert. | Set |
alertToGroupMappingId | Unique identifier for mapping between the alert and the group. | String |
groupId | Unique identifier representing the group | String |
customerId | Unique identifier representing the customer associated with the group | Long |
createdBy | Unique identifier of the group who created the user | String |
createdAt | Group created time in UTC milliseconds | Timestamp |
modifiedBy | Unique identifier of the user who modified the group | String |
modifiedAt | Modified time in UTC milliseconds | Timestamp |
deleted | Boolean representing the delete state of the group | boolean |
deletedAt | Deleted time in UTC milliseconds | Timestamp |
groupName | Name of the group | String |
users | Object representing the meta-data of the user | Set |
alertToUserIdMappingForMailId | Unique identifier for mapping between the alert and the user. | String |
userId | Unique identifier representing the user | String |
createdBy | Unique identifier of the user who created the this user | String |
createdAt | Creation time of the user in UTC milliseconds | Timestamp |
modifiedBy | Unique identifier of the user who modified the user details last | String |
modifiedAt | Last modified time of the user in UTC milliseconds | Timestamp |
deleted | Boolean value representing the user deletion(True=Deleted, False= Not Deleted) | boolean |
deletedAt | Deleted time of the user | Timestamp |
deleted | Boolean value representing the alert deletion(True=Deleted, False= Not Deleted) | boolean |
muted | Boolean value representing whether the alert is muted of not(True=Muted, False= Not Muted) | boolean |
ruleSets | For Azuga Internal use | Set |
alertReminders | For Azuga Internal use | Set |
vehicles | The comma-separated unique identifiers of vehicles that are associated with the alert. | Set |
alertId | Unique identifier representing the alert | String |
vehicleId | Unique identifier of the vehicle | String |
createdAt | Created time in UTC milliseconds | Timestamp |
name | Name of the vehicle | String |
alertToTrackeeMappingId | Unique identifier representing the alert-vehicle association | byte[] |
assetSensors | For Azuga Internal use | String |
defaultAlert | For Azuga Internal use | boolean |
groupAlert | Boolean value representing whether the alert is a group alert or not True = It is a group alert False = It is not a group alert | boolean |
alertTimeConfigs | This field gives you information about whether the alert is set to trigger only during a specific interval of time - Work Hours. The key field day=1 implies that it is Sunday. Similarly, 2 for Monday and 3 for Tuesday and so on. | Set |
alertToDeviceMapping | For Azuga Internal use | Set |
smsNotification | Boolean value representing the alert is configured to provide smsNotification | boolean |
emailNotification | Boolean value representing the alert is configured to provide emailNotification | boolean |
webNotification | Boolean value representing the alert is configured to provide web notification(Banner) | boolean |
mobileNotification | Boolean value representing the alert is configured to provide mobile(AFM) notification | boolean |
soundNotification | Boolean value representing the alert is configured to notify with sound. | boolean |
soundId | The unique id represents the sound notifiers | Integer |
emailAdmin | Boolean value representing the alert is configured to email alerts to admin or not | boolean |
emailDriver | Boolean value representing the alert is configured to email alerts to drivers or not | boolean |
reportFilter | For Azuga Internal use | String |
roleIds | Unique identifier of the role which is configured in ‘Group Admin with Role’ under send email section | String |
roleIdNames | Name of the roles which is configured in ‘Group Admin with Role’ under send email section | String |
alertToAssetSensorMapping | For Azuga Internal use | Set |
customAlertHours | The time in hours to send the alert summary report 0 = Trigger the alert instantly 1 = Trigger the alert every 1 hour | Integer |
timeForSummary | For Azuga Internal use | String |
startTimeForSummary | Start time for summary alert. This is depended on the value of mode. | String |
buzzerIntensity | Intensity of the buzzer 53 - High 37 - Medium 21 - Low 5 - Off | Integer |
error | The description of the error | List |