Create an Alert

This API allows you to create an alert. Different types of alerts can be created using this API however there should be one alert for one vehicle. The alertTypeId is a unique identifier of the alert type and the alert differs depending on the value in the field. Speeding, Idling, Hard Braking, Low Battery, Check Engine Light On & Unauthorized Usage are a few of them.

    "users": "38060371-32e1-11ea-a828-f3e17395af6",
    "cc": "[email protected]",
    "emailNotification": true,
    "webNotification": true,
    "mobileNotification": false,
    "soundNotification": false,
    "muted": false,
    "roleIds": null,
    "emailAdmin": true,
    "emailDriver": false,
    "alertTypeData": {
        "PRIORITY": "BANNER",
        "IDLETIME": "10"
    "alertName": "Test Idling",
    "alertTypeId": "3",
    "buzzerIntensity": "21",
    "groups": "fa814208-9694-11e6-bffa-0deb932e59c",
    "groupAlert": true,
    "alertTimeConfigs": [
            "day": 1,
            "startTime": 0,
            "endTime": 1435

API Response Glossary

FieldDescriptionData Type
generatedAtInMillisEvent performed timestamp in UTC millisecondsLong
alertIdUnique identifier representing the alertString
customerIdUnique identifier representing the customerLong
alertTypeObject representing the meta data of the alert typeAlertTypeVO
alertTypeIdUnique identifier representing the type of the alertint
nameName of the alert typeString
descriptionBrief description of the alert typeString
tableNameFor Azuga Internal useString
batchMessageTemplateKeyFor Azuga Internal useString
messageTemplateKeyFor Azuga Internal useString
createdAtCreated time of alert type in UTC millisecondsTimestamp
deletedAtDeleted time of alert typeTimestamp
deletedBoolean value representing the alertType deletion(True=Deleted, False= Not Deleted)boolean
eventTypeIdUnique identifier representing the event typeInteger
propertyKeyFor Azuga Internal useString
alertSubjectKeyFor Azuga Internal useString
dataSourceFor Azuga Internal useString
messageTemplateFor Azuga Internal useString
packageIdFor Azuga Internal useint
ccEmail IDs configured in CC for the alertString
modeFrequency of the alert email.
1 - Indicates that the alert is triggered instantly
2 - Indicates that the alert is triggered as a summary alert.
messageTemplateFor Azuga Internal useString
alertNameName of the alertTimestamp
createdAtAlert creation time in UTC millisecondsTimestamp
createdByUnique identifier of the user who created the alertString
modifiedByUnique identifier of the user who updated the alert lastString
alertKeyValueMappingIdUnique identifier for mapping between the alert and the alertKey valueString
alertIdUnique identifier representing the alertString
alertKeyProperty of the alertString
valueCorresponding value of the alertKeyString
formattedValueFor Azuga Internal useString
groupsThe comma-separated unique identifiers of group names that are associated with the alert. Vehicles under these groups are considered for the alert.Set
alertToGroupMappingIdUnique identifier for mapping between the alert and the group.String
groupIdUnique identifier representing the groupString
customerIdUnique identifier representing the customer associated with the groupLong
createdByUnique identifier of the group who created the userString
createdAtGroup created time in UTC millisecondsTimestamp
modifiedByUnique identifier of the user who modified the groupString
modifiedAtModified time in UTC millisecondsTimestamp
deletedBoolean representing the delete state of the groupboolean
deletedAtDeleted time in UTC millisecondsTimestamp
groupNameName of the groupString
usersObject representing the meta-data of the userSet
alertToUserIdMappingForMailIdUnique identifier for mapping between the alert and the user.String
userIdUnique identifier representing the userString
createdByUnique identifier of the user who created the this userString
createdAtCreation time of the user in UTC millisecondsTimestamp
modifiedByUnique identifier of the user who modified the user details lastString
modifiedAtLast modified time of the user in UTC millisecondsTimestamp
deletedBoolean value representing the user deletion(True=Deleted, False= Not Deleted)boolean
deletedAtDeleted time of the userTimestamp
deletedBoolean value representing the alert deletion(True=Deleted, False= Not Deleted)boolean
mutedBoolean value representing whether the alert is muted of not(True=Muted, False= Not Muted)boolean
ruleSetsFor Azuga Internal useSet
alertRemindersFor Azuga Internal useSet
vehiclesThe comma-separated unique identifiers of vehicles that are associated with the alert.Set
alertIdUnique identifier representing the alertString
vehicleIdUnique identifier of the vehicleString
createdAtCreated time in UTC millisecondsTimestamp
nameName of the vehicleString
alertToTrackeeMappingIdUnique identifier representing the alert-vehicle associationbyte[]
assetSensorsFor Azuga Internal useString
defaultAlertFor Azuga Internal useboolean
groupAlertBoolean value representing whether the alert is a group alert or not
True = It is a group alert
False = It is not a group alert
alertTimeConfigsThis field gives you information about whether the alert is set to trigger only during a specific interval of time - Work Hours. The key field day=1 implies that it is Sunday. Similarly, 2 for Monday and 3 for Tuesday and so on.Set
alertToDeviceMappingFor Azuga Internal useSet
smsNotificationBoolean value representing the alert is configured to provide smsNotificationboolean
emailNotificationBoolean value representing the alert is configured to provide emailNotificationboolean
webNotificationBoolean value representing the alert is configured to provide web notification(Banner)boolean
mobileNotificationBoolean value representing the alert is configured to provide mobile(AFM) notificationboolean
soundNotificationBoolean value representing the alert is configured to notify with sound.boolean
soundIdThe unique id represents the sound notifiersInteger
emailAdminBoolean value representing the alert is configured to email alerts to admin or notboolean
emailDriverBoolean value representing the alert is configured to email alerts to drivers or notboolean
reportFilterFor Azuga Internal useString
roleIdsUnique identifier of the role which is configured in ‘Group Admin with Role’ under send email sectionString
roleIdNamesName of the roles which is configured in ‘Group Admin with Role’ under send email sectionString
alertToAssetSensorMappingFor Azuga Internal useSet
customAlertHoursThe time in hours to send the alert summary report
0 = Trigger the alert instantly
1 = Trigger the alert every 1 hour
timeForSummaryFor Azuga Internal useString
startTimeForSummaryStart time for summary alert. This is depended on the value of mode.String
buzzerIntensityIntensity of the buzzer
53 - High
37 - Medium
21 - Low
5 - Off
errorThe description of the errorList
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