Geofence Report

This API allows the user to view the Geofence Report of a vehicle.

    "index": 0,
    "size": 100,
    "filter": {
        "orFilter": {},
        "matchFilter": {
            "vehicleIds": [
            "geoFenceIds": [
    "startDate": "2024-07-25T08:00:00.000Z",
    "endDate": "2024-08-02T07:59:59.999Z",
    "reportFilter": "entryexit",
    "browserTimezone": "US/Alaska"

API Response explanation

FieldDescriptionData Type
generatedAtInMillisAPI request time in UTC millisecondsObject
dataObject representing the result dataObject
resultObject representing the meta-data of the geofenceObject
inTimeThe timestamp when the vehicle or asset entered the geofence in GMTTimestamp
outTimeThe timestamp when the vehicle or asset exited the geofence in GMTTimestamp
notInTimeDifference between last out and last in time in GMTTimestamp
notOutTimeThe timestamp when the vehicle or asset should have exited the geofence but didn't in GMTTimestamp
nextInTimeThe timestamp for the next entry into the geofence after the current tracking period in GMTTimestamp
exceededOutTimeTimestamp when the vehicle exceeded a specified duration within the geofence in GMTString
exceededInTimeDuration indicating how long the vehicle stayed within the geofence beyond the expected time in GMTString
dateFor Internal Azuga useTimestamp
fenceNameName of the geofenceString
colorColor code in hexadecimal formatString
radiusThe radius of the geofence in metersDouble
formattedInTimeHuman-readable format of the inTime in user's timezoneString
formattedOutTimeHuman-readable format of the outTime in user's timezoneString
formattedNotInTimeHuman-readable format of the notInTime in user's timezoneString
formattedNotOutTimeHuman-readable format of the notOutTime in user's timezoneString
formattedNextInTimeHuman-readable format of the nextInTime in user's timezoneString
notExitedFor Internal Azuga useString
notEnteredFor Internal Azuga useString
assetnoName of the asset typeString
reportTypeFor internal Azuga useString
combinedInTimeA summary of inTime along with related alert settings and duration exceeded within the geofence.String
combinedOutTimeA summary of outTimeString
trackeeTypeIdUnique identifier representing the trackeeTypeInteger
outInDurationThe duration between the exit (outTime) and the next entry into the geofence in millisecondsLong
nextEntryTimeThe next expected time of entry into the geofence in GMT timezoneTimestamp
formattedNextEntryTimeHuman-readable format of nextEntryTime in user's timezoneString
categoryNameCategory name of the geofenceString
idFor internal Azuga useString
latLatitude of the geofenceDouble
logLongitude of the geofenceDouble
vehicleNameName of the vehicleString
distanceDistance travelled by vehicleDouble
peakSpeedFor internal Azuga useString
averageSpeedFor internal Azuga useString
speedLimitFor internal Azuga useinteger
speedFor internal Azuga useLong
addressHuman-readable address near the geofence location.String
groupIdUnique identifier representing the groupString
groupNameName of the group to which the alert belongs.String
parentGroupNameThe parent group nameString
foreParentGroupNameThe foreParent group nameString
dateTimeFor internal Azuga useString
eventNameFor internal Azuga useString
eventPropertyFor internal Azuga useString
counterFor internal Azuga useInteger
vehicleIdUnique identifier representing the vehicleInteger
phoneNumberPhone number associated with the userString
speedingAlertSettingFor internal Azuga useInteger
fixQualityFor internal Azuga useinteger
speedCombineFor internal Azuga useString
maxBrakingFor internal Azuga useString
reportDurationA formatted version of reportDuration in millisecondsLong
dateTimeStampFor internal Azuga useLong
peakSpeedInKMFor internal Azuga useFloat
averageSpeedInKMFor internal Azuga useFloat
deviceIdId of associated deviceString
deviceTimezoneFor internal Azuga useString
timeZoneUpdatedTimestampFor internal Azuga usetimestamp
locationStoreIdFor internal Azuga useString
nearestLandmarkIdId of nearest landmarkString
nearestLandmarkNameFor internal Azuga useString
codeFor internal Azuga useString
cogFor internal Azuga useshort
overSpeedPeakSpeedFor internal Azuga useInteger
overSpeedAverageSpeedFor internal Azuga useInteger
hardbrakeInitialSpeedFor internal Azuga useInteger
hardbrakeFinalSpeedFor internal Azuga useInteger
eventTypeType of the event (e.g., speeding, geofence entry/exit)String
obdSpeedFor internal Azuga useInteger
speedUnitFor internal Azuga useString
sogFor internal Azuga useInteger
userIdID of the user associated with this vehicle or eventString
userNameName of the user associated with this vehicle or eventString
speedingStartTimeFor internal Azuga useString
speedingEndTimeFor internal Azuga useString
startingAddressFor internal Azuga useString
endingAddressFor internal Azuga useString
overLimitFor internal Azuga useLong
firstNameFor internal Azuga useString
lastNameFor internal Azuga useString
timeFor internal Azuga useTimestamp
reportDurationExportReportA formatted version of reportDuration in HHh MMm SSs formatString
displayTimeZoneFor internal Azuga useString
trackeeTagNamesTags related to vehicle or assetString
timeZoneFor internal Azuga useString
offsetOffset of the pageInteger
idlingTimeTime spent idling within the geofenceInteger
initialAddressFor internal Azuga useString
driverTagsTags related to driverString
tripDistanceFor internal Azuga useDouble
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!