put https://services.azuga.com/azuga-ws-oauth/v3/trackees/
This API allows you to update any number of parameters of the associated trackee (vehicle).
"name": "Test123",
"groupId": "a34450f5-4eaf-11ed-b72f-252e6f2234d5",
"deviceId": "f99b2a50-25b7-11ea-ab65-1bab96ebb640",
"make": "12",
"model": "12",
"year": "2018",
"vehicleTypeId": 1,
"fuelTypeId": 1,
"newMake": false,
"customYear": "",
"userName": null,
"userId": null,
"licensePlateNo": null,
"costPerMile": "0.71",
"fuelTankCapacity": null,
"trackeeTagsAssociated": "",
"trackeeTagsNames": "",
"fuelCardNumber": null,
"vin": null,
"odometerReading": "0.0000",
"currentOdometerReading": "0.0000",
"assetno": null,
"ownership": null,
"bgColor": null,
"color": null,
"trackeeId": null,
"initialEngineRuntime": 0,
"engineRunTime": 0
Sample Request
API Response explanation
Field | Description | Data Type |
generatedAtInMillis | Time at which the API returns the result. The time is in milliseconds. | Long |
data | Displays the ID number to which the update has been performed. | String |
data | Displays the corresponding error message which occurs during API compilation. | List |