This API allows you to get the latest location of all vehicles in your account. You are allowed to fetch the details of vehicles you have access to. Pass an empty body parameter if you are looking for data of all vehicles. All body parameters specified below are optional.
Sample Request
API Response explanation
Field | Description | Data Type |
generatedAtInMillis | Time at which the API returns the result. The time is in UTC milliseconds. | Long |
data | Array of objects representing the meta-data of the vehicle and latest location | Array |
trackeeId | Unique identifier representing the vehicle | String |
trackeeName | Name of the vehicle | String |
deviceId | Unique identifier representing the device | String |
userId | Unique identifier representing the driver | String |
firstName | First name of the driver | String |
lastName | Last name of the driver | String |
groupId | Unique identifier representing the group | String |
groupName | Name of the group | String |
assetNo | Asset number configured for the vehicle | String |
timeZone | For Azuga internal use | String |
displayTimeZone | For Azuga internal use | String |
offset | The offset between GMT timezone and the local timezone of the vehicle | int |
lat | Latitude of the location | Double |
lng | Longitude of the location | Double |
locationStoreId | Unique identifier representing the location | String |
address | Address of the location | String |
deviceTypeId | Unique identifier representing the type of the device. 1 = Datalogger 6 = Asset Tracker 11 = SafetyCam | int |
trackeeTypeId | Unique identifier representing the type of the vehicle. The following values are valid: 1 = Vehicle 2 = Mobile User 3 = Asset | Integer |
serialNum | For internal Azuga use | String |
bgColor | Hex code of the background color of the icon associated with the vehicle | String |
color | Hex code of the icon color associated with the vehicle | String |
cog | For Azuga internal use | Short |
speed | Speed of the vehicle in Kms | Integer |
idling | Idling time recorded for the current trip | Integer |
fixQuality | Fix quality indicates the quality of the lat/lon captured. Fix quality = 0,1 indicates good quality and 2 indicates poor quality | Integer |
phoneNumber | Phone number of the driver | String |
profilepicUrl | For Azuga internal use | String |
overSpeedPeakSpeed | Peak speed of the vehicle during over speeding | Integer |
overSpeedAverageSpeed | Average speed of the vehicle during over speeding | Integer |
hardbrakeInitialSpeed | Initial speed when the hard brake event occurred | Integer |
hardbrakeFinalSpeed | Final speed when the hard brake event occurred | Integer |
eventType | Name of the event type | String |
iconAvailable | For Azuga internal use | String |
Email address of the driver associated with the vehicle | String | |
nearestLandmarkId | Unique identifier representing the nearest landmark | String |
nearestLandmarkName | Name of the nearest landmark recorded | String |
tripStateId | Unique identifier representing the trip state 0 = Stopped 1 = Moving 2 = Idling 3 = Over Speeding | Byte |
dateAndTime | Timestamp of the event in UTC milliseconds | Timestamp |
timeDifference | For Azuga internal use | BigInteger |
stop | For Azuga internal use | BigInteger |
status | For Azuga internal use | String |
pairingTypeId | Unique identifier representing the pairing type 0 = Web 1 = Bluetooth 2 = Beacon 3 = NoPairing 4 = E-Logs 6 = Beacon Button 7 = QR Code | Integer |
eventName | Name of the event | String |
fenceName | For Azuga internal use | String |
eventCode | For Azuga internal use | String |
licensePlateNo | License plate number added for the vehicle | String |
identification | For Azuga internal use | String |
iconName | Name of the icon selected for the vehicle | String |
iconUrl | For Azuga internal use | String |
elogsDriverId | For Azuga internal use | String |
vehicleTypeName | Name of the vehicle type | String |
vehicleTypeId | Unique Identifier assigned to the vehicle type. The codes are listed from 1-15 are according to the types of vehicles. The Azuga codes to identify them are: 1- Car 2- Truck, 3- School Bus 4- Coach Bus 5-Limousine 6- Van 7- Car(Sedan) 8- Car(Hatchback) 9- Car [Life Utility Vehicle (LUV)] 10- Car [Multi utility vehicle(MUV)] 11-Car[Sport utility vehicle (SUV)] 12-Bus 13-Pickup/Light Trucks 14-Sprinter 15-Hearse | Integer |
employeeId | EmployeeId of the driver | String |
lastKnownLat | Latitude of the previous known record. This parameter is used when the device is unable to receive lat/lon coordinates | Double |
lastKnownLon | Longitude of the previous known record. This parameter is used when the device is unable to receive lat/lon coordinates | Double |
lastKnownFixQuality | Last known fix quality of the address. Fix quality indicates the quality of the lat/lon captured. Fix quality = 0,1 indicates good quality and 2 indicates poor quality | Integer |
lastKnownAddress | Address of the previous record. This parameter is used when the device is unable to receive lat/lon coordinates | String |
lastKnownTime | Time of the previous record in UTC milliseconds. This parameter is used when the device is unable to receive lat/lon coordinates | Timestamp |
peripheralDeviceSerialNum | For Azuga internal use | String |
realLKL_address | This parameter stores valid last address of the location when the device was able to fetch the location coordinates. Customers can make use of this field when the device is unable to fetch lat/lon/address for multiple entries | String |
realLKL_time | This parameter stores the time in UTC milliseconds when the device is able to fetch valid lat/lon coordinates. Customers can make use of this field when the device is unable to fetch lat/lon/address for multiple entries | Timestamp |
maxBraking | For Azuga internal use | BigInteger |
customerId | Unique identifier representing the customer | Long |
lastTripEndTime | Last trip end time of the vehicle in UTC milliseconds | Long |
trackeeTagsNames | For Azuga internal use | String |
obdValueFloat | For Azuga internal use | Float |
totalDistanceTravelled | Total distance travelled by the vehicle in Kms | double |
totalFuelConsumed | Total fuel consumed in liters | double |
totalConsumedAir | For Azuga internal use | double |
fuelTypeId | Unique identifier representing the fuel type | byte |
odometerReading | Odometer reading of the vehicle in Kms | BigInteger |
assetStartEngineHour | Engine start time in hours of the asset | BigInteger |
assetEndEngineHour | Engine end time in hours of the asset | BigInteger |
accums | For Azuga internal use | String |
showAssetSensorInfo | For Azuga internal use | boolean |
dispatchNumber | For Azuga internal use | String |
dispatchStatus | For Azuga internal use | String |
dispatchInfo | For Azuga internal use | String |
dispatchRedirectURL | For Azuga internal use | String |
showPlayButton | For Azuga internal use | boolean |
tirePossition | For Azuga internal use | String |
tirePressureType | For Azuga internal use | Integer |
previousState | For Azuga internal use | String |
isTirePressureDetected | For Azuga internal use | Boolean |
tirePositionValue | For Azuga internal use | String |
subTypes | For Azuga internal use | String |
isLowTirePressure | For Azuga internal use | Boolean |
eventAliasId | For Azuga internal use | String |
confidence | For Azuga internal use | String |
isCrash | For Azuga internal use | Boolean |
accInitialSpeed | For Azuga internal use | Integer |
accFinalSpeed | For Azuga internal use | Integer |
storedLocation | Boolean indicating whether the address updated is the most recent one or a stored(previous record's) one. The stored location details gets updated when the device is unable to fetch the location details in the most recent record. True = Stored one False = Most recent(latest) | boolean |