This API allows you to view multiple assets and all their associated information in your account which helps you track and manage the asset.
Sample Request
API Response glossary
Field | Description | Data Type |
id | Unique identifier representing the asset | String |
assetno | Name of the asset type | String |
make | Make of the vehicle | String |
model | Model of the vehicle | String |
year | Manufactured year of the vehicle | String |
tagNames | For Azuga internal use | String |
groupId | Unique identifier representing the group associated with the asset | String |
groupName | Name of the group | String |
name | Name of the asset | String |
deviceId | Unique identifier of the datalogger device associated with the asset | String |
trackeeTypeId | Unique identifier representing the vehicle type 1 = Vehicle 3 = Asset | Short |
deviceName | Serial number of the device associated with the asset | String |
associatedTagIds | For Azuga internal use | String |
licensePlateNo | License plate number of the vehicle | String |
identification | Asset identification name | String |
lastServiceDate | Last service date of the vehicle in dd/mm/yyyy format | String |
nextServiceDate | Next service date of the vehicle in dd/mm/yyyy format | String |
lsdTimestamp | Last service time of the vehicle in UTC milliseconds | Timestamp |
nsdTimestamp | Next service time of the vehicle in UTC milliseconds | Timestamp |
isShared | For Azuga internal use | Boolean |
extensionLite | Meta-data of the extensions | Object |
extension1Id | Unique identifier representing the extension 1 | String |
extension2Id | Unique identifier representing the extension 2 | String |
extension1Name | Name of the extension 1 | String |
extension2Name | Name of the extension 2 | String |
extensionType | For Azuga internal use | String |
extensionEnabled | For Azuga internal use | Boolean |
extensionLiteStr | For Azuga internal use | String |
extension1Name | Name of the extension1 | String |
extension2Name | Name of the extension2 | String |
iconName | For Azuga internal use | String |
customIcon | For Azuga internal use | Object |
color | Hex color code which denotes the text color. Default color is red | String |
bgColor | Hex color code which denotes the background color. Default color is red | String |
vehicleIcon | For Azuga internal use | |
engineRunTime | Current engine time in seconds | Integer |
initialEngineRuntime | Initial engine run time configured in the account | Integer |
temperatureSensorIds | Unique identifiers of the temperature sensors associated with the asset | String |
assetTags | Tag names enclosed by # symbol Eg: "assetTags": "#5.4#" | String |
tagsAssociated | For Azuga internal use | String |
assetTagsNames | For Azuga internal use | String |
fuelCardNumber | For Azuga internal use | String |
iconUrl | For Azuga internal use | String |
imei | IMEI of the SIM associated with the device | String |
vehicleDeviceOdoReading | Odometer reading from the asset | Double |
vehicleDeviceCurrentodoReading | System calculated odometer reading of the asset | Double |
odometerReading | Rounded odometer reading from the asset | Double |
currentOdometerReading | Rounded system calculated odometer reading of the asset | Double |
error | Error description - if any | List |
recordsFiltered | Total number of records to be filtered | Integer |
offset | Allows you to specify the ranking number of the first item on the page. 0 to begin from the 1st record | Integer |
limit | Allows you to set the number of objects returned on one page. By default, this value is set to 50. | Integer |