This API allows you to create an asset and add all its associated information in your account.
"name": "testAsset",
"assetno": "testAsset",
"make": "Volkswagen",
"model": "Golf",
"year": "2013",
"licensePlateNo": "A12345",
"identification": "Asset54",
"groupId": "db6c11dc-4f9d-11e4-950e-699a6d6c7858",
"deviceId": "01cff9f3-e5ae-11ec-9f98-d71f751c0e0c",
"engineRunTime": 144000,
"lastServiceDate": "07/05/2022",
"nextServiceDate": "07/30/2022",
"extensionLiteStr": "{\"extension1Id\":\"4f3473fb-c9c1-11ea-bd28-3956495f9ab5\",\"extension2Id\":\"a5d892f4-decc-11ea-944f-2dcdde665427\"}",
"tagsAssociated": "[\"Business\"]",
"bgColor": "#ff0000",
"color": "#010000",
"iconName": "SUV",
"temperatureSensorIds": null
Sample Request
API Response glossary
Field | Description | Data Type |
customerId | Unique identifier representing the customer | Long |
deviceId | Unique identifier representing the device | String |
device | Meta-data of the asset | Device Object |
deviceId | Unique identifier representing the asset | String |
customerId | Unique identifier representing the customer | Long |
productCode | Product code of the asset | String |
imei_meid | IMEI number of the sim in asset | String |
serialNum | Serial number of the asset | String |
simNumber | Serial number of the SIM present in the asset | String |
firmwareVersion | Version of the firmware installed in the asset | String |
configVersion | Configuration version of the asset | String |
addedBy | Unique identifier of the user who added the asset to the account | String |
dateAdded | Activation timestamp of the asset in UTC milliseconds | Timestamp |
status | For Azuga Internal use | Integer |
lastContactDate | Timestamp in UTC milliseconds when the asset last communicated with the server | Timestamp |
createdBy | Unique identifier of the user created the asset in the account | String |
createdAt | Timestamp in UTC milliseconds when the asset added to the account | Timestamp |
lastModifiedBy | Unique identifier of the user who modified the asset details last | String |
lastModifiedAt | Timestamp in UTC milliseconds when the asset details are modified last | Timestamp |
deleted | Boolean value represents the delete status of the asset True = Deleted False = Not Deleted | boolean |
deletedAt | Delete timestamp of the asset | Timestamp |
vehicleId | Unique identifier representing the asset | String |
vehicleName | Name of the vehicle | String |
lastTimezone | For Azuga Internal use | String |
tzUpdatedAt | For Azuga Internal use | Timestamp |
offset | For Azuga Internal use | Int |
lastVNTRecordTime | For Azuga Internal use | Timestamp |
postedSpeedLimitEnabled | Boolean value representing whether the PSL is enabled. | Boolean |
deviceTypeId | Unique identifier representing the type of the device 1 = Datalogger 6 = Asset Tracker 11 = SafetyCam | Integer |
deviceVendorId | For Azuga Internal use | Integer |
vendorName | For Azuga Internal use | String |
packageId | For Azuga Internal use | Integer |
packageType | For Azuga Internal use | string |
cameraType | For Azuga Internal use | string |
cameraProductCode | For Azuga Internal use | string |
inwardSerialNum | For Azuga Internal use | string |
recorderId | For Azuga Internal use | string |
sfdc | For Azuga Internal use | string |
staticPairing | For Azuga Internal use | Boolean |
groupName | For Azuga Internal use | string |
groupId | For Azuga Internal use | string |
deletedReason | For Azuga Internal use | string |
createdAtString | For Azuga Internal use | string |
lastContactString | For Azuga Internal use | string |
dateAddedString | For Azuga Internal use | string |
deviceName | For Azuga Internal use | string |
productCodeId | Unique identifier representing the type of the product 52 = CA-AT-US-C-TTU720-16 133 = CA-AT-US-G-TTU2830-16 134 = CA-AT-US-G-TTU720-16 135 = CA-AT-US-C-TTU2830-16 173 = CA-AT-US-G-TTU2830-21 174 = CA-AT-US-G-TTU720-21 190 = CA-AT-US-4G-TTU2830-21 191 = CA-AT-US-4G-TTU720-21 192 = CA-AT-US-4G-TTU730-21 193 = CA-AT-US-4G-TTU730-22 208 = QL-GL500MA-21 234 = QL-GV600-21 235 = CA-AT-US-4G-TTU2840-22 236 = CA-DL-LMU3040-21ZB 254 = QL-GL502-21 | Integer |
carrierId | Unique identifier representing the carrier 46 = JASPER AT&T | Integer |
phoneNumber | For Azuga Internal use | Long |
deviceDesc | For Azuga Internal use | String |
productCodeName | For Azuga Internal use | String |
carrierName | For Azuga Internal use | String |
trackeeId | Unique identifier representing the asset | String |
vehicleProtocolId | For Azuga Internal use | Integer |
protocolVersionId | For Azuga Internal use | Integer |
imsi | For Azuga Internal use | String |
devImage | For Azuga Internal use | String |
tcpDataEnabled | For Azuga Internal use | boolean |
vehicleProtocolName | For Azuga Internal use | String |
moveDevice | For Azuga Internal use | boolean |
userId | For Azuga Internal use | String |
userName | For Azuga Internal use | String |
serialNum | For Azuga Internal use | String |
imei | For Azuga Internal use | String |
groupId | Unique identifier representing the group | String |
locationStoreId | For Azuga Internal use | String |
user | For Azuga Internal use | String |
trackeeType | For Azuga Internal use | |
trackeeTypeId | Unique identifier representing the trackee type 1 Vehicle 2 MobileUser 3 Asset 4 CloudGate | short |
iconName | Name of the icon | String |
iconUrl | For Azuga Internal use | String |
vehicleIcon | For Azuga Internal use | String |
fuelTankCapacity | For Azuga Internal use | Double |
safetyCam | For Azuga Internal use | String |
vendorId | For Azuga Internal use | Integer |
maintenanceEnabled | For Azuga Internal use | boolean |
isShared | For Azuga Internal use | boolean |
staticPairing | For Azuga Internal use | boolean |
sharedUsers | For Azuga Internal use | Set |
extensionLite | Meta-data of the extensions | Object |
extension1Id | Unique identifier representing the extension 1 which is associated with the asset | String |
extension2Id | Unique identifier representing the extension 2 which is associated with the asset | String |
extension1Name | Name of extension 1 | String |
extension2Name | Name of extension 2 | String |
extensionType | For Azuga Internal use | String |
extensionEnabled | For Azuga Internal use | boolean |
extension1Name | For Azuga Internal use | String |
extension2Name | For Azuga Internal use | String |
deviceTypeId | For Azuga internal use | String |
deviceVendorId | For Azuga internal use | String |
timeZone | For Azuga internal use | String |
tagDelete | For Azuga internal use | String |
address | For Azuga Internal use | String |
vehicleSupportedOdoValue | For Azuga Internal use | Double |
time | For Azuga Internal use | Timestamp |
lat | For Azuga Internal use | Double |
lon | For Azuga Internal use | Double |
deletedAt | For Azuga Internal use | Timestamp |
trackeeTagsAssociated | For Azuga Internal use | String |
trackeeTagsNames | For Azuga Internal use | String |
driverFirstName | For Azuga Internal use | String |
driverEmailId | For Azuga Internal use | String |
driverLastName | For Azuga Internal use | String |
groupName | Name of the group | String |
make | Make of the vehicle | String |
model | Model of the vehicle | String |
year | Year of the vehicle | Integer |
vehicleWeight | For Azuga Internal use | Integer |
odo_support | For Azuga Internal use | boolean |
odometerTime | For Azuga Internal use | Timestamp |
odoChoice | For Azuga Internal use | Boolean |
odometerTimeStr | For Azuga Internal use | String |
lastContactDate | For Azuga Internal use | Byte |
seatbelt_support | For Azuga Internal use | boolean |
identification | Asset Identification name | String |
odometerReading | Current odometer reading of the vehicle | Double |
name | Name of the asset | String |
vin | VIN of the vehicle | String |
licensePlateNo | License plate number of the vehicle | String |
createdBy | Unique identifier of the user who added the asset to the account | String |
createdAt | Asset created time in UTC milliseconds | Timestamp |
lastModifiedBy | Unique identifier of the user who modified the asset last | String |
lastModifiedAt | Last modified time in UTC milliseconds | Timestamp |
deleted | Boolean value representing the deleted status of the asset | boolean |
costPerMile | For Azuga Internal use | Double |
phoneNumber | For Azuga Internal use | String |
assetno | Type of the asset | String |
ownership | For Azuga Internal use | String |
newMake | For Azuga Internal use | boolean |
lastTripEndTime | For Azuga Internal use | Timestamp |
lastTripStartTime | For Azuga Internal use | Timestamp |
color | Text color of the map icon | String |
bgColor | Background color of the map icon | String |
currentOdometerReading | Odometer reading of the vehicle | Double |
iconAvailable | For Azuga Internal use | boolean |
privacyMode | For Azuga Internal use | boolean |
trackingIsScheduled | For Azuga Internal use | boolean |
hrsOfOperation | For Azuga Internal use | List |
vehicleType | Meta-data of the vehicle type | Object |
vehicleTypeId | Unique identifier representing the vehicle type 1 Car 2 Heavy Trucks 3 School Bus 4 Coach Bus 5 Limousines 6 Van 7 Car(Sedan) 8 Car(Hatchback) 9 Car(LUV) 10 Car(MUV) 11 Car(SUV) 12 Bus 13 Pickup/Light Trucks 14 Sprinter 15 Hearse 16 Wheel Lift 17 Wrecker 18 Flat Bed 19 Transport Vehicle 20 Roadside Assistance | |
typeName | Name of the vehicle type | String |
speedGaugeTypeName | For Azuga Internal use | String |
fuelType | Meta-data of the fuel type | Object |
fuelTypeId | Unique identifier representing the fuel type 1 Gasoline 2 Diesel 3 Propane 4 Hybrid 5 LPG 6 CNG 7 LNG 8 Electric 9 Others | int |
name | Name of the fuel type | String |
fuelCardNumber | For Azuga Internal use | String |
trackeeTagHistoryRecords | For Azuga Internal use | List |
trackeeDetails | For Azuga Internal use | String |
trackeeTypeName | For Azuga Internal use | String |
version | For Azuga Internal use | long |
initialEngineRuntime | Initial engine run time in seconds | Integer |
engineRunTime | Current engine run time in seconds | Integer |
existingVIN | For Azuga Internal use | String |
odo | For Azuga Internal use | String |
nearestlandMark | For Azuga Internal use | String |
distance | For Azuga Internal use | Double |
rechedTime | For Azuga Internal use | Double |
vehicleTypeId | Unique identifier representing the vehicle type 1 Car 2 Heavy Trucks 3 School Bus 4 Coach Bus 5 Limousines 6 Van 7 Car(Sedan) 8 Car(Hatchback) 9 Car(LUV) 10 Car(MUV) 11 Car(SUV) 12 Bus 13 Pickup/Light Trucks 14 Sprinter 15 Hearse 16 Wheel Lift 17 Wrecker 18 Flat Bed 19 Transport Vehicle 20 Roadside Assistance | Integer |
fuelTypeId | Unique identifier representing the fuel type 1 Gasoline 2 Diesel 3 Propane 4 Hybrid 5 LPG 6 CNG 7 LNG 8 Electric 9 Others | Integer |
userFirstName | For Azuga Internal use | String |
userLastName | For Azuga Internal use | String |
fuelTypeName | For Azuga Internal use | String |
vehicleTypeName | For Azuga Internal use | String |
vehicleDeviceOdoReading | For Azuga Internal use | Double |
vehicleDeviceCurrentodoReading | For Azuga Internal use | Double |
safetyCamSerialNumber | For Azuga Internal use | String |
safetyCamDeviceId | For Azuga Internal use | String |
trackeeDetailsTrackeeId | For Azuga Internal use | String |
registrationDate | For Azuga Internal use | String |
insuranceDate | For Azuga Internal use | String |
emissionDate | For Azuga Internal use | String |
serviceDueDate | For Azuga Internal use | String |
roadTaxDate | For Azuga Internal use | String |
permitDate | For Azuga Internal use | String |
fireExtinguisherDate | For Azuga Internal use | String |
firstAidKit | For Azuga Internal use | Boolean |
rtsiDocs | For Azuga Internal use | Boolean |
rtsiDocsDate | For Azuga Internal use | String |
safetyTags | For Azuga Internal use | Boolean |
safetyTagsDate | For Azuga Internal use | String |
others | For Azuga Internal use | String |
trackeeDetailsCreatedBy | For Azuga Internal use | String |
trackeeDetailsCreatedAt | For Azuga Internal use | Timestamp |
trackeeDetailsDeleted | For Azuga Internal use | Boolean |
pairingTypeId | For Azuga Internal use | Integer |
pairingType | For Azuga Internal use | String |
tollDevice | For Azuga Internal use | String |
wex | For Azuga Internal use | String |
lastMileageChange | For Azuga Internal use | String |
tagType | Name of the tag type | String |
lastServiceDate | Last service date in UTC milliseconds | Date |
nextServiceDate | Next service date in UTC milliseconds | Date |
deletedTrackee | For Azuga Internal use | Boolean |
primaryApplication | For Azuga Internal use | String |
secondaryApplication | For Azuga Internal use | String |
load | For Azuga Internal use | String |
vehicleLoad | For Azuga Internal use | String |
architectureType | For Azuga Internal use | String |
location | For Azuga Internal use | String |
district | For Azuga Internal use | String |
state | For Azuga Internal use | String |
country | For Azuga Internal use | String |
vehicleTags | Name of the vehicle tags enclosed by # symbol | String |
vehicleTagsAssociated | For Azuga Internal use | List |
vehicleTagsNames | For Azuga Internal use | List |
tripExists | For Azuga Internal use | boolean |
iconIdString | For Azuga Internal use | boolean |
deviceName | Name of the device associated with the asset | String |
vehicleId | Unique identifier representing the asset | String |
error | Error description - if any | List |