View Single Beacon

This API provides you with details about a single Beacon present in your account. You are allowed to fetch only for the Beacon you have access to and one beacon detail can be accessed in a request. You need to pass the unique identifier of the beacon in the request.


Sample Request

API Response Explanation

FieldDescriptionData Type
beaconIdUnique Identifier representing the beaconLong
macAddressMAC address of the BeaconString
serialNumberSerial number of the beaconString
customerIdUnique Identifier representing the customerLong
userIdUnique Identifier representing the user associated with the beaconString
createdAtTime at which beacon is added to the accountDate
updatedAtLast updated time of the BeaconDate
createdByThe user who added the BeaconString
updatedByThe user who updated the Beacon details lastString
deletedBoolean representing the delete status of the beacon
True = Deleted
False = Not Deleted
lastConnectedAtLast connected time of the beacon in UTC millisecondsTimestamp
userNameFull name of the driver to which the beacon is associated withString
trackeeNameName of the vehicle to which the beacon is associated withString
firstNameFirst name of the driver to which the beacon is associated withString
lastNameLast name of the driver to which the beacon is associated withString
packageEnabledFor internal useBoolean
subscribeFor internal useBoolean
trackeeIdFor Internal use. The unique identifier of the vehicleString
timeZoneLast detected timezone of the beaconString
beaconTypeValue (0 or 1) indicates whether the Beacon is assigned to driver/vehicle

0 - assigned to driver
1 - assigned to vehicle
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!