Use this API to fetch scores of all drivers present in your account. Scores are points given to the drivers based on their driving behavior. The overall score is based on the scores of hard braking, hard acceleration, speeding and idling. This API also helps you determine the rank of each driver.
Sample Request
API Response explanation
Field | Description |
code | API Status Code |
message | API Message |
reason | Reason for failure |
generatedAtInMillis | API generation timestamp in milliseconds |
milesDriven | Cumulative miles driven by the drivers |
userCount | Number of drivers whose scores are fetched |
scores | An array of scores objects |
rank | Rank of the driver |
userId | Unique identifier representing the user |
firstName | First name of the driver |
lastName | Last name of the driver |
averageDays | Time period for comparing average driver score i.e weekly, monthly or quaterly |
fleetScore | Overall score of the driver |
username | Username of the driver |
profilePicture | URL of the profile picture of the driver |
speedScore | Score for speeding |
brakeScore | Score for braking |
hardAccelarationScore | Score for hard acceleration |
idleScore | Score for idling |