Trip Information

This API provides you with information about all the trips taken for a requested period of time. A trip in Azuga is defined as an ignition on - ignition off cycle. This API recognizes all the locations traversed and the activities of the fleet during those trips.


Sample Request

API Response explanation

codeAPI Status Code
messageAPI Message
reasonReason for failure
generatedAtInMillisAPI generation timestamp in milliseconds
tripsAn array of trip objects
vehicleIdUnique identifier of the vehicle
tsLatLatitude coordinate of the trip start location
tsLonLongitude coordinate of the trip start location
tsAddressAddress of the trip start location
tsTimeTrip start timestamp in milliseconds
teTimeTrip end timestamp in milliseconds
tsFixQualityFix quality of the starting location
teFixQualityFix quality of the ending location
teLatLatitude coordinate of the trip end location
teLonLongitude coordinate of the trip end location
teAddressAddress of the trip end location
distanceTravelledDistance covered for the trip
overSpeedCountNumber of speeding incidents
hardBreakingCountNumber of hard braking incidents
hardCoreBrakeCountNumber of hard core braking incidents
hardAccelerationCountNumber of hard acceleration incidents
fuelConsumedTotal fuel consumed for the trip
tripIdleTimeIdling time during the trip
idUnique identifier representing the trip
vehicleNameName of the vehicle
maxSpeedMax speed attained during the trip
avgSpeedAverage speed during the trip
idlingCountNumber of idling incidents
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!