Pairing History

This API returns the vehicle to driver association history. It provides the distance travelled during the association period and the timestamps.


Sample Request

API Response explanation

codeAPI Status Code
messageAPI Message
reasonReason for failure
generatedAtAPI generation timestamp in UTC
currentPageThe current page
totalPagesThe total number of pages in the result
vehicleIdUnique identifier of the vehicle
vehicleNameName of the vehicle
tripDurationTotal duration of the trip (in seconds)
distanceTravelledDistance driven in that association period (in kilometers)
fromDateTimestamp in milliseconds when the user paired with the vehicle
toDateTimestamp in milliseconds when the user and vehicle got unpaired
assetnoAsset number of the vehicle
modelModel of the vehicle
makeMake of the vehicle
licensePlateNoLicense plate number of the vehicle
yearYear of manufacture
vinVehicle Identification Number
vehicleTypeType of vehicle
serialNumSerial number of the device plugged in to the vehicle
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!