This API returns the vehicle to driver association history. It provides the distance travelled during the association period and the timestamps.
Sample Request
API Response explanation
Field | Description |
code | API Status Code |
message | API Message |
reason | Reason for failure |
generatedAt | API generation timestamp in UTC |
currentPage | The current page |
totalPages | The total number of pages in the result |
vehicleId | Unique identifier of the vehicle |
vehicleName | Name of the vehicle |
tripDuration | Total duration of the trip (in seconds) |
distanceTravelled | Distance driven in that association period (in kilometers) |
fromDate | Timestamp in milliseconds when the user paired with the vehicle |
toDate | Timestamp in milliseconds when the user and vehicle got unpaired |
assetno | Asset number of the vehicle |
model | Model of the vehicle |
make | Make of the vehicle |
licensePlateNo | License plate number of the vehicle |
year | Year of manufacture |
vin | Vehicle Identification Number |
vehicleType | Type of vehicle |
serialNum | Serial number of the device plugged in to the vehicle |