Create an Asset

This API allows you to create an asset and add all its associated information in your account.

    "name": "testAsset",
    "assetno": "testAsset",
    "make": "Volkswagen",
    "model": "Golf",
    "year": "2013",
    "licensePlateNo": "A12345",
    "identification": "Asset54",
    "groupId": "db6c11dc-4f9d-11e4-950e-699a6d6c7858",
    "deviceId": "01cff9f3-e5ae-11ec-9f98-d71f751c0e0c",
    "engineRunTime": 144000,
    "lastServiceDate": "07/05/2022",
    "nextServiceDate": "07/30/2022",
    "extensionLiteStr": "{\"extension1Id\":\"4f3473fb-c9c1-11ea-bd28-3956495f9ab5\",\"extension2Id\":\"a5d892f4-decc-11ea-944f-2dcdde665427\"}",
    "tagsAssociated": "[\"Business\"]",
    "bgColor": "#ff0000",
    "color": "#010000",
    "iconName": "SUV",
    "temperatureSensorIds": null


Sample Request

API Response glossary

FieldDescriptionData Type
customerIdUnique identifier representing the customerLong
deviceIdUnique identifier representing the deviceString
deviceMeta-data of the assetDevice Object
deviceIdUnique identifier representing the assetString
customerIdUnique identifier representing the customerLong
productCodeProduct code of the assetString
imei_meidIMEI number of the sim in assetString
serialNumSerial number of the assetString
simNumberSerial number of the SIM present in the assetString
firmwareVersionVersion of the firmware installed in the assetString
configVersionConfiguration version of the assetString
addedByUnique identifier of the user who added the asset to the accountString
dateAddedActivation timestamp of the asset in UTC millisecondsTimestamp
statusFor Azuga Internal useInteger
lastContactDateTimestamp in UTC milliseconds when the asset last communicated with the serverTimestamp
createdByUnique identifier of the user created the asset in the accountString
createdAtTimestamp in UTC milliseconds when the asset added to the accountTimestamp
lastModifiedByUnique identifier of the user who modified the asset details lastString
lastModifiedAtTimestamp in UTC milliseconds when the asset details are modified lastTimestamp
deletedBoolean value represents the delete status of the asset
True = Deleted
False = Not Deleted
deletedAtDelete timestamp of the assetTimestamp
vehicleIdUnique identifier representing the assetString
vehicleNameName of the vehicleString
lastTimezoneFor Azuga Internal useString
tzUpdatedAtFor Azuga Internal useTimestamp
offsetFor Azuga Internal useInt
lastVNTRecordTimeFor Azuga Internal useTimestamp
postedSpeedLimitEnabledBoolean value representing whether the PSL is enabled.Boolean
deviceTypeIdUnique identifier representing the type of the device

1 = Datalogger
6 = Asset Tracker
11 = SafetyCam
deviceVendorIdFor Azuga Internal useInteger
vendorNameFor Azuga Internal useString
packageIdFor Azuga Internal useInteger
packageTypeFor Azuga Internal usestring
cameraTypeFor Azuga Internal usestring
cameraProductCodeFor Azuga Internal usestring
inwardSerialNumFor Azuga Internal usestring
recorderIdFor Azuga Internal usestring
sfdcFor Azuga Internal usestring
staticPairingFor Azuga Internal useBoolean
groupNameFor Azuga Internal usestring
groupIdFor Azuga Internal usestring
deletedReasonFor Azuga Internal usestring
createdAtStringFor Azuga Internal usestring
lastContactStringFor Azuga Internal usestring
dateAddedStringFor Azuga Internal usestring
deviceNameFor Azuga Internal usestring
productCodeIdUnique identifier representing the type of the product

52 = CA-AT-US-C-TTU720-16
133 = CA-AT-US-G-TTU2830-16
134 = CA-AT-US-G-TTU720-16
135 = CA-AT-US-C-TTU2830-16
173 = CA-AT-US-G-TTU2830-21
174 = CA-AT-US-G-TTU720-21
190 = CA-AT-US-4G-TTU2830-21
191 = CA-AT-US-4G-TTU720-21
192 = CA-AT-US-4G-TTU730-21
193 = CA-AT-US-4G-TTU730-22
208 = QL-GL500MA-21
234 = QL-GV600-21
235 = CA-AT-US-4G-TTU2840-22
236 = CA-DL-LMU3040-21ZB
254 = QL-GL502-21
carrierIdUnique identifier representing the carrier

phoneNumberFor Azuga Internal useLong
deviceDescFor Azuga Internal useString
productCodeNameFor Azuga Internal useString
carrierNameFor Azuga Internal useString
trackeeIdUnique identifier representing the assetString
vehicleProtocolIdFor Azuga Internal useInteger
protocolVersionIdFor Azuga Internal useInteger
imsiFor Azuga Internal useString
devImageFor Azuga Internal useString
tcpDataEnabledFor Azuga Internal useboolean
vehicleProtocolNameFor Azuga Internal useString
moveDeviceFor Azuga Internal useboolean
userIdFor Azuga Internal useString
userNameFor Azuga Internal useString
serialNumFor Azuga Internal useString
imeiFor Azuga Internal useString
groupIdUnique identifier representing the groupString
locationStoreIdFor Azuga Internal useString
userFor Azuga Internal useString
trackeeTypeFor Azuga Internal use
trackeeTypeIdUnique identifier representing the trackee type

1 Vehicle
2 MobileUser
3 Asset
4 CloudGate
iconNameName of the iconString
iconUrlFor Azuga Internal useString
vehicleIconFor Azuga Internal useString
fuelTankCapacityFor Azuga Internal useDouble
safetyCamFor Azuga Internal useString
vendorIdFor Azuga Internal useInteger
maintenanceEnabledFor Azuga Internal useboolean
isSharedFor Azuga Internal useboolean
staticPairingFor Azuga Internal useboolean
sharedUsersFor Azuga Internal useSet
extensionLiteMeta-data of the extensionsObject
extension1IdUnique identifier representing the extension 1 which is associated with the assetString
extension2IdUnique identifier representing the extension 2 which is associated with the assetString
extension1NameName of extension 1String
extension2NameName of extension 2String
extensionTypeFor Azuga Internal useString
extensionEnabledFor Azuga Internal useboolean
extension1NameFor Azuga Internal useString
extension2NameFor Azuga Internal useString
deviceTypeIdFor Azuga internal useString
deviceVendorIdFor Azuga internal useString
timeZoneFor Azuga internal useString
tagDeleteFor Azuga internal useString
addressFor Azuga Internal useString
vehicleSupportedOdoValueFor Azuga Internal useDouble
timeFor Azuga Internal useTimestamp
latFor Azuga Internal useDouble
lonFor Azuga Internal useDouble
deletedAtFor Azuga Internal useTimestamp
trackeeTagsAssociatedFor Azuga Internal useString
trackeeTagsNamesFor Azuga Internal useString
driverFirstNameFor Azuga Internal useString
driverEmailIdFor Azuga Internal useString
driverLastNameFor Azuga Internal useString
groupNameName of the groupString
makeMake of the vehicleString
modelModel of the vehicleString
yearYear of the vehicleInteger
vehicleWeightFor Azuga Internal useInteger
odo_supportFor Azuga Internal useboolean
odometerTimeFor Azuga Internal useTimestamp
odoChoiceFor Azuga Internal useBoolean
odometerTimeStrFor Azuga Internal useString
lastContactDateFor Azuga Internal useByte
seatbelt_supportFor Azuga Internal useboolean
identificationAsset Identification nameString
odometerReadingCurrent odometer reading of the vehicleDouble
nameName of the assetString
vinVIN of the vehicleString
licensePlateNoLicense plate number of the vehicleString
createdByUnique identifier of the user who added the asset to the accountString
createdAtAsset created time in UTC millisecondsTimestamp
lastModifiedByUnique identifier of the user who modified the asset lastString
lastModifiedAtLast modified time in UTC millisecondsTimestamp
deletedBoolean value representing the deleted status of the assetboolean
costPerMileFor Azuga Internal useDouble
phoneNumberFor Azuga Internal useString
assetnoType of the assetString
ownershipFor Azuga Internal useString
newMakeFor Azuga Internal useboolean
lastTripEndTimeFor Azuga Internal useTimestamp
lastTripStartTimeFor Azuga Internal useTimestamp
colorText color of the map iconString
bgColorBackground color of the map iconString
currentOdometerReadingOdometer reading of the vehicleDouble
iconAvailableFor Azuga Internal useboolean
privacyModeFor Azuga Internal useboolean
trackingIsScheduledFor Azuga Internal useboolean
hrsOfOperationFor Azuga Internal useList
vehicleTypeMeta-data of the vehicle typeObject
vehicleTypeIdUnique identifier representing the vehicle type

1 Car
2 Heavy Trucks
3 School Bus
4 Coach Bus
5 Limousines
6 Van
7 Car(Sedan)
8 Car(Hatchback)
9 Car(LUV)
10 Car(MUV)
11 Car(SUV)
12 Bus
13 Pickup/Light Trucks
14 Sprinter
15 Hearse
16 Wheel Lift
17 Wrecker
18 Flat Bed
19 Transport Vehicle
20 Roadside Assistance
typeNameName of the vehicle typeString
speedGaugeTypeNameFor Azuga Internal useString
fuelTypeMeta-data of the fuel typeObject
fuelTypeIdUnique identifier representing the fuel type

1 Gasoline
2 Diesel
3 Propane
4 Hybrid
8 Electric
9 Others
nameName of the fuel typeString
fuelCardNumberFor Azuga Internal useString
trackeeTagHistoryRecordsFor Azuga Internal useList
trackeeDetailsFor Azuga Internal useString
trackeeTypeNameFor Azuga Internal useString
versionFor Azuga Internal uselong
initialEngineRuntimeInitial engine run time in secondsInteger
engineRunTimeCurrent engine run time in secondsInteger
existingVINFor Azuga Internal useString
odoFor Azuga Internal useString
nearestlandMarkFor Azuga Internal useString
distanceFor Azuga Internal useDouble
rechedTimeFor Azuga Internal useDouble
vehicleTypeIdUnique identifier representing the vehicle type

1 Car
2 Heavy Trucks
3 School Bus
4 Coach Bus
5 Limousines
6 Van
7 Car(Sedan)
8 Car(Hatchback)
9 Car(LUV)
10 Car(MUV)
11 Car(SUV)
12 Bus
13 Pickup/Light Trucks
14 Sprinter
15 Hearse
16 Wheel Lift
17 Wrecker
18 Flat Bed
19 Transport Vehicle
20 Roadside Assistance
fuelTypeIdUnique identifier representing the fuel type

1 Gasoline
2 Diesel
3 Propane
4 Hybrid
8 Electric
9 Others
userFirstNameFor Azuga Internal useString
userLastNameFor Azuga Internal useString
fuelTypeNameFor Azuga Internal useString
vehicleTypeNameFor Azuga Internal useString
vehicleDeviceOdoReadingFor Azuga Internal useDouble
vehicleDeviceCurrentodoReadingFor Azuga Internal useDouble
safetyCamSerialNumberFor Azuga Internal useString
safetyCamDeviceIdFor Azuga Internal useString
trackeeDetailsTrackeeIdFor Azuga Internal useString
registrationDateFor Azuga Internal useString
insuranceDateFor Azuga Internal useString
emissionDateFor Azuga Internal useString
serviceDueDateFor Azuga Internal useString
roadTaxDateFor Azuga Internal useString
permitDateFor Azuga Internal useString
fireExtinguisherDateFor Azuga Internal useString
firstAidKitFor Azuga Internal useBoolean
rtsiDocsFor Azuga Internal useBoolean
rtsiDocsDateFor Azuga Internal useString
safetyTagsFor Azuga Internal useBoolean
safetyTagsDateFor Azuga Internal useString
othersFor Azuga Internal useString
trackeeDetailsCreatedByFor Azuga Internal useString
trackeeDetailsCreatedAtFor Azuga Internal useTimestamp
trackeeDetailsDeletedFor Azuga Internal useBoolean
pairingTypeIdFor Azuga Internal useInteger
pairingTypeFor Azuga Internal useString
tollDeviceFor Azuga Internal useString
wexFor Azuga Internal useString
lastMileageChangeFor Azuga Internal useString
tagTypeName of the tag typeString
lastServiceDateLast service date in UTC millisecondsDate
nextServiceDateNext service date in UTC millisecondsDate
deletedTrackeeFor Azuga Internal useBoolean
primaryApplicationFor Azuga Internal useString
secondaryApplicationFor Azuga Internal useString
loadFor Azuga Internal useString
vehicleLoadFor Azuga Internal useString
architectureTypeFor Azuga Internal useString
locationFor Azuga Internal useString
districtFor Azuga Internal useString
stateFor Azuga Internal useString
countryFor Azuga Internal useString
vehicleTagsName of the vehicle tags enclosed by # symbolString
vehicleTagsAssociatedFor Azuga Internal useList
vehicleTagsNamesFor Azuga Internal useList
tripExistsFor Azuga Internal useboolean
iconIdStringFor Azuga Internal useboolean
deviceNameName of the device associated with the assetString
vehicleIdUnique identifier representing the assetString
errorError description - if anyList
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!