View Maintenance History

This API allows the user to view the maintenance history of your account. You are allowed to filter the records between time range by passing the 'startTime' and 'endTime' as query parameters.


Sample Request 12:00:00 AM&endTime=2023-03-27 11:59:59 PM&isCount=false


API Response explanation

FieldDescriptionData Type
generatedAtInMillisAPI generation time in UTC millisecondsLong
dataObject representing the details of the maintenance historyObject
vehicleNameName of the vehicleString
serviceTypeType of the service configuredString
assetNumberAsset number of the vehicleString
offsetOffset value representing the local time of the vehicle with UTCInteger
lastTimezoneLast timezone detected by the device from vehicle's locationString
vehicleIdUnique identifier representing the vehicleString
rulesetIdUnique identifier representing the rulesetString
groupNameName of the groupString
alertIdUnique identifier representing the maintenance alertString
alertNameName of the maintenance alertString
odoChoiceBoolean which represents whether the odometer reading is from the vehicle or manual calculation

True = Odo value from vehicle
False = Manual calculation by Azuga based on Initial odometer reading
vehicleSupportedOdoVehicle supported odometer readingDouble
odoSupportedMileageOdometer reading from the vehicle as of the service dateDouble
serviceDateService date in UTC millisecondsTimestamp
serviceDateStrService date in mmm-dd-yyyy formatString
serviceDaysService days set for the vehicleInteger
reminderDaysReminder days set for the vehicleInteger
nextServiceDateNext service date in UTC millisecondsTimestamp
nextServiceDateStrNext service date in mmm-dd-yyyy formatString
initialMileageOdometer reading as of the service dateDouble
currentMileageOdometer reading as of current dateDouble
serviceMileageThe frequency of vehicle to be service from the last services mileageDouble
reminderMilesReminder miles of the vehicleDouble
nextServiceMileageNext service mileage of the vehicleDouble
intialEngineHrsInitial engine hours of the vehicleLong
intialEngineHrsStrInitial engine hours in time format of the vehicleString
currentEngineHrsCurrent engine hours of the vehicleLong
currentEngineHrsStrCurrent engine hours in time format of the vehicleString
serviceHrsService hours of the vehicleInteger
serviceHrsStrService hours in time format of the vehicleString
reminderEngineHrsReminder engine hours of the vehicleInteger
reminderEngineHrsStrReminder engine hours in time format of the vehicleString
nextEngineHrsNext engine hours of the vehicleLong
nextEngineHrsStrNext engine hours in time format of the vehicleString
rc0EnableBoolean representing whether Mileage(Miles) is enabled for the vehicle reminderboolean
rc1EnableBoolean representing whether Time Interval is enabled for the vehicle reminderboolean
rc2EnableBoolean representing whether Engine Run Time(Hrs) is enabled for the vehicle reminderboolean
trackeeTypeIdUnique identifier representing the type of the vehicle. The following values are valid:

1 - Vehicle
3 - Asset
5 - OEM
currentMileageAssetCurrent odometer reading of the assetDouble
currentEngineHrsAssetCurrent engine hours of the assetLong
alertCountFor Azuga internal useInteger
userNameName of the driver associated with the vehicleString
dueDaysNumber of days the service is dueint
upcomingBoolean value representing whether the reminder is upcoming or not

True = Upcoming
False = Overdue
errorError description - if anyList
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